God of Destruction

Chapter 3368: Festival Bait

Chapter 3368 Bait

"Zhan, cut the avenue for Laozi!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the huge killing aura on his body surged, a light of soul flashed, that huge killing aura, the origin of killing quickly condensed in At the same time, a blood-colored avenue rune was formed. This is the ultimate source rune condensed by Xingtian's own killing avenue. It is the root of Xingtian's killing avenue. When this rune appeared, the whole world was shaken. The creatures all felt the terrifying breath of killing.

"The source of killing, this is the rune of the source of killing. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is cutting the way, but he cuts his own way of killing. What does he want to do?" When he saw such a shocking change, the Hercules Demon Panzun couldn't help but cried out. Such a situation was something he had not thought of.

"Hands, this is the origin of slaughter, if we can get it, it will definitely become the master of slaughter!" A master of exterminating Shura also shouted for it. When this slaughter origin rune appeared, they were crazy about it. When I got up, I felt the longing from deep in my heart, and I felt the beating of blood. This is a huge opportunity for all the world-killing Shura.

"What a Xing Tian, ​​a decisive character, was able to find the right way in such a short period of time, and dare to cut the way in such a dangerous environment, it is crazy enough, but it is a pity that you are condensing the road of killing. This way will immediately attract the hostility of all the world-killing Shura, and Bingyin will use the hatred of all the Zergs. This time you are afraid that you will be doomed again, because you have chosen a wrong highway. You should not be on this battlefield. Among them, in such a crazy battle, condensed the avenue of killing!" When he said this, the face of the destiny **** demon couldn't help showing a look of mockery. In his opinion, Xing Tian has no chance to stand up again, no matter what Whether it is Exterminating Shura or the Zerg, Xingtian will not be spared!

A look of mockery flashed across the face of the Destiny God and Demon, and soon he sneered disdainfully and said, "That’s good, I’m waiting for this moment, if you don’t have your madness, without you as the bait, and How can I draw everyone's attention away, how can I attract the attention of the original will of the universe and the world, how can I safely cut off my own path!"

Bait, from the very beginning, the destiny **** and demon was calculating Xingtian, and wanted to use Xingtian as a bait to attract everyone's attention, so he provoked when he saw Xingtian, so that more people would pay attention to it. Xing Tian came to arouse the crazy killing intent in Xing Tian's heart, and everything was as the destiny **** and demon thought, Xing Tian really had to condense the killing avenue in this dangerous environment, and to take advantage of the dangerous external environment Cut Dao, how can this not make him excited.

With a loud "bang", a thunder rang in this terrifying battlefield, and a lightning pierced the void. The origin of the universe seemed to be shocked at this moment, attracted by the magic rune condensed by Xing Tian's killing avenue, A huge suction force came from the void, to swallow Xing Tian's killing rune, to deprive Xing Tian of this killing avenue.


"Zhan Dao! Seize Dao! It's crazy enough, Xing Tian is so crazy that he wants to cut Dao breakthrough in this dangerous battlefield, but the origin of the universe has to risk even greater danger to take Xing Tian's place. A road of killing, it seems that when the golden age was destroyed, the warning was true. No one was able to control the complete rules of the road. If you had to do so, you would be an enemy of the whole world. The perfect world will have three thousand in charge. The appearance of the gods of the great avenue will weaken the power of the original will of the universe! Xing Tian is still too ignorant. He has committed such a big mistake, and this is a big trouble!"

Looking at the horrible devouring power directly falling in the void, the dark gods and demons are uneasy. If Xing Tian’s killing avenue is taken away, it means that the original will of the universe will be recovered from the silence. It means that the avenue of killing among the three thousand avenues of the universe world is about to be completed and will be controlled by the original will of the universe world. This will be a huge threat to all of their ancient gods and demons, and will affect their Life and death.

"Damn it, how could this happen? Didn't the **** Xingtian accept the inheritance of the **** of ancient space? How could he focus on Slaughter Avenue and commit such a low-level mistake? This is to cheat us all!" At that time, the ancient powerhouses who understood the real situation were shouting and fearing. The recovery of the original will of the universe and the world meant that everyone's chances would be cut off!

"To prevent all of this, in any case, the conspiracy of the original will of the universe world cannot be succeeded, and Xing Tian cannot be swallowed by the origin of the killing avenue, even if it is to complete the destruction of the world, it will not be able to make the universe world original will succeed!" Suddenly, a crazy voice exploded in the hearts of all the strong, and the appearance of this voice shocked all the strong.

Betrayal, this is naked, naked, and naked to betray the universe. If such words appear directly between the world and the earth, it will definitely bring a murderous disaster. The eye of the universe will definitely appear. It can be at this time and in this situation. Below, to say such a celebration, it can be seen that the situation has reached its limit, so that the strong can be desperate.

prevent? How to prevent this from happening, even if many ancient powerhouses have such thoughts in their hearts, but the current situation does not give them such an opportunity. You must know that Xing Tian is now in that heavy encirclement, surrounded by the world-destroying Shura. There are also enemies like Zerg. If you want to stop everything, you must first pass the stage of Destroying Shura and Zerg, but will the Zerg and Destroying Shura give many ancient powers such an opportunity? How can the other party know what they think? After all, these words weren't shouted out in an upright manner. The Zerg and Destroyer Shura didn't know their true intentions, and the crisis naturally couldn't be resolved.

When the power of the original will of the universe world appeared, when the horrible devouring power broke out, the Destroyer Asura and the Zerg became crazy about it, and rushed to Xingtian recklessly, toward the condensed road of killing. The supreme rune, they all want to seize the original rune of this great avenue in the shortest possible time, and take over the killing avenue of Xingtian, want to take this opportunity to soar to the sky and become one of the top powerhouses in this world. One, we must know that with Xing Tian's Dao-origin rune condensed by the origin of the Slaughter Avenue, any creature can soar into the sky to control the terrifying power of the Slaughter Avenue between the sky and the earth.


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