God of Destruction

Chapter 3355: Trouble

Chapter 3355 Trouble

The Dark God and Demon sighed, "Trouble, this **** Xingtian is simply a big trouble. I don't know what you are saying. It's just that even if we have the intention to conceal this situation, it will not last long. After all, everyone No one is a fool, there will always be some sharp-eyed **** who can see this problem, and then we have to face this pressure!"

"Trouble? Xingtian is of course a big trouble, but this kind of trouble is also a test for everyone. There are always some people who should be cleansed in the great tribulation of the world. Not all strong people are qualified to go to the end. Perhaps Xingtian This big trouble is the real person who should be robbed. His existence is to wash away those ignorant existences."

Speaking of this, Hercules Demon Panzun sighed softly, "It's a pity that the Dao is different and we are not conspiring. Xing Tian is always not the same with us. Otherwise, with his presence, we will survive this world-destroying catastrophe together. The chances will be even greater, and there will be the **** of the destiny **** and demon, but unfortunately these **** are different from us, so we can't get together!"

For those who have a real personality, and those who have their own way, there are few people who can really come together, almost none, because they choose different ways, reluctantly coming together will only harm others in the end. Self will only lead to endless conflicts. At that time, no one has the chance to survive. After all, not everyone has the disposition of Hercules Demon Panzun and can tolerate everything! Not everyone can tolerate that ignorant speculation and greed, so although the ancient powerhouses are powerful, they are all like a disc of sand, it is difficult to condense powerful power, otherwise they will not be suppressed by the original will of the universe.

Working together, such a situation has never happened to many powerful people in the ancient times, because they all have their own calculations and have their own selfish hearts. Even if the dark gods and the Hercules are joined together, it is just Reluctantly maintained the current'unity', but this was still achieved under the suppression of the original will of the universe and the death threat of the great catastrophe. Now they have lost the threat of the original will of the universe and many people His mind has inevitably changed, and this so-called "unitedness" has a hint of collapse. This is the cruelty of reality.

The Dark God and Demon shook his head and said, "I hope this purge can really remove those ignorant bastards. If these ignorant **** are allowed to continue, our alliance will soon fall apart. Then the whole team will be destroyed. It has become a dish of loose sand, fighting the powerless and exterminating Shura against the Zerg, let alone facing the most decisive battle!"

For the hidden dangers in the current alliance, the dark gods and demons are also a little unbearable. After all, this is related to their own life and death and their own interests. Even if the dark gods and demons are selfless, they can't hold on. What's more, how can an ancient **** and demon such as the Dark God and Demon be truly selfless in his heart. So he endured it for the sake of the overall situation and his own interests. When the situation endangers his own interests, the Dark God and Demon will also endure. Can't help.


"Forget it, just ignore these **** for a while. If you get it irretrievably, then let go. We can't keep this malignant tumor there. At that time, it happened to be cleared by Xingtian's hand. We can also avoid internal divisions. As for what Xing Tian thinks, it’s his own business. Different ways of doing things don’t work together. In any case, we are not all the same and can’t get together. As long as we don’t directly conflict with him, then enough!"

When the situation develops to the current level, Hercules Demon Pan Zun has to compromise. Under the overall situation, even if he has some thoughts in his heart, he must be patient, but his thoughts are still a bit too soft and not decisive enough. In a terrifying environment like the Great Tribulation of the World, is their so-called alliance really useful? Without this alliance, would no one stand up to fight against the Asura and the Zerg army? Those ancient powerful, would all the forces let go?

No, nowadays, either the Hercules Demon Pan or the Dark Demon, they all seem to have a clear mind and are not affected by this catastrophe, but in reality they are all fans of the authorities, and even the destiny must stand up , You have to participate in this duel. The result of whether there is an alliance or not is the same. It seems that with this alliance, their power can be enhanced, but after all, the power cannot be their own, but the external power, in the real life and death How much power can you play under the crisis?

No matter how good the calculations, no matter how clever means, are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute power, no matter what direction this world-destroying catastrophe develops, the ultimate solution to the problem is power. Power determines everything. As long as there is strong enough power, there is no need for so many calculations at all, and it can completely push everything with its own strength.

The original will of the universe world is silent, but it is not shattered or perished. When the real world-destroying catastrophe is still the beginning of the duel, the so-called power of alliance is not worth mentioning in front of it, and it is also not in the face of chaotic beings. It’s worth mentioning that the Destiny God and Demon dared to kill the Void Crack, and dared to fight for that opportunity. Although it ended in failure, this failure gave him endless temper, let his state of mind, let his potential, let him The perception of Dao has been enhanced as never before, and this power belongs to the destiny **** and demon himself, and only this power can guarantee his survival in the final battle!

"Well said, now we should not focus our energy on these ignorant bastards. Their fate is theirs. If they don't cherish themselves, then we don't need to care. Under the current situation, what we have to do is Do your best, accumulate more strength, and wait for the final decisive battle to come, and neither Shura, nor Zerg can be underestimated. They won't really have to wait and die. Once the situation has reached a point where it is out of control, let them When there is no strength to resist, the real crisis will arise, and we must be prepared for this, lest we accidentally get involved in it!"

With regard to Asura and Zerg, the dark gods and demons have held a cautious attitude from the very beginning. For such a crazy race, this can promote the existence of the world. If the other party has no assassin, there is no ability to pull everyone to death. , The dark gods and demons would not believe it, just like himself, they have assassins, and the same is true for the Zergs and Shura!


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