God of Destruction

Chapter 3340: Section responsibility

Chapter 3340 Responsibility

"The original will of the universe has retreated. It actively chose silence to end this fiasco. It is unable to independently support the defense of foreign enemies. It has to let go of the restrictions and suppression on all of us. It seems that this pair Our practice is very beneficial, but it also means that our responsibilities are increasing, and we need to take on more defenses!" When these words were spoken with a heavy heart, it appeared on the face of Hercules. A touch of solemnity.

responsibility! This is an extremely heavy topic. Even an ancient powerhouse such as Hercules Demon Panzun is unwilling to take on the so-called responsibility, and is unwilling to bear the great responsibility of survival in this world on his own body, but this is the case. At that time, the original will of the universe world retreated, and these ancient powerhouses had to take up this responsibility!

"Damn it, how could it be like this? The good things are left to the origin of the universe, but the bad things are borne by us. What is this? Why doesn't the Eye of the Universe take the initiative? Why not take the opportunity to wipe out the hidden dangers and use it. It is impossible for the ability to do this!" At this moment, some ancient powerhouses are a little excited, this responsibility is really too much pressure for them!

Opportunity is also a crisis. The original will of the universe and the world has receded. This is an opportunity and a crisis for us. We can no longer be suppressed by heaven and earth, but we can quickly absorb the origin of heaven and earth to restore our own combat power, but we have to bear the same. This responsibility can only be reaped if you have to pay. Before, we could not care about this universe. It was because we have been under the suppression of the original will from the universe. Now it is different. Unless everyone is willing to leave, Otherwise, as long as you dare to absorb the power of the origin of the universe, you must bear that responsibility.

The Dark God and Demon sighed and said: "It is really unfortunate for us to choose war under this situation. After this war, the entire universe is shrouded in that terrifying chaotic aura, destroying the world. Fortunately, the Zerg army, their combat power will advance by leaps and bounds. Under such circumstances, the price paid for a war is staggering!"

"This is the Great Tribulation of the World Annihilation. There are crises in the Great Tribulation of the World Annihilation. We are not allowed to choose, and chances are better than no chance, as long as we can restore the strength of the ancient times before the final battle of the Great Tribulation. , And even further, it naturally has a ray of life. On the contrary, if everyone wants to avoid fighting and retreat, there is only a dead end! Fight, we have no choice, if we want to survive, we have to kill a way , After all, we are not a destiny or a lunatic like Xingtian. We must take on this responsibility, and this is the only opportunity for us to eliminate the cause and effect between heaven and earth!"

Xing Tian, ​​when the Hercules Demon Pan Zun mentioned Xing Tian again, everyone's expressions changed drastically. If Xing Tian really died in the void of the void, his treasure should be left behind. , The power of the Dao’s origin should also be scattered between heaven and earth, but they didn't see all of this.


"Damn, we are all gone. The lunatic Xingtian did not die in this crazy self-detonation. This time this **** has gained a lot, and the most important thing is that after this battle, the cause and effect of this **** with heaven and earth is even less. There are so few, you really have the ability to transcend this universe, walk out of your own way, and complete your own transformation!"

If Xing Tian is not dead, there is only one possibility, which is to refine the broken claw of the chaotic life and complete the transformation of his own life. How can such a result not make these powerful people jealous, how can they not let them do it? desire.

Find Xingtian, kill Xingtian, and seize Xingtian's chance? This kind of thought came out crazy in the hearts of many powerful people, but no one dared to scream like this, because no one is a fool. Everyone knows how powerful Xing Tian who truly completes his own evolutionary transformation will be. Once he fails, Then there is no doubt that he will die, and there is no opportunity for explanation.

Greedy can exist, but you have to know that advances and retreats. These powerful people are not the original will of the universe and the universe, and they are not the eyes of the universe. They can use the power of the whole world to suppress the enemy, written as Xingtian of self-transformation, then they have chaos. A trace of the origin of life, a trace of ability, and even the ability to escape from this cosmic world, because of a moment of greed, to provoke such an enemy of life and death is not the work of the wise man, it is self-defeating.

persuade! At this moment, no ancient gods and demons stood up to persuade, or even warned everyone, because this cause and effect is too great, and no one wants to be contaminated in such a terrifying calamity of annihilation. Those who are interested can advance and retreat without persuasion. Those who have been stunned by benefits, no matter how much they say, they will not dispel the greed in their hearts.

Let nature take its course, if someone really wants to beat Xingtian, let him do it, and just take the opportunity to see how far Xingtian has evolved after he swallowed that chaotic life’s claws. How strong is it to prepare yourself for the final catastrophe. You Dao is a dead Dao friend but not a poor Dao. This is the voice of everyone. This is the calculation of all the strong. It can be said that from this moment, The previous unity is no longer.

Without the suppression of the original will of the universe and the world, even the original will of the universe and the world would have to be silent. Without this threat, many powerful men would have no common enemy. Everyone began to plan for their own practice. Although this is their responsibility to destroy the world of Shura and the Zerg, they are different from the original will of the universe. In the hearts of many strong people, as long as they give themselves enough time to restore their ancient combat power, these Destroyer Shura and the Zerg army are still not worth mentioning, after all, they are not the chaotic beings with terrifying combat power.

Before you know it, everything has changed, especially after everyone re-recognized the changes in the world, when they knew that Xing Tian did not die in the terrifying chaotic storm, everyone's minds moved, many people With his own calculations and his own plans, Xing Tian can take advantage of the situation and work hard to create a path of detachment. Then why can't he be? For these ancient powerhouses, he would not think that he is inferior to Xing Tian. As long as you have the chance, you can do it too!

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