God of Destruction

Chapter 3316: Greed

Chapter 3316 Greedy

Inner world! In this cosmic world, not only Xingtian has an inner world, but many ancient powerhouses have their own inner world. Although the inner world can help them digest the impact of the origin of chaos, it will also cause severe damage to the inner world, even Directly assimilated by the power of the chaotic origin, for them they dare not use the inner world to digest the chaotic origin, nor can they do so, they can’t do this, nor dare to be so crazy, because of such a violent chaotic origin The power is beyond the range they can bear. If they have to do this, it is self-destruction and self-destruction! Because to complete the weakening of the power of the chaotic origin requires a strong physical body, and this is something they don't have, and they can't control it!

"Damn it, how could this **** Xingtian have such a terrifying body? He just accepted the inheritance of the ancient space god, not the ancient gods at all!" The death gods couldn't help but roared, in his opinion this was a mockery of himself. What he couldn’t do as an ancient **** and demon, but let Xing Tian, ​​a **** who he regarded as an'ant', do it. This is a shame, a shame of Tianda, but he didn’t dare to go forward with the opponent. World War I.

The face of the destiny **** and demon changed, and he whispered: "Enough, take your heart, and concentrate. If you don't want to die, you'd better put away that ridiculous anger. This is already a battlefield. If you are not careful, you will die. , It doesn't matter if you want to die, but you can't drag us down!"

For the performance of the two ancient gods and demons around me, the destiny gods and demons are really distressed. The two people's temperaments are really different, too much, and I don't know that the minds of the ancient wars have been hit hard and have not recovered. Or they are like this, in such a dangerous environment, if they can't even grasp their own minds, it is really dangerous. Although the destiny **** wants to distance himself from these two bastards, he can't do it. After all, in such a situation, only Baotuan has a silver lining. If he partes with him, he is definitely ruining himself. .

"Damn, how could I meet such two ignorant bastards!" The destiny **** demon was also a little unbearable in his heart, and couldn't help but secretly scolded these two **** in front of him. These two made him nervous and uneasy. Bastard. But what's the use of swearing in the heart like this, it can't solve the problem at all. The angry destiny is still suffocated. This result makes him really suffocated, but he can only grit his teeth and continue to bear it. Who will let his life? Under the influence of these two bastards!

After taking a deep breath, working hard to calm his mind, the destiny **** and demon said in a deep voice to death **** and shadow **** and demon: "I don't care what unwillingness and anger are in your hearts, but you have to Keep in mind that we are now in a dangerous situation, and a little carelessness is death. No matter how you look down on Xingtian, you can’t show it or let the other party notice it, or you’ll just burn your body. Will harm others and self!"

Although the words of the Destiny God and Demon are a bit heavy, the two ancient Gods and Demons who have awakened understand that this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. If you want to survive, you can only endure and silence. Both of them nodded. , Said solemnly: "Fate fellows, please rest assured, we know what to do, and we don't want to die here!"


When hearing these words, the Destiny God and Demon heaved a sigh of relief and said: "Now the original will of the universe world has already attacked Xingtian. Don’t look at Xingtian’s behavior now is crazy and powerful, but if he waits for a powerful enemy outside the territory When the power comes, his trouble is big, and when that moment comes, it is when we get away. At that time, no one will pay attention to our existence. We have to attack with all our strength, leave directly through the air, and return to the world. Everything has nothing to do with us!"

Facing the temptation of powerful enemies outside the territory, is there really no greed in the heart of the destiny god? No, he also has a bit of greed in his heart, and he wants to take a bit of the power of the origin, but such an action is too dangerous, and anyone who is not careful will be calculated by the origin will of the universe and the world, for his own life, fate The gods and demons still gave up.

The destiny gods and demons can calmly face the temptation of this benefit, but the death gods and shadow gods and demons cannot do it, especially when they see the situation in front of them, their hearts are faintly moved. , His face could not help showing a faint unwilling look again, that trace of painful struggling look was seen in the eyes of the destiny god!

"I repeat, don’t have the slightest bit of greed. This battle is not something we can involve. Once we are caught in it, we will not only face the impact of powerful enemies from outside the territory, but also face the original will of the universe. Calculate, if any of you thinks that you have the ability to fight these two black hands alone, then you can do it, if you do it and get caught in it, then I won't be able to save each other!"

You Dao is a dead Dao friend who is not dead and poor Dao. When I saw these two **** still did not wake up from that greed, the destiny **** demon couldn’t help but think of breaking with them, despite this choice. It also has a great impact on itself, but this kind of danger is always smaller than the result of being stared at by the original will of the universe world!

Being able to become ancient gods and demons naturally has extraordinary abilities. When the destiny gods and demons reiterate their attitude again, the death gods and shadow gods and demons can naturally feel the determination in the words of the destiny gods and demons. If they really don’t Consciousness, I really don't know how to advance or retreat, and the only thing waiting for them is death and death, and the companion in front of them will not help them.

"Friends can rest assured that we have all experienced life and death battles and understand what we can and can't do. Although we are reluctant to give up this opportunity, compared with our own lives, no matter how good the chance is It's not worth mentioning. If you lose the chance, you can look for it again. If your life is lost, then everything is over. We still understand the truth!"

The destiny nodded and said: "Okay, very good, you can understand it, no matter how good your interests are, your own life is not as important as your own life. This time we were wrong at the beginning. We underestimated the calculation of the original will of the universe. , I underestimated the other party's determination, so we can't make the same mistake again, can't be in a desperate situation, or we can only die, in such a crisis, we can only rely on ourselves!"

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