God of Destruction

Chapter 3276: Festival power

Chapter 3276: Strength

give up! The World Destroying Shura masters gave up counterattack and gave up the secret of protecting their own blood. At this moment, their lives are the most important in their hearts. After they make a decision, a faint breath disappears from them. , It’s just that these World Extinguishing Shura don’t know, after all, it’s the World Extinguishing Tribulation, everything is mysterious.

Qi Luck, at the moment when Shi Shi Shura gave up, their own Qi Yun was depleted, and at the same time, Xing Tian’s cracking speed accelerated, because at the moment Shi Shi Shura gave up, Xing Tian faced resistance. Then it became smaller in an instant, so Xing Tian was able to crack down on the secret of the bloodline of the Destroying Asura even more, and could directly face the mysterious power.

"What is this, and how is it so similar to the aura of chaos? Can it be said that this is also the power of chaos?" When directly facing the mysterious power, Xing Tian's heart instantly appeared such an idea. This mysterious power is controlled by Xing Tian. His Chaos Avenue was similar to his own Chaos Clone, and this power made Xing Tian's heart puzzled.

Although this mysterious power is similar to Chaos Avenue, it is different. And this difference makes Xing Tian dare not ascertain his guess, so that Xing Tian can't draw conclusions lightly. After all, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to his own life and death. There is a slight sloppy care related to one's own practice, which will hurt oneself and bring devastating disaster to oneself!

"No, it shouldn't be Chaos Avenue. If this is the original power of Chaos Avenue, then there is also Chaos Avenue in one's Three Thousand Avenues. This is a new power, a power that I have never seen before. It just looks similar to the Chaos Avenue!" Xing Tian quickly rejected his guess in his heart, after all, there are many similar avenues between the world and the earth.

"If this wasn't the power of Chaos Avenue, what would it be?" Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of this, so that he could wake up from the troubles and calm down again, but at this moment , A thought flashed through Xing Tian's sea of ​​consciousness, making Xing Tian stunned in an instant, and the whole person was stunned.

"No, maybe I was wrong. This is the power of the Chaos Dao, but it is not the power of the Chaos Dao that I know. It is the chaos Dao of the outer world, or the true origin of the chaotic world. You must know that Powerful enemies outside the territory are not creatures in this universe. The fundamental power of the Shura clan he created is naturally different from this universe!"

Although this idea is very crazy, Xing Tian's heart vaguely understands that this is the truth of the matter, and only the origin of the extraterritorial world, the chaotic power of the extraterritorial world, can be so similar to the chaotic road of the universe world. If it is true, it means that in order to transcend the universe world, one needs to accept the chaotic origin of this outer world, or the true chaotic origin power, and only this true chaotic origin power can be integrated into oneself and into oneself. Only in the great avenue can he master the method of detachment, and only then can he truly detach from this universe.


When Xing Tian was sure of his guess, a loud bang sounded in his inner world. At this moment, his world tree had undergone a shock, and he swallowed this mysterious power directly. Tao may be the real power of chaos, and at this moment, Xing Tian felt that his inner world had changed, and his own world tree that supported the world had also changed, even when the world tree changed, The Three Thousand Avenues of the world are also changing.

power! At this moment, Xing Tian felt the recovery of his power, just swallowing this mysterious power, allowing his previous huge consumption to quickly recover, allowing his divided soul to recover, and his own essence and blood to recover. It seemed that at this moment, Xing Tian's body and soul were fully recovered!

For an instant, Xing Tian's mind seemed to be melted into an inexplicable state. The power of the Three Thousand Dao was constantly changing in his body, and the physical body was constantly changing under the tempering of the Three Thousand Dao. , His body had undergone an inexplicable change, but Xing Tian couldn't figure out this slight change, but he felt a little bit vaguely.

"Perhaps this is the secret of transcending the world. If you can plunder enough of your source and let more of this power blend into yourself, you will be able to complete your own transformation and make your own practice further!" After finishing swallowing that mysterious power, Xing Tian suddenly had such a thought in his heart.

After swallowing that mysterious power, Xing Tian could clearly feel the changes in the tree of the world, and felt that the power of the tree of the world had gone one step further, capable of transforming more vitality of the world, but the mysterious power was still Too little, not enough to support the overall change of the tree of the world, not enough to support the transformation of the entire inner world, and also not enough to support the transformation of his own physical body. Such a result makes Xing Tian's heart inevitably a pity!

Plundering more of the origin and plundering this more mysterious power requires a frontal battle with the Asura Army of the World Destruction, and Xing Tian’s current power is simply not enough to do this. After all, the Army of the World Destruction Shura is not that low-level. Zerg, let yourself kill, especially after you sneaked on the Asura army before, all the Asuras will be vigilant and will not give yourself this opportunity again. If you want to repeat the previous sneak attack, then It will only kill itself.

"Damn, how could this happen, do I really have no choice but to have a life and death battle with this world-destroying Shura, and even so, can I really plunder enough mysterious power? In such a situation, those ancient gods Demons and ancient gods will not know at all, this is impossible, if they don't know at all, then how could they be so afraid of annihilating the world!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian's expression changed again, and he said angrily: "These ancient **** are not credible at all. The Hercules has hidden more secrets from me, and he didn't tell me the most crucial way of detachment, what? The fusion avenue is just branches and leaves. Perhaps this fusion avenue can be detached in the end, but it is only a method of subjugation, or even impossible to get through. After all, it is the Great Tribulation of World Extinction, and I don’t have so much time. Practice!" 8

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