God of Destruction

Chapter 3271: Festival

Chapter 3271

Chapter 3271

"No, you can't continue like this. Otherwise, even if you hide it well, you will be approached by those lunatics and use your own origin to breed new clones. Although it is good, it is not desirable and unfeasible. Now What I need is to strengthen my own combat power. No matter how great the potential of this clone is, no matter how strong it is, but it cannot quickly grow its own combat power. That is its own drag, which will pull itself into the endless abyss. Not the result I wanted!"

Although he is unwilling to give up or give up in his heart, Xing Tian has no choice but to survive this world-destroying catastrophe. He cannot use the power of his own deity to nurture a clone, otherwise he will only fall into death. In the crisis, not only the clone is difficult to survive, even the deity will die and die, but Xing Tian bears not only his own life and death, but also the life and death of many creatures in the little thousand world. His life is not only his own.

With a cruel heart, Xing Tian frantically cut out the clone that was being conceived in his physical body, and buried his clone here, in this temporarily safe place, allowing the clone to absorb the evil spirit between the world and the earth on its own, and let the clone Swallow all the negative forces generated by this world-destroying catastrophe to complete their own growth and evolution, so that the deity can get rid of all burdens.

For this decision made by the deity, the clone has no objection. After all, the clone does not want to die before he grows up, and if the deity is perished, he will definitely die. You must know that being with the deity is very dangerous, especially Now that the deity appeared on the battlefield, he received more attention, and the situation became more dangerous. If he continued to attach to the deity and absorb the deity’s nutrients, this would greatly affect the deity’s practice. At that time, it was not just the deity. Being in danger, oneself is also in danger. Instead of facing such a dangerous situation, it is better to separate from the deity now.

With the cooperation of the clone, Xing Tian allocated one-third of the origin power to nurture the clone, giving the clone time and opportunity to grow, first dividing one-third of the soul, and then dividing one-third of the origin. , Such a result made Xingtian not only consume all the sources he had robbed before, but he also paid a huge price, but Xingtian didn’t regret it, because as long as his clone could survive the catastrophe Growing up will be of great help to one's own practice.

A complete battle of destruction of the great world, a terrifying calamity of destruction of the world, this has incomparable benefits for the practice of the law of destruction, the road of destruction, and the road of calamity, such an opportunity, I am afraid that in a lifetime It’s only once. If you miss it, it’s really hard to meet again. After all, you can’t always limit your cultivation level and realm to the current level, and you can’t even have the opportunity to bring this world-destroying catastrophe again once!

auzw.com The avatar was soon separated. Such a separation caused Xing Tian's vitality to be greatly injured. If there are enemies at this time, I am afraid that Xing Tian is really dead and dead. After all, Xing Tian is now a body. The combat power is already ten and one, and this time the practice of the clone has consumed too much energy and origin. It can be said that Xing Tian is really physically and mentally exhausted.

Although Xing Tian wanted to recuperate, take a good rest, and restore his own source and energy that had consumed so much, so that his body and mind could relax and be relieved, but this is just a beautiful fantasy for him. An impossible fantasy. In today’s nasty situation, Xing Tian still has time to rest. He needs to quickly regain his own combat power and restore his own source of huge consumption. Otherwise, when the next war comes, then Big trouble!

Xing Tian didn’t think that he would still have the great opportunity of sneak attack before, and he didn’t think that Shura and the Zerg would give him the opportunity of sneak attack. After one success, such an opportunity would not appear again. If he still wanted to have such a chance. Opportunities and abilities are just killing themselves, and only stupid people can make such illusions.

Recovering his own consumption only relied on his own inner world to complete. This also required a huge amount of time. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian hit his mind on the few world-destroying Asuras he had looted. If he could Refining the origins of these World Destroying Asuras can not only restore their previous huge consumption, but also master the secret of the detachment of the World Destroying Asuras. You must know that there is a power that fascinates Xing Tian in the Destroying Asura.

Take a deep breath, calm down my mood again, relax my body and mind, and enable myself to complete my last exploration without interference from any force! Yes, this is an unprecedented exploration for Xing Tian, ​​exploring the greatest secret of Shura that destroys the world, exploring the secrets of the powerful enemy from the universe, exploring the secrets of transcending the world, and exploring the truth of this world destruction. The secret, explore the secret of the universe.

It can be said that many secrets are imprinted on Shura's body, at least for Xing Tian, ​​a race that can survive from ancient times to the present, a race controlled by a powerful enemy outside the territory, and a traitor to this universe. exist.

Perhaps in the eyes of many creatures, even in the eyes of the ancient gods and gods and demons, the Asura clan, even the Zerg clan, are outsiders and aliens who invade the world, but there is a kind of madness in Xingtian’s heart. These two races may not be like this. They may have been tempted by powerful enemies from outside the territory, and have gained a trace of the origin of powerful enemies outside the territory. From the original creatures of this universe, they evolved into the current extinct race. Enemies of the universe, and all these secrets are in their bodies, in their origin, this is what Xing Tian desires.

After paying such a huge price, Xing Tian didn't want to see this expectation in his heart shattered, so even no matter how much he looked forward to in his heart now, no matter how excited he was, Xing Tian didn't dare to act rashly, knowing that there is only one chance, if this time he fails. , If you want to explore this secret, you need to pay a greater price, and that price may not be something Xingtian can bear. Ancient gods and ancient gods and demons are not fools, and Xiu Luo is not a fool, so he won't give Xingtian any more. Such an opportunity, as long as they pay more attention to Xingtian's actions before, they can easily understand Xingtian's true intentions!

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