God of Destruction

Chapter 3322: Festival showdown

Chapter 3322 Showdown

"It's crazy, it's not just about borrowing a knife to kill people, but wanting to clear the field. I don't know why it has such confidence to face such a terrifying enemy, but I believe that after this battle, the whole world will be There is no more peace, no more trust, all creatures will fight for their own life and death!" The dark gods and demons also have endless anger in their hearts at this moment. Under such a situation, the so-called agreement before is really true. Turning into nothingness, it is no longer possible to convince many powerful people. Once again, everyone has to worry about their own survival, and the whole world will be chaotic.

Although I don’t know the real situation of the Destroyer Shura and the Zerg at this moment, but with such a crazy source of chaos pouring into this universe, you can understand that the strength of the Destroyer Shura and the Zerg will be greatly increased after a little thought. After the war, it is really unknown whether these **** will continue to give in. No one knows how these lunatics will react.

"It's really a good way to kill with a knife. It wants to kill all the creatures in the entire universe. On the bright side, it doesn't count us, but in fact it is driving us to extinction. World Asura’s strength has greatly increased, and the next unlucky nature is the creatures in our world. It wants us to lose-lose with the Zerg and World Destruction Asura. I really don’t know where its confidence comes from. I dare to do so. Crazy move?"

Crazy, the original will of the universe world today is really crazy, crazy enough to make those ancient powerhouses incredible. Such madness has inevitably caused fear and anxiety in the hearts of all creatures. Under this situation, they almost watched Less than a little bit of vitality, they don't understand what the original will of the universe world is to do and what they want to do. Is such madness really beneficial to it? Can it really have the last laugh and become the biggest winner?

"Wait, no matter what direction this situation is going, I dare not dare to have any real intentions for this lunatic. We have only patience now, and we can only wait. As long as it does not reveal its weakness, as long as we do not have the ability to kill with one blow, then we have to wait !" Soon the Hercules Demon Panzun awoke from the terrifying shock, and said what was in his heart.

Waiting sounds very simple, but behind this simplicity is endless pain and struggle, with too much anxiety and fear. It can be said that waiting is my greatest enemy, that is, I face the fear and anxiety in my heart. If there is a slight difference, then the heart will be overwhelmed, and you will end up dead. It can be said that this is a journey to test the mind!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, although this panic has come suddenly, although everything is beyond our imagination, but this change will soon become clear, everyone can wait quietly!" In order to make other strong people feel at ease, vigorously The God and Devil Pan Zun once again speaks to convince everyone to avoid unnecessary chaos and make the situation even more out of control!


Just as the words of the Hercules Demon Panzun just fell, there was another terrifying shock. The void in the void was once again enlarged, and a huge claw descended directly from the crack in the barrier of the universe world. As soon as this huge claw appeared, he would directly grab Xing Tian and the destiny gods and demons in the void and cracks!

"Damn, how could this happen? This is not the result we want!" Upon seeing such a shock, the Destiny God and Demon lost his voice again. This was indeed not the result he wanted. It was in his arrangement. Xing Tian was the first target of a powerful enemy from outside the territory. They would not be attacked at the first time, but now they finally understand that they were wrong. The enemy was powerful beyond imagination. When the attack appeared, the whole All the creatures in the void and cracks are strangling each other!

Xing Tian was not horrified by this, nor lost his mind because of it. For him, before he made a decision to fight against the original will of the universe, he was already mentally prepared and knew that he would face it in the first time. It was a devastating blow to the powerful enemy of husband, wife and precious foreigners, so when this crisis appeared, Xing Tian did not hesitate. The power of all the great avenues merged together instantly, and the powerful battle body instantly broke out the greatest strength, and the entire inner world Also release a powerful force!

Suddenly, the mighty power erupted from Xing Tian's body, and then he was faced with the terrifying blow of this huge claw. It was just a claw, and the power that could be exerted was limited. Neither of the powers can confront it head-on, so in the final catastrophe, he has no hope of survival!

"Crazy man, Xingtian, this **** is really crazy to the extreme. Under such circumstances, he has to confront the enemy head-on. Didn't he think of the consequences of failure? Did he forget that there is a universe behind this battle? Is this a terrifying black hand of Origin Will? How dare he be so crazy, so disregarding his own life and death?" When seeing Xingtian's counterattack, the dark gods and demons couldn't help but screamed for him, and his words really spoke out. The voice of all the ancient powerhouses.

In the eyes of almost all ancient powerhouses, Xing Tian was really crazy, had lost his reason, and made the worst decision, but they had forgotten the most critical point. They were just bystanders and did not personally experience the crisis. They also don't understand Xing Tian's situation at this moment, and their ideas are not enough to explain the problem!

Dodge! At this time, Xing Tian and the destiny gods and demons can really avoid them? Do they have the ability to get rid of this horrible blow? No, they don’t have such strength and no such opportunity. Let’s not talk about how to get out of this violent chaotic storm. Even if they can do it, can they escape the will of the universe world’s original will? Since the universe Putting the will of the world origin into this terrifying giant claw, then all preparations are made to destroy them, and they won't let them get out easily!

For the original will of the universe, this was originally a plan to kill people with a knife. If Xingtian and the destiny gods and demons are allowed to escape, who will resist the attack of this terrifying giant claw, and who will calm this terrible storm? , It is unrealistic to count on the ancient powerhouses such as the Hercules and Dark Gods and Demons who are watching in the world. These ancient powerhouses will not make a move, so the only choice is Xingtian, and only the Destiny Gods and Demons!

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