God of Destruction

Chapter 3335: Jealousy

Chapter 3335: Jealousy

The road of evolution has already begun, and I can’t stop it. No matter how dangerous it is, Xing Tian can only stick to it. Who will let him have too little time? After letting go of the suppression, this branded breath will not take long. When it spreads out, you will be aware of the mysterious chaotic life, so even if the price paid is great, for the sake of his own life, Xing Tian has to do this, has to accept the consequences, and has to work hard to refine The power of this brand.

Of course, as far as Xing Tian is concerned, he also wants to know the information contained in this brand. If he can learn more about the chaotic life from this brand, even if he pays a higher price, it is worth it. After all, knowing the enemy and knowing oneself can survive a hundred battles. If you don't even know the enemy's information, how can you have the last laugh in the final battle.

As soon as the Great Avenue of Time came out, after the power of the imprint was fixed, Xingtian’s power of devouring the Great Dao was also fully deployed. At this time, Xingtian has no reservations. After all, time is too urgent. After the full eruption of the Devouring Great Dao, the original power of the Taoist The brand was taken away, merged into Xing Tian’s bones, and once again quickly transformed into Xing Tian’s own strength, but behind such actions, Xing Tian had to endure tremendous pain and mental pressure. .

There is no choice. When the situation reaches this point, Xing Tian has no way to retreat. He can only move forward courageously, and only bite the bullet and go on. The origin of the inner world is rapidly losing, and Xing Tian's own combat power is also rapidly weakened, but This has not shaken Xingtian’s will, and has no plan to let Xingtian stop. At this time, Xingtian is racing against time. If he can successfully transform before the end of the battle between the mysterious chaotic life and the eye of the universe, it will be victory, and vice versa. That is a failure, it must face a blow from the original will of the universe world, and even a counterattack from chaotic life!

Race against time, this is Xingtian’s current situation, racing against time, this is not the pressure that any strong man can withstand, such an impact is impossible for many strong men to face, after all, all this is really crazy, life and death There is only a thin line between them, only between their own thoughts. Under such circumstances, many people will have a mental breakdown, but Xing Tian still persisted!

"Fellow Daoist Pan Zun, do you think Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really has a chance to survive? Is he really able to survive this terrifying storm? Will the original will of the universe give him this opportunity?" When the situation develops At this point, when everything was out of his imagination, the dark gods and demons could not help but have many thoughts in their hearts. He was in fear, his heart was uneasy, and all the impact made him, the ancient **** and demon, also feel the threat of death!


"I don't know! When the situation reaches this point, no one knows what will happen, no one knows what the result will be. After all, everything is unknown. We haven't seen the conspiracy of the original will of the universe and the world, nor have we thought of that extraterritorial power. At this time, the enemy will descend in this situation. Although it is only a huge claw, it still brings huge hidden dangers to the Great Tribulation of the World, and makes everything go to the unknown, and we do not know the universe. Eyes will appear, so in this shocking change, we have been completely left behind and completely marginalized, so everything is beyond our imagination, wait, for us now, we can only wait quietly , Waiting for the end of everything, no matter what the original will of the universe world wants to do, no matter what conspiracy it has, it will be exposed at the end of all this! Chaos life is not a fool, it is impossible to be without any preparation, we do not need to be here Time to jump out from destruction!"

The Dark God and Demon sighed and said: "But I am unwilling. The emergence of the Eye of the Universe and the emergence of chaotic life all mean that our previous efforts were wasted, which means that our road to detachment has become more difficult. It’s even unrealistic. Maybe we really should change the way. The ancient times are really over. Even the universe is over. We can no longer look at the problem with our original thinking, we can’t use it. Look at the world with old eyes!"

The Hercules Demon Panzun also sighed: "What if you are not reconciled? This is no longer our era. The era has changed and everything has changed. And we can only follow the changes of the era. Although the integration of the great roads is a detachment But this is not the only way. Xingtian’s path to practice is different from ours, and the same is true for the Shura and the Zerg. We also need to change with the times. If this road of integration does not come to an end, If the detachment we don’t want is not a big deal, the change is no big deal. The original will of the universe can calculate us and ignore our agreement. Then we can also jump out of the constraints of the universe. The crisis is not destruction. There is still a chance in this crisis!"

Hearing these words, the eyes of the dark gods and demon brightened, and he said in a deep voice, "What does Daoist Pan Zun mean?"

Without waiting for the Dark God and Demon to say too much, the Hercules Demon Pan Zun shook his head and said, "You don’t need to ask more. There are some things that we can know in our hearts. We can’t say it. After all, this universe is not you or me. What we can master, everything about us is likely to be under the surveillance of the original will of the universe world!"

"Fellow Daoist Pan Zun made a point. We should indeed be more cautious now. We should not be sloppy. Otherwise, it will only be us who will suffer in the end. We don’t know what happened to the Destiny God and Demon. The original will of the universe world is staring, and I don’t know what kind of crisis he will face. If even he is defeated by the original will of the universe world, it is really a huge threat to all of us, the destiny Li is a great threat to us!" When he said this, the Dark God and Demon couldn't help but sighed, his face couldn't help showing a slight bitterness!

It’s not that the ancient powers of the Dark Gods and Demons don’t want to help the Destiny Gods and Demons, and don’t want to help them get rid of the threat of the original will of the universe, but the Destiny Gods and Demons are too cunning and don’t trust other people. Quickly get rid of all surveillance, completely disappeared in the sense of the dark gods and demons and the powers, leaving them with no way to find their traces, so they are naturally powerless!

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