God of Destruction

Chapter 3296: Enemy retreat

Chapter 3296: Enemy Retreat

"It's too late! We have done everything that should be done. It can be said that now we have successfully completed the goals we set before. At this time, we should know how to advance and retreat. The general knowledge of these'ants' in front of them, they can no longer see the hope of victory, endless resentment has been born in their hearts, and even the crazy idea of ​​fighting to the death. At this time, if we continue to fight, we will only suffer. I agree. retreat!"

"Well said, it's time for us to retreat, it's time to recuperate, regain our strength, and wait for the final decisive battle to arrive. We don't have to continue fighting these **** to the end!" The voices continued to sound, and all the strong were very Almost reached a consensus, everyone agreed to strike, agreed to withdraw from this battlefield!

Not to be missed! Everyone understands this truth. If they can’t take advantage of the opportunity of many ancient powerhouses attracted by this shocking change to retreat, when they wake up, the Asura and Zerg army will pay a greater price. , Will sacrifice more vitality to complete this retreat, and that is what they are unwilling to accept!

"Retreat!" With an order, the Zerg army and the World Exterminating Shura army immediately turned around. Before the enemy could react, they drew away frantically and quickly distanced themselves from the enemy. Such a war, when one party retreats, the war will naturally end, and Xing Tian, ​​who is on the battlefield, is instantly dumbfounded.

"Damn, this World Destroying Shura and the Zerg are really hateful. They even chose to retreat under favorable circumstances. Are they crazy? I don't know if they take advantage of this opportunity to give the enemy a fatal blow!" Xing Tian roared in his heart. , I am not reconciled, because as soon as the exterminating Shura and the Zerg retreat, it is impossible for him to want to plunder more of the origin. With Xingtian’s wisdom, I understand that this battle is over. Shrink your strength and the flames of war will stop!

No matter how angry he was in his heart, when such a panic happened, Xing Tian didn't dare to neglect, he quickly retracted with a move of his mind, and instantly mobilized his three thousand great powers to seal his breath, and quickly disappeared. In this void, so as not to be stared at by those retreating enemies, he would beheaded and killed.

With the power of the two armies of Shura and the Zerg, if they really wanted to kill Xingtian, it would be only a momentary matter. Even if Xingtian’s three thousand avenues are strong, even if his defense is better. In the face of crowds gathering fire, they will also be taken away by a wave. In this universe, no strong person has the confidence to face such a powerful attack!

auzw.com "No, these **** are going to retreat. They want to turn around and run away after they have calculated us. We can't give them this opportunity. We have to make these **** pay a heavy price and let them Know the price of playing us!" After seeing the exterminating Shura army and the Zerg army quickly withdraw, finally an ancient powerhouse saw the purpose of each other!

"No, let them go. We were indeed calculated by these **** and lost the initiative, but we are also not easy to continue fighting with them. After all, our losses are too great. We need time to cultivate and regenerate. Considering the next direction, we need time to communicate with the original will of the universe and the world, and we need to understand the real situation!"

"We can no longer be like scattered sand. We can no longer be guarded and selfish. We can no longer waste a lot of energy on the original will of the universe. It must give us a result and a guarantee. Only we Only by being able to let go of the guard against the original will of the universe and the world and face this catastrophe wholeheartedly, only then can we go to the end, and only then can we blaze a trail in that endless crisis!"

"Negotiate, it's time for us to confront the original will of the universe world, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for us. The existence of this crack in the starry sky will continue to weaken the original power of the universe world and destroy the world. Choosing to withdraw from the Zerg army at this time is just because they don’t want to continue fighting, and they don’t want to sacrifice their own vitality. They want to use the advantage of time to eat us bit by bit, so we must make a change!"

change! It's easy to say, but difficult to do. To face a crazy cosmic world's original will, no one knows what the opponent will become after being hit by such a terrible blow, whether it will become more crazy and even more unreasonable!

"For a long time to come, we won't have any more wars. Whether it is the Zerg or Shura, they all need to recuperate, and the situation is developing in their favor. They will not lighten up. At the end of the war, this is our opportunity and our opportunity to change the situation. Now we need to unify our thinking, otherwise we cannot put pressure on the original will of the universe and world, and cannot pressure the other party to accept our suggestions!"

"To do this, we need to unify all forces. We need to talk to Xing Tian. After all, he has a lot of power in his hands. We also need to talk to the creatures of this era, just to do this. Everything is not an easy task. Whether it is Xingtian or the creatures of this era, they all have their own plans!"

"Yeah, they are different from each other. They are not the same with us. I am afraid that there will be no results in talking with them. They will only waste time in vain, because they do not know the ferocity of the powerful enemy outside the territory. The horror of the situation, even if we tell them everything, they will not believe it, after all, they have not experienced that crazy battle!"

When talking about this, the voice of the ancient **** and demon paused, then sighed, and continued: "When the cracks in the starry sky appear, I am afraid that the creatures of this era will not only have no fear, but on the contrary. They will be excited because they have seen the hope of detachment, they have seen the world outside this universe, and even they have the intention to take this opportunity to detach from this universe and go out of this universe, but we cannot To prevent this from happening, whoever prevents them from exploring the cracks in the starry sky at this time, I am afraid that they will immediately attract their hostility, and the civil war will inevitably begin!"

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