God of Destruction

Chapter 3382: Festival Rolling Thunder

Chapter 3382

No one is willing to face threats, and the original will of the universe is no exception. To face a terrifying and mysterious chaotic life, even if the original will of the universe is confident, he dare not take it lightly and dare not have the slightest. Sloppy, but now the original will of the universe is on the sidelines, without taking the opportunity to kill the Quartet and quickly end the war, which has to make Xing Tian's mind once more doubtful and uneasy.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! The original will of the universe is selfish and ambitious, so it is impossible for him to do things that are harmful to him. At this time, under such circumstances, he looks on the sidelines and looks like he can benefit from catching fishermen, and he can wait for both parties to lose, but to himself In terms of it, there was a huge impact, and even some of the gains were not worth the loss. This is what the wise men did, but all this happened. Under such circumstances, there is only one explanation. The original will of the universe has even more powerful calculations!

The waiting in the battlefield is extremely painful for all living beings, because no one knows what kind of shocking changes will happen in the next moment, even if Xing Tian has great confidence, he has to be cautious and has to Prepare for the worst. After all, this is war and not a trifle. If you make a mistake, you will lose your life.

As more and more forces in the water paddled, the situation of Shura and the Zerg who was about to collapse was reversed. After the original will of the universe, the original will of the universe would not take any action, which relieved the panic in their hearts and allowed them to Regained their high fighting spirit and continued to fight the enemy, stabilizing their nearly collapsed situation, and calming down those panic and uneasy feelings in their hearts, but such changes have made the universe world. The original will is angry with it.

"Damn ants, dare to be so presumptuous and allow the enemy to recover. These **** are indeed the pests of the world. They shouldn't survive in this world at all. They should destroy with those evil enemies!" Looking at the situation on the battlefield. When it was reversed bit by bit, the origin of the universe world was angrily cursed, but it was a pity that he could not change all of this. Who let the origin will of the universe world first preserve the strength without directly destroying the origin of the blood sacrifice, but now he has The responsibility is shifted to other people. I have to say that the original will of the universe is shameless enough. If it was willing to make a full move before, then the result would not be like this. I am afraid that this battle would have been over long ago, and the enemy would have been crippled long ago. Up.

"You can't continue like this, and you can't wait any longer. Time is running out for yourself. Since these **** can't count on it, let them destroy with those **** enemies!" Beware of this. When the thought of, the original will of the universe world once again shot, an astonishing change occurred in the void in an instant, the black cloud enveloped the earth, the endless thunder was condensing, from the exuding breath, you can clearly feel this time The original will of the universe is going to be real.

auzw.com When the original will of the universe and world moved, Xing Tian immediately felt, and a faint sneer appeared on his face, muttering to himself: "After all, you still can’t bear to Do it yourself, come on, let the deity take a look at your current reality, let the deity see your ultimate power, at this time, I don’t believe you can bear it, continue to save your strength, and let this battle continue to slide Into the abyss, let the enemy have time to breathe!"

Xing Tian can ignore the sudden explosion of the original will of the universe world, because he and his soldiers are at the outermost part of the battlefield, even if the original will of the universe world is madly exploding all power, it will not affect himself, but other forces are different, especially It was the forces that charged at the forefront who were shocked by such a shock.

"Damn the original will of the universe world, what does this lunatic want to do, does it want to abandon us, want to destroy us together with Destroyer Asura and Zerg?" Facing the terrifying threat above his head At that time, some strong men couldn't help crying out for the anger in their hearts. At this time, they no longer had the excitement they had before, and there was only endless fear.

The human mind, when the original will of the universe world made such a crazy decision, it completely lost the human mind and the trust of many creatures in the universe world. Repeated calculations made it impossible for all creatures to stop. Trust the original will of the universe and world, but it’s too late now. Those who are trapped in the siege are too late even if they want to retreat. They have been locked in by the thunder that billows above the void. Block it!

The original will of the universe seems to know that this time he made a big shot and completely lost the heart, so in order to be able to hit all the'enemies' as much as possible, it blocked the void in the center of the battlefield, blocked all retreats, and did not give those who fell into the siege. The creatures have a glimmer of hope of fleeing, and it wants to destroy all the creatures in the center, whether it is the destruction of the world, or the Zerg, or even those powerful people in the universe who are fighting frantically!

If there is enough time, these strong men can naturally break this crisis. Unfortunately, the original will of the universe world does not give them a chance at all. When many strong men perceive something wrong, when they perceive a crisis, everything is already there. It's too late, the billowing sky thunder has already fallen from the sky, falling like a meteor to the earth madly.

"No, the original will of the universe and the world, you **** bastard!" Before these creatures could finish their words, the rolling sky thunder had drowned them. In the thunder of thunder, countless strong men , Countless creatures were destroyed, whether it was the Destroying Shura or the Zerg, and the creatures in the universe that were enveloped in the universe suffered a devastating blow.

And this is just the beginning. Since the original will of the universe has decided to do it, it must seize the greatest benefit. Amidst the billowing thunder, a series of more terrifying forces point directly at the existence of the blood sacrifice origin through the earth, At the same time, the power of the origin of the universe is also changing, frantically absorbing all the origin of the battlefield, whether it is the Zerg or the Destroying Shura, as well as the creatures of the universe, and even the attacked ones. The origin of the blood sacrifice is in its plunder!

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