God of Destruction

Chapter 3311: Threat

Chapter 3311 Threat

If you knew that your own mouthfulness would cause such a terrible crisis before, killing the Thunder Emperor God and Demon would not fire Xingtian, but it was a pity that it had already happened. He had fallen into a crisis of death, and regret was useless. If he wants to survive, he has to hold on to the Destiny, Death, and Shadow, and use their power to get away.

"Damn, bastard, Lei Di, do you know what you are talking about? You are against all of us, you are against the original will of the universe, you dare to explode, the original will of the universe will directly obliterate you , At that time you will be destroyed, there is no possibility of resurrection, because you have betrayed the universe, you are destroying the entire universe, you can not bear the consequences, maybe you have not waited for you to explode, you have been wiped out! "The Destiny God and Demon sneered disdainfully, and his eyes were filled with endless killing intent and anger. This was the first time he was threatened by others, and the first time he was plunged into such danger. Lei Di Divine Demon really had to do this, then he and everyone in the Void Crack must die, no one can escape the big explosion of the power of Chaos, Destiny Divine Demon can't do it, Xing Tian can't do it either.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Things have reached this point, what else can I take into consideration? If you want me to die, then everyone will die together. What if you betray the universe? The original will of the universe first gave up me, I think Naturally, people will not be able to live without life. When I die, everyone will die with me. This is my determination. No power can change my determination!"

Crazy! Under the threat of death, the Thunder God and Demon is crazy, his mind has been lost. At this time, he can do anything. If the Destiny God and Demon dare to take action against the Thunder God and Demon, then the entire universe All will face destruction! Human beings are not for themselves and the heavens are extinguished. This human selfishness is exposed on him naked, naked, and naked, without any cover. He does not want to die, he wants to fight for the ray of life, so he said this, Make such a crazy decision!

Lei Di Divine Demon's idea is good, but is he really able to do this? Although it is a void in this place, although it is connected to the chaos, the original will of the universe world really has not left a little back, there will be no preparation, and Xing Tian really will allow this to happen, when Xing Tian did not think of the worst. The result?

No, Xing Tian thought that the reason why Xing Tian didn’t do anything was to see the reaction of the destiny gods and demons, to see the reaction of the original will of the universe, and to know that when the universe is facing destruction, he is the master of the universe. Or, will you take action to prevent everything from happening? Will the powerful enemy outside the territory take the opportunity to make a big move to continue to tear the defense of the barriers of the universe world!

"Lei Di, are you really determined to do things so absolutely, do you really want to leave yourself a little back?" When seeing the crazy look of the Lei Di Divine Demon, the Destiny Divine Demon drew in a low voice. I also want to persuade the Thunder God and Demon to give up this crazy idea, knowing that this idea is to be the enemy of the entire universe world, and that is to betray the universe world. As the master of the universe world, this is not allowed. Happens, and all of them will fall into a crisis of death.


"Fate, I don’t want to do this, but you force me to do this. You have another choice, which is to kill the ant. All of this is caused by the ant. He has driven us to a desperate situation. , As long as we work together to destroy him, and everyone has talks, this crisis will pass, and now is the time for you to choose!"

Speaking of this, the face of the Thunder God and Demon couldn't help showing a dark and cold smile. The smile made people feel chills. Previously, the Destiny God and Demon took the initiative and threatened the Thunder God. Demon, and now the situation has changed. Thunder God and Demon have mastered the initiative, while Destiny God and Demon have fallen behind. The most important thing is that Thunder God and Demon will force the Destiny God and Demon to fight Xingtian and want to sit down. Reap the benefits of the fisherman, let the destiny, death, shadow, and Xingtian fight both. !

"Lei Di, do you know what you are talking about? You can really be in a void in the cracks, you can take the initiative, can you threaten us if you are really able to blew up? If you still have a little sense of reason, then stop. , We can negotiate. If you insist on going your own way, there is only war and destruction between us. Your little power is not enough to shake the void cracks. You are not an extraterritorial powerhouse, let alone the original will of the universe!"

compromise? No, the destiny **** and demon will not compromise, especially at this time, let alone compromise. The destiny **** and demon believe that at this moment, there are countless eyes staring at the void in the void. If you compromise at this time, then I am afraid that I can retreat from the void, and what is waiting for me in the end will be death, because I cannot bear such a big cause and effect!

"Huh! Huh! You want to use big talk to scare me, destiny, you have no choice, this is your only way to survive!" The Destiny God and Demon are unwilling to compromise. The other side's advice!

"Okay, very good, this is what you asked for, you are killing yourself!" After hearing the words of the Thunder Emperor God and Demon, the look of the Destiny God and Demon changed. Time waits for no one. You are here. In the chaos, eroded by the power of that chaos, even the destiny **** and demon can't hold on for long. Since the Thunder Emperor **** and demon is unwilling to compromise, he can only grant him a death.

Why did the Destiny God and Demon not choose to negotiate with Xingtian? Why did he not choose to target Xingtian, because Destiny God and Demon understands Xingtian and knows that Xingtian will not give him such an opportunity. As long as he changes a little bit, what awaits him will be devastating. The blow, trapped in a void in the crevice, entangled by the power of chaos, the destiny **** and devil dare not take risks. In the heart of destiny **** and devil, Xingtian’s threat is much higher than thunder **** and devil, because destiny **** and devil see Impenetrable days.

"Fate, we can't let the madness of Lei Di go on, otherwise everyone will die. If this **** is alive, then we are in danger anytime and anywhere. It can be said that he is alive, and my heart is disturbed. We must kill him. , Otherwise the original will of the universe world will not let us go, all of us have to die here!" A voice rang in the ears of the Destiny God and Demon, and the appearance of this voice strengthened the Destiny Demon’s determination!

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