God of Destruction

Chapter 3258: Jealous

Chapter 3258

Chapter 3258

After paying such a big price and paying so much effort, what I got in the end was the destruction of chance. Not to mention the God King of World Destroying Shura, even any strong person could not accept it, so before this disaster strikes, here Before the hope was shattered, the God King Shura Destroyed the World had to work hard to use his last bit of strength, he had no choice.

The three different avenues are changing with the madness of the Destroyed Asura God King. When the Destroyed Asura God King suddenly put his hands together, a loud noise resounded through the world. The three avenues were unified, and the whole The heavens and the earth, and the entire universe were shaken by it, as if at this moment the ten thousand laws were retreating. The three avenues of killing, destroying, and destroying the world were completely integrated. Suddenly, the power of the **** king Shura increased sharply, and his momentum rose wildly. , Let the whole world tremble!

"Damn it, is the God King Destroyed Shura crazy? He actually mobilized a power he couldn't bear!" When he felt the impact of that terrifying aura, Xing Tian couldn't help but yelled at the God King Destroyed Shura, the other party This is totally desperate, desperate at all costs. You must know that when these three great powers merged, blood stains appeared on the body of the **** of extinction asura, which is the performance of the **** king of extinction asura. If this kind of power explodes within himself, the God King Shura will definitely be blown to pieces. Not only will he be wiped out, but all the creatures in the entire battlefield will suffer an extinction, no matter what they are. The Asura army, Xing Tian, ​​and even the many ancient powerhouses sheltered by the ancient great formation, they will all be destroyed by this terrifying force, and no one can survive.

At this moment, Xing Tian had the thought of getting out and fleeing. After all, the current God King Shura Destroyed was really crazy, so crazy that Xing Tian was terrified. Xing Tian did not know whether the body of God King Destroyed Shura could be. Withstanding the impact of this violent force, if he fails, Xing Tian will also face the disaster of extinction.

The thought of escaping only flashed through Xing Tian’s mind. Just like the madness of the God King Shura, Xing Tian was also extremely crazy. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Even the God King of Shura is evolving, In order to transform, he can be crazy enough to disregard his own life and death. What is there to fear Xing Tian, ​​and what is there to fear.

After calming down, Xing Tian suppressed all his own power with all his strength, and eliminated the influence of this horrible aura as much as possible. As long as he persisted, as long as he persisted, as long as he persisted, as long as he persisted until the Destroying Shura King controlled this skyrocketing power, everything would end , All crises will be lifted, persistence is victory, at this time, under such circumstances, Xing Tian has only this choice!

auzw.com The avenue is the foundation of the universe and the world. Any avenue of the three thousand avenues can suppress the heaven and the earth. The three avenues are unified, and their power is even more terrifying, especially The God King Destroyed Shura has mastered these three thousand great avenues even more. It can be said that when these three great avenues appear, the God King Destroyed Shura has already achieved power from the origin of the world, and he is gaining power from the entire universe. The world will seize the power of the laws of these three great avenues, he wants to become the master of the laws!

Wrath, anger~! At this moment, the sky was angry, but the cosmic will has nothing to do with the God King Asura, because its power has to deal with the powerful enemy from outside the territory, even if the God King asura is taking the path from it at this time, the universe will There is no way to fight back, nor to give a fatal blow to the God King Shura of Destroying the World. This is the Great Tribulation of Destroying the World. Even the will of the universe must compromise in the Great Tribulation!

Win the road! Xing Tian was on the battlefield. As the **** king of the world extinction Shura continued to rise, he could clearly feel the move of the **** king of the world extinction Shura, he could feel the power of seizing the way, and he could cultivate the laws of the great way to such a terrifying level. To the extent of being able to win the will of the universe in this piece of heaven and earth, it has to be said that the God King Destroying Asura is powerful, and we have to admit how terrifying the God King of Destroying Asura is based on the mastery of the law, and we have to admit Destroy the madness of the **** king Shura.

The bloodstain on the physical body is getting bigger and bigger. It is obvious that the physical body of God King Shura is on the verge of collapse. If he continues to persist, it may not be long before this physical body will be caused by those three. The fusion of the power of the law of the selected road collapses, and it will be directly burst by the terrifying power. After all, this power is too terrifying and too huge.

If the King of World Destroying Asura can have the law of life and can repair himself, perhaps he can continue to persevere, but he does not have such power, so he has only one choice, and that is to take action and quickly consume his own huge power , To complete all of this before his own physical body was burst by this terrifying force.

Although the God King Destroyed Asura was very crazy at this moment, he was very clear about his own situation. He knew how terrifying the danger he was facing at this time, and knew that his body could no longer hold on to it, even in his heart. No matter how unwilling he is, at this moment, he must give up to continue to cohesive combat power, he must take the initiative to attack, even if this will affect his plan, even if it will make his calculations unexpected, he has no choice, life and death Let him make a decision!

"Kill!" Without hesitation, God King Shura once again made a move. This time his attack was extremely terrifying. Under the combination of the three great avenues, that huge power blasted wildly on the ancient great formation. When this terrifying force collided with the ancient great formation, the hearts of all the creatures in the entire battlefield seemed to be severely shaken, and their hearts were shocked by that power at this moment. The whole world, the whole world They were all trembling, and the ancient great formation was torn apart directly in front of this power, and the ancient great formation with its inadequate origin was collapsing little by little.

"Damn it, how is this possible? How can the God King Destroy Asura still have such power to directly tear through the defenses of the ancient great formation!" There is such a terrible crisis, so that the dark gods and demons will let the ancient powers who follow him do It’s shocking. Under this blow, not only the ancient Great Array collapsed, but also the big loopholes in their previous plan. Even all the strong men who presided over the ancient Great Array were in this attack. The next was directly suppressed. In an instant, all the creatures were caught in a crisis of death. If they could not stop the attack of the Destroyer Shura King, if they could not stop the enemy's invasion, only death was waiting for them!

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