God of Destruction

Chapter 3358: Provocation

Chapter 3358: Provocation

The Dark God and Demon nodded gently, and acknowledged what the Hercules Demon Pan Zun had said. At this point, they have nothing to reluctant to give up. The external power is always empty, and only their own power is the right way. It’s time to change everything, it’s time to let go of all the worries in your happiness, let go of all calculations, and face this war, this killing with the most sincere side, use your own strength to seize everything, let yourself go further, let Be strong!

Put life and death aside, let your mind get close to the war, release the craziest fighting intent in your heart, and let yourself sublimate in that crazy killing! Although this kind of decision is crazy, and if you are careless, you will die, but the ancient gods and demons, such as the dark gods and demons, and the Hercules demons, who have missed the first opportunity, have no choice. This is them. The only chance to redeem their own disadvantages, even if it is to face the danger of horror, they must take it.

kill! Without much words, the Dark God and Demon and Hercules Demon Pan Zun looked at each other. When they felt the crazy killing intent from each other’s eyes, a faint smile appeared on each of their faces. With a thought, they informed the ancient gods and demons who were still following them of their own thoughts, and then turned into a stream of light and rushed into the battlefield. Two powerful pillars of Qi luck were on the battlefield. Rising in the sky.

The killing began. When the two ancient gods and demons rushed directly into the battlefield without any cover, the entire battlefield was shaken. The Zerg army and the Destroyer Shura were shocked by such crazy actions, and they entered the battlefield alone. In the middle, there is no subordinate to follow, and there is no cover. In the eyes of the world-killing Shura and the Zerg expert, this is completely self-defeating!

"Damn bastard, dare to be so arrogant, and treat me as nothing. If you two **** want to die, then we will fulfill you. Everyone will give me their full strength to strangulate these two bastards, even if they are killed by crowd tactics! "A roar resounded in the battlefield. It was the shout of the leader of World Destroying Shura, a shout from the depths of his heart!

provocative! This is to provoke their dignity naked, naked, and naked. If the Dark Gods and Demons and Hercules Demon Pan Zun are not able to be killed, the Destroyed Shura in the entire battlefield or the Zerg army will be defeated by the opponent. It is conceivable that they will end up in such a terrifying and crazy battlefield. It is precisely because of this that the powerhouses of both Zerg and Destroyer Shura are so crazy and so angry. , Making such a terrible cry!

"Huh! Unexpectedly, these two **** finally realized everything at this time. What kind of **** power, what ridiculous plan, is not worth mentioning in front of absolute power. Although the original will of the universe is silent, it is still This master of the universe, you want to use a little trick to fight against it, it's really ridiculous!" When seeing such an amazing side, the destiny **** and demon who took the initiative to jump out couldn't help but sneer again and again.


Although the power of the Dark Gods and Demons and Hercules Demon Disks will impact the Destiny Gods and Demons, everything has two sides. If these two ancient Gods and Demons grow up, they will also absorb the attention of the original will of the universe and the world. The pressure on the destiny gods and demons has been reduced a lot. You must know that among all the ancient powers, the destiny gods and demons that the original will of the universe wants to kill most are the destiny gods. !

As for Xing Tian, ​​this existence that robbed a sharp claw from the mysterious and chaotic life, the destiny **** and demon did not pay attention to it. In his eyes, Xing Tian even succeeded in seizing a chance, but he was still a junior and was still not taken. In his eyes and in his heart, such a junior is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Destiny.

It’s not just Xingtian. All the powerhouses after the golden age are not in the eyes of the destiny gods and demons. In his eyes, these existences are ant-like creatures. If he can restore the combat power of the strongest period in the ancient times, naturally It can be wiped out at will, and the creatures that can be wiped out with a wave of hands will naturally become'ants', so there is no need to pay attention!

Waving one's hand can be destroyed. For the average powerhouse, the Destiny Avenue of the Destiny God and Demon does have this ability, but it is true for those who have mastered the Three Thousand Avenue, a powerful inner world, and a perfect World Avenue like Shang Xingtian. , That's just a joke, let alone that the destiny gods and demons can't do it, even the original will of the universe that dominates the universe world can't do it. The powerful world power is enough to ensure that Xingtian is not killed by the enemy, and now Xingtian has also been completed. His own transformation makes his combat power even more terrifying. To slay Xingtian with his hand, perhaps only the Eye of the Universe and the mysterious chaotic life can do it.

Although the ancient gods and spirits of the golden age are powerful, it does not mean that they can push all the creatures in the entire universe. If the strong people of the golden age are really so big, they will not enter. In death, they will not have to fall asleep one by one and have to reincarnate in reincarnation. No matter how powerful they are, there is a limit.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. When the Dark God and Demon and Hercules Demon Pan Zun attacked with all their strength, the Destiny God and Demon did not hesitate. They also entered the battlefield. The opportunity to cleanse one's own cause and effect, if you can't grasp this opportunity well, and can't cleanse one's own cause and effect quickly, it will be a disaster for any strong person and will face even more terrifying and terrifying impacts. , Will face the threat of death.

Roar! Rows of roars rang out in the battlefield. After being so frantically provoked, many Zerg armies and Destroyer Shura also went frantically. Regardless of their lives, they frantically participated in this killing, with the help of that crazy Killing comes to wash oneself, to strengthen one's own origin, the creatures in the universe have to plunder the luck of Zerg and Destroyer Shura, and these two forces don’t want to plunder the enemy’s luck. After all, killing is two-sided, and this The change of heaven and earth is also the most just. As long as you can kill the enemy, you can plunder the opponent's luck and devour the other party’s origin. This is the madness of the Great Tribulation, and this is also the most terrifying aspect of the Great Tribulation. Locally, the strong survive for the fittest, this is the craziest Conglin law!


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