God of Destruction

Chapter 3342: Section change

Chapter 3342 Change

"Retreat, the enemies who kept hitting us suddenly retreated. These **** **** disappeared without a trace in a flash. This won't be a trap set by these **** again!" Seeing such a change At that time, the insect kings of the many branches of the Zerg couldn't help but become vigilant, thinking that this was a little bit strange and weird!

Precisely because the Zergs were worried and feared that this was a trap, they did not pursue or follow them at all. They missed an opportunity to seriously hurt Xingtian's subordinates and let the soldiers under Xingtian return to Xiaoqian. In the world, Xingtian fighters were given enough rest time, leaving a huge hidden danger for the future!

The world changed because of the war, and heaven and earth changed color. No matter how the Xingtian's subordinates reacted, no matter how uneasy the Zerg and Destroyer Shura were, everything was changing. Everything was developing in the direction they feared. Xingtian retreated. They couldn't change their destiny. There was no attack from Xingtian's soldiers, but they waited for attacks from all sides.

Time, for the strong in the entire world, they desperately need time. Although there is no suppression of the original will of the universe world, allowing them to let go of all obstacles and quickly restore their combat power, but because of the existence of the void crack, Because of the previous crazy battle, the environment of the entire universe world has undergone earth-shattering major changes, and the entire universe world is enveloped by that strong chaotic atmosphere, and this Qia Qia has given Destroyer Shura and the Zerg army a good practice. The environment, if everyone relaxes their vigilance against Shura and the Zerg, I am afraid that when the final battle comes, the many powerful ones will be destroyed.

The rule of the couch is to allow others to snore on their own. Even if many powerful people have great selfishness, they have a consensus, that is, first strangling Shishura and strangling the Zerg army, at least not giving them a light environment. Let it grow quickly, as for the disappearing Xingtian, as for the destiny **** and demon, and other powerful people who hide deeper, that is no longer in their consideration. No one wants to provoke new enemies at this time, that is not the work of the wise.

With his own experience of detachment, although this experience is not very good, Xing Tian's physical body already has a somewhat chaotic mood at this time, with a somewhat chaotic life atmosphere, but Xing Tian has not yet fully realized the chaotic aura. Integrating into his own Dao, after all, Xing Tian cultivates the Three Thousand Dao, the World Road, the change of the flesh, the transformation of the flesh is just a starting point, and this starting point is not beautiful, it needs time to polish.

Compared with the situation of the deity, there is not so much consideration for the chaotic clone. After all, the chaotic clone originally walked on the road of the chaos. For the deity, the transformation of the body is a big progress and a big obstacle, but for the chaos As far as the clone is concerned, it is a real opportunity. Xing Tian needs time to recuperate, to polish his own path, and to complete the final transformation. However, the changes in the universe and the world cannot be paid attention to. Chaos clone is dispatched.


As far as Xing Tian is concerned, he has not polished himself in one day, and has not wiped out all the breath of the mysterious chaotic life in himself. This is a huge hidden danger. Xing Tian dare not underestimate the threat of a chaotic life with terrifying and unknown strength. .

Although it seems that the previous battle resulted in both losses, even if the original will of the universe was injured, the eye of the universe was injured, and even the chaotic life was also paid a heavy price, but who can guarantee that there is no deeper behind all this? Calculate, who can guarantee that there is no conspiracy, whether it is the eye of the universe, or the original will of the universe, and the mysterious and unpredictable chaotic life, look down on them, that is, they are killing themselves. Such existence has others' opinions. Don't know the killer.

If there hadn’t been the crazy battle before, without the horrible chaotic life, without the endless calculations of the original will of the universe, Xing Tian would not have made an excessive reaction, but now all this has happened, let Xing Tian Previous plans had to be changed. If Xing Tian did not intend to abandon the small world under his feet before, he did not want to sacrifice this small world and let the creatures who follow him lose the stable environment. Now Xing Tian has given up. Such thoughts.

According to the current development of the general environment, Xing Tian does not believe that at the time when the final decisive battle is approaching, the power of Chang Xi can complete the transformation of this small world. After all, Chang Xi is not Xing Tian, ​​without Xing Tian’s huge background. To complete the sublimation of such a small world and the transformation of self-life, it requires too much origin, and it takes too long. In the past, Xingtian did not really come into contact with the mysterious and unpredictable chaotic life. Before, Xing Tian was confident that he could keep everyone safe during the catastrophe, but now Xing Tian dared not have such ridiculous thoughts.

power! With Xingtian’s own strength, it’s far from enough to face the terrifying chaotic life. Don’t look at the last moment before, that mysterious chaotic life assisted him, allowing himself to erupt from the horrible chaos erupted from the void. Retiring from the storm, thinking that this chaotic life has a good impression on him and has no intention of killing, Xing Tian has never had such ignorant and ridiculous fantasies, and has never placed his life on others!

Although the Little Thousand World with a complete three thousand avenues has endless potential, the origin required for the transformation and evolution of such a little Thousand World is also terrifying, and it cannot be supported by ordinary people. At least this kind of consumption is beyond the reach of Chang Xi. With the end of the previous war, the process of annihilating the world has been accelerated several times. Under such an environment, Chang Xi could not see the hope of detachment, at least in front of the World Avenue, and could not detach it. , That means more danger, even death!

Although the path of practice emphasizes bravery and straightforwardness, you must do what you can, and persevere when you know that there is no hope at all. It is not a determination of the Taoist heart, but self-destruction, and one cannot even see himself. Qing creatures have no right to talk about higher realms, no right to chase the Great Dao of Yuetiao, not everyone has the potential of Xingtian, nor everyone has the huge background and opportunities of Xingtian, at least Changxi does not. The ability to avoid being strong is to kill yourself!

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