God of Destruction

Chapter 3347: Destroy the world

Chapter 3347 Destroy the World

In any world, as long as it is destroyed by people, a terrifying backlash will erupt, and it will give a fatal blow to those who destroy the world. Even the Lord of the world is no exception. If only Chang Xi and Chang'e are the only two to break down this Fang Xiao Thousand Worlds, then they must bear the terrifying world backlash attack, and now Xing Tian has taken action, directly suppressing this backlash outbreak, so that the origins of that little Thousand World cannot explode, giving them enough time to absorb Digest the origin of this world.

Even under the suppression of Xingtian’s terrifying power of the world, the will of the world of Xiaoqian is collapsing, so that Changxi and Chang'e can more easily absorb the origin of the world of Xiaoqian and separate more easily. The world core of this little thousand world, although it is said that Chang Xi's strength can absorb the world core of this little thousand world alone and use it to condense her inner world, but since then she has stepped into the old path before. The inner world of this will be affected by the world core of this little thousand world. The inner world formed in that way still cannot be completely suitable for you, and it is best to suit yourself. Sometimes it is not necessarily to absorb too much source power. What a good thing, at least this is the case now!

Although the small thousand world suppressed by Xing Tian is independent of the universe world, it still exists in this universe world. When this small thousand world is going to be destroyed, the world will change color. You must know that the small thousand world collapsed. , That means that the universe world can no longer swallow the power of this small world to strengthen itself, which means that a great opportunity has been lost.

"Hey! This is the fluctuation of the world. Some people are destroying the world of Xiaoqian. At this time, doing such crazy things, there is only one possibility, and that is to condense the inner world that can truly blend into themselves. It seems that some people can't bear it finally , Start to act, there are still more **** hidden in this universe, but unfortunately with the previous crazy battle, they can no longer hide!" When this is said, the power of Hercules Demon Panzun There was a sneer on his face. It seemed to him that those **** who were hiding in the dark had lost the confidence of the ancient powerhouse, otherwise they would not be so scared, nor would they jump out just after the cosmic world’s original will fell silent. Begin to regain his strength.

It’s not only Hercules Demon Panzun who has such an idea. Many ancient powerhouses believe that this time the world fluctuations are the actions of those **** who are hidden in the dark. They can only be able to do so in such a short time. It can destroy a small thousand world, can integrate its origin into its own avenue, condense the inner world that truly belongs to oneself, can integrate into the inner world of oneself, this kind of supernatural power, this kind of ability is not the strong of this era Those who can do it, because they don't have such experience, only the ancient powerhouses can do it in such an inner world.

It’s a pity that these ancient powerhouses think too much, and they are too wrong. It’s not that ancient powerhouses are acting, it’s not that those ancient powerhouses hidden in the dark jump out, but Xing Tian is helping Chang Xi and The two of Chang'e refine the Little Thousand World they created. As Xing Tian who has a powerful inner world, as Xing Tian who masters the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao, it is easy to suppress and destroy the Little Thousand World. But things.

auzw.com With Xingtian’s crazy suppression, the origin of the world of Xiaoqian is being divided, the core of the world is rupturing, and the world of Xiaoqian is also splitting. The original world of Xiaoqian is gradually divided Into two very weak little thousand worlds, the core of the complete world turned into two nuclei of incomplete worlds. Fortunately, there are no creatures in this little thousand world for a long time, otherwise such crazy drastic changes. Below, I don’t know what kind of disaster it will bring to those creatures.

Divide into two, to divide the entire small thousand worlds of one side into two to form two incomplete small thousand worlds, and prevent them from collapsing directly. This is not something that anyone can do, even Hercules. An ancient powerhouse like Pan Zun, even the mighty destiny gods and monsters cannot do this. For them, they have never had such experience, because such things are completely foolish in their eyes. , Such a stupid thing is something they would not do.

For any ancient powerhouse, if they can seize a small world, they will not separate it, but directly refine it and integrate it into their own avenues, condense their own inner world, and master that Powerful world power. It is precisely because many powerful people in ancient times are crossing people with their own, so they are ridiculously wrong on this world fluctuation!

"Another small thousand world collapsed, we have to speed up, or wait for all small thousand worlds to be refined, then even if we have the intention to make a breakthrough, we will be subject to the original will of this universe world, after all, we don’t have our own. The inner world cannot control the power of our own world, and is unable to fight against the original will of the universe world. No matter how strong oneself is in cultivation, it will be suppressed by the origin of the universe world, and this Qiaqia is the least we want to face. Right result!"

Sighs continued to sound in the universe world, and endless sighs were born in the heart of the ancient strong man. Time waits for no one. Now the universe world's original will has been silent, letting go of their suppression. But no one knows when this will last, or how much time is left for them.

When Chang Xi and Chang'e were refining the Little Thousand World, those who had their own Little Thousand World, those powerhouses who controlled the Little Thousand World, their hearts were shaken by it, and they all began to give birth to practice. To transform this small thousand world, it must be thoroughly integrated into one's own avenues, condense the inner world that truly belongs to oneself, and master the powerful world power.

The heart is not as good as the action. When they have an idea, some ancient powerhouses immediately acted and began to fuse the world. As for launching a war against Shura and the Zerg, they were temporarily put down by them, and the army they gathered became themselves. The protectors of, so that these ancient powerhouses can safely melt the small thousand worlds and condense their own inner world with peace of mind. In this way, the murderous aura that soars into the universe has undergone new changes. , The world has undergone an extraordinary change, and this change has bought a bit of respite for the Destroyer Shura and the Zerg army!

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