God of Destruction

Chapter 3386: Festival showdown

Chapter 3386 Showdown

"Free people? I didn't expect you to be able to make such a decision. Since you have said so, then I agree. If you can't get things done, don't blame me for leaving alone, I don't want to accompany those stupid people to destroy it! "When he said this, Xing Tian's voice suddenly paused, frowned and said: "From the destiny god, are you sure you can convince him? You know that he is not a friendly person. If he can't convince this person, once he If you are wrong, then you understand the consequences?"

For the destiny **** and devil, Xing Tian dared not to have the slightest contempt for such a existence, no matter how careful he is, after all, the fate **** and demon’s foul name is not a display, the most important thing is that Xing Tian is worried that this **** will beat him. , If such a situation occurred during the war, Xing Tian's situation would be dangerous.

For the ancient gods and demons, Xing Tian has never taken lightly, especially when he seized a broken claw of chaotic life, and got a trace of the source of chaos. This temptation is enough to make any creature go crazy, even the Hercules in front of him. Mo Pan Zun, Xing Tian would not believe it, nor dare to believe it. After all, people’s hearts are separated from each other, and no one knows what he is thinking about. Crossing the river to demolish bridges and borrowing the knife to kill people. No one knows when this situation will happen to him. Body.

If it weren’t for Hercules Demon Panzun’s commitment to the status of a “free person”, Xing Tian would never cooperate with him. Xing Tian didn’t want to be restricted by it and put himself in a crisis. For Xing Tian, ​​he never cared about those ancient gods and demons. He doesn’t care about the destruction of the universe. When the original will of the universe is focused on Xingtian, Xingtian no longer regards himself as a creature in this universe, and has the intention of betrayal. Even if he has a chance, Xing Tian is more willing to devour the original will of the universe world and the origin of the entire universe world. After all, he can attract the attention of chaotic beings, which definitely has benefits he can't imagine!

Hercules Demon Panzun understood Xing Tian’s worry, so he smiled indifferently and said: "Please rest assured, fellow Xingtian, the fate of the gods and demons will be dealt with by the dark fellows. The situation has reached this level, even if he has more greed in his heart. Nian, he will not act rashly regardless of the overall situation. After all, he cannot ignore his own life and death. Daoists don’t need to worry too much. As long as the Great Tribulation of World Destruction has not been passed, no one will be caught by the greed in his heart. control!"

Xing Tian sneered disdainfully: "Haha! Daoist Pan Zun is very confident, but unfortunately I can't believe you. It's not that I can't believe in you, but I can't believe in the temptation of interest. In the face of absolute interest, nothing is impossible. When it happens, no one can endure the temptation of profit, let alone the destiny **** and devil himself is a lunatic!"

auzw.com When hearing Xing Tian’s words, Hercules Demon Panzun couldn’t help but sneered. Xing Tian was ashamed to say that the Destiny God Demon is a lunatic, and he himself is also a madman. A lunatic who can do everything, but Xing Tian's words also made the big business **** Demon Pan Zun vigilant. If Xing Tian and the destiny **** and demon are allowed to fight together, I am afraid the consequences will be really disastrous. Xing Tian was right. Nothing is impossible in the face of absolute interests. Even if he finds that Xing Tian is in crisis, he will inevitably have that crazy greed in his heart.

The temptation of Xing Tian's body, the Hercules Demon Panzun also understands. I don't know how many ancient gods and devils, the ancient gods want to beat Xingtian's idea. If Xingtian's combat power is not too terrifying, I am afraid that Xingtian has already After being besieged by the many ancient powerhouses, those ancient powerhouses driven by greed did everything in the face of absolute interests.

"Friends Xingtian, please rest assured, we will remind the destiny gods and demons, and restrain other strong people, and with the strength and methods of fellow daoists, if you find that something is impossible, you can also use the space avenue magical power to get out, not to mention Fellow Daoists have also mastered the Dao of Time. If I am not mistaken, Dao Dao has now merged these two avenues into a more powerful Dao of Time and Space. Dao Dao is already invincible with the Dao of Time and Space. What's more to worry about!"

Xing Tian did not cover up his own time avenue, and he knew that he would be spotted by the Dawu God Demon Pan Zun. For this statement, Xing Tian's performance was very plain, but Xing Tian would not relax a bit in his vigilance. I saw Xing Tian sneered: "No matter how strong the Dao of Time and Space, it cannot withstand the power of the horrible formation in front of you, and it cannot stop the impact of people's hearts. Under such a dangerous environment, no matter how careful you are, you can't take it too seriously. If someone dared to attack me, then I would not blame Xing Tian for being cruel. Regardless of the overall situation, no matter who the opponent is, as long as he dared to attack me, he must accept the fate of death!"

At this time, Xing Tian had nothing to reserve, and there was no need to have reservations. He straightforwardly expressed his own feelings and said his own decision. It is okay to let himself help, but he will not be patient because of the overall situation. No one can allow himself to compromise for the overall situation. This is Xing Tian's voice, and this is his decision!

When Xing Tian's words fell, Hercules Demon Pan Zun frowned. Although he knew that Xing Tian was difficult to collude, he didn't expect Xing Tian to be so decisive. If this happens, the consequences will be dangerous. , Although the strong men invited by the Hercules Demon Pan and the Dark Demon can be trusted, this trust is also limited. He can't guarantee that someone will take the risk and beat the lunatic of Xingtian, the idea of ​​this lunatic. !

Seeing the dignified look of Hercules Demon Panzun, Xing Tian smiled lightly and said: "Fellow Panzun, you still have time to regret at this time. If I really have to join, then there will be no chance to regret again. Xingtian has always done what I say, and I will never falsify or swallow. You have to think carefully!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes condensed, staring at Hercules Demon Panzun, waiting for his decision, Xing Tian also wanted to know what kind of decision Hercules Demon Panzun would make in this so-called overall situation. , Will he give up the invitation to himself because of this, will he just turn around and leave? You must know that this kind of thing cannot tolerate a little carelessness, or if it is something he cannot bear, it is also something that the ancient gods and demons cannot bear!

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