God of Destruction

Chapter 3326: Deportation Avenue

Chapter 3326: The Avenue of Deportation

The power of the Eye of the Universe is still brewing, and its emergence is undoubtedly aimed at this terrifying chaotic life, or more accurately, it came from this giant claw that entered the universe world precisely because With the appearance of the Eye of the Universe, this terrifying giant claw became cautious. He dared not continue to attack, and he dared not attack the Xingtianxia killer. Instead, he turned his power against the Eye of the Universe and placed his power on the universe. Above the barriers, in order to be able to increase their own strength.

There is no room for the emergence of chaotic life in the universe, even if it is just a giant claw. Its appearance will destroy the stability of the universe. After the appearance of the eye of the universe, the chaotic life behind the void and crack seems to be anxious. He is constantly working hard to expand the void crack, wanting to descend the body into this universe.

It is a pity that even the original will of the universe world has given it some help, but as a chaotic life, it is not realistic to want to enter the universe world, at least for now, because the appearance of the universe eye is preventing this from happening. , It didn’t take long before the power of the Eye of the Universe had accumulated to the extreme. In an instant, the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao surged down, and directly launched a devastating blow to the giant claw, and the power of the Three Thousand Great Dao fell. , Made the Void Crack more violent, and made the Chaos Storm more terrifying, Xing Tian, ​​who was in the Void Crack, felt a greater crisis.

Outside the "Roar" Void Crack, a terrifying sound spread from the gap in the world barrier to the universe world. Suddenly, the space around the Void Crack was shattered. There was originally a strong and violent chaotic origin power here, but Amidst this roar, it is actually growing rapidly, making the environment of the void and fissure even worse. The most important thing is that when the power of this chaos origin grows, it is also expelling the power of other avenues. It can even be said to be expelling the original power of the universe, expelling the powerful three thousand great powers!

"Damn, how could this be? This is driving away the power of the Dao’s origin, which is destroying the foundation of the universe. The origin will of the universe is really crazy. I dare to ignore all the rules and dare to let such crazy power appear in the universe. Among them, it really has to do whatever it takes to achieve its goal, regardless of all the feelings of the universe world!" When seeing these things, Xing Tian's heart was shocked, and he was more alert to the madness of the universe world's original will!

In the midst of such earth-shattering changes, almost all intelligent creatures in the universe are watching this battle in the void, and almost all the strong can see the changes in the void. Under this overall situation , The slightly sane creatures don’t dare to act recklessly, but the universe world’s original will disregarded all of this and made such a crazy decision. There was no intention of blocking it, letting the powerful enemy from outside the territory come and let the other party tear it. Break the barriers of the universe!

auzw.com What the chaotic life is, Xing Tian doesn’t know this at all. I’m afraid no one among all the powerful in the entire universe can make it clear. After all, no one really faces it. , But one thing is certain. Chaos beings are powerful enemies outside the territory. They appear to destroy the world. It can be said that they are the public enemies of all creatures in the universe. But now the original will of the universe, the ruler of the universe, who was supposed to protect the creatures of the universe, has made the act of drawing wolves into the room. This will be hated by all the creatures, because he is betraying the universe and all the creatures of the universe.

"No, the original will of the universe is really crazy. If it is allowed to go crazy like this, all of us will be killed by it. We have to stop it. We can't let this **** make that terrible foreign enemy. Put the terrifying chaotic life into the universe world!" Facing such a shocking change, the dark gods and demons could not help but yelled. At this time, there was too much shock in his heart, too much anger and unwillingness. , The opponent is simply challenging the dignity of these ancient powerhouses!

"Stop, how to stop, what shall we use to stop this? Fellow Dark Daoists, now the situation is out of control. The lunatic, the original will of the universe, has completed its insidious and terrible plan, and everything is in its grasp. Don’t say that the chaotic storm of the void cracks now makes us unable to stand, even if we can stand, what do you think will be the result of our rushing up now, with our little strength, can we really prevent this from happening?" said When he got here, the Hercules Demon Pan Zun couldn’t help but sighed, and he was also unwilling in his heart. He was also angry, but anger was useless, anger could not explain such a terrible problem. Under this situation, he only had patience!

"Wait, although the situation is dangerous, Xing Tian is still in the void and cracks. As long as he is still there, we still have a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Xing Tian is our last hope, our hope to stop all of this!"

The dark **** and demon said in surprise: "What, Panzun, are you crazy? Do you know what you're talking about? You actually put your hope on Xingtian's body, on someone who is also a lunatic. This is incredible. , You must know that the destiny gods and demons have already failed and have to flee. Do you think Xing Tian has the ability to stop this?"

Regarding the opinion of the Hercules Demon Panzun, the Dark Demon is very uncomprehending and dissatisfied. He does not think that Xing Tian has this ability, and does not think that such an "ant" existence like Xing Tian can prevent this tragedy from happening. In his opinion, this is simply impossible. To count on Xingtian to save it is equivalent to giving up everything!

"I know your heart is shocked. I know you think that all this is impossible to succeed, but now Xing Tian is our only hope, because he is the only strong man still living in the void and only he has the chance to do Intervening in this war can prevent the coming of that terrifying chaotic life. For us, now there is only waiting, waiting for the result of everything, waiting for the result of the war, but we have no other way, because we Lost the first opportunity!" Facing the doubts of the dark gods and demon, facing the doubtful eyes of many ancient powerhouses, the Hercules Demon Panzun did not move at all, still insisting on his own opinions, still believing that there is only Xing Tian can resolve the life and death crisis before him!

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