God of Destruction

Chapter 6092: Space Storm

Chapter 3392: Space Storm

"Ignorance, really a group of ignorant bastards. It seems that the previous killings still didn't make you retreat. If this is the case, then I will fulfill you, send you death and soul, space storm, kill!" With Xingtian's cry He shouted, the power of Space Avenue radiated from Xing Tian's body, instantly forming a strong space storm, swept all the enemies that rushed up, and bursts of screams continued to sound from the space storm.

"Xing Tian, ​​stop, stop, we have surrendered, please let us live!"

"No, Xingtian, you can't kill us. We can resist the attacks of the world-killing Shura and the Zerg for the universe. Our living is good for the universe and it is also helpful to you. You can't kill us!" The constant begging for mercy resounded throughout the world. Unfortunately, no matter how much they beg for mercy, it was too late, and Xing Tian would not give them a chance to survive.

"Huh! Ignorance, only dead enemies are the best. What does the safety of the universe world do to me, my own life, I can be responsible, there is no need for you stupid and ignorant **** to die. I accept your origin!" Xing Tian sneered with disdain. For these ignorant enemies, there is no need to pay attention to them. Death is their best destination, and Xing Tian believes that even if he can kill these **** now, Cannot deter the greed of those enemies in the dark, at least the destiny gods and demons will not give up, and they still need to be careful.

"Lunatic, Xingtian, this **** is really crazy enough to make such a crazy decision at this time, not caring about the safety of the universe, it is not a good thing to confront such a lunatic!" Those who originally had greed in their hearts The strong are all feared at this time. The reason why they dare to calculate Xingtian is because under such a general situation, Xingtian dare not take the killer lightly. After all, this is a catastrophe of destroying the world. If there are too many deaths and injuries to the strong, It would make the situation uncontrollable, but they were wrong. There was no such idea in Xing Tian's heart, and they directly hurt the killer, without mercy!

"Forget it, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic is not something we can calculate. He is too vicious, and he has no consideration in his heart. It is unwise to provoke such a lunatic. We don't have to risk our lives for that intangible benefit!"

auzw.comFor those who are not strong enough, they all give up their greed in their hearts. After all, Xing Tian’s chances are not as important as their lives, but everything has two sides. Those who were not strong enough retreated, but those strong enemies were even more crazy about it, because the more powerful Xing Tian showed, the more excited they were.

"Okay, what a great space power, what a Xingtian, the stronger your performance, the more you can inspire the killing intent in my heart, as long as you can kill you and swallow your origin, then my great power will definitely be Perfect, even if the world extinction comes, it can’t stop my path to detachment, come on, let this storm come more violently! I just don’t know how many people dare to attack you after this battle. How many people are willing to continue to jump out!" The Destiny God and Demon murmured in his heart. Although Xingtian's supernatural powers were also exposed under this battle, he was still not eager to make a move. He was still waiting. He believed in secret. It is not only oneself who counts Xingtian, there are more ancient powerhouses!

In the ancient times, there were many gods, demons and spirits. Among those ancient powerhouses who appeared on the battlefield, many of them were hiding their strengths, and they were not fully exploding. They were all waiting for the opportunity, and Xing Tian would be many. The goal that people are targeting, the destiny demon is confident and certain, and even he can’t restrain the greed of Xingtian’s origin, let alone other ancient demon and ancient powerhouses. The previous two wars were just appetizers. Down is the point!

The two waves of enemies that Xing Tian killed before seemed to be at the strong level, but most of them were just new to the strong, and their combat power was far, far away from the existence of Destiny God and Demon. Xing Tian After destroying two waves of powerful enemies and plundering the opponent's resources, wouldn't the destiny **** be worried that Xing Tian would use this killing to strengthen himself?

For the Destiny God and Demon, he also thought about this issue, but he was relieved, because from his own practice experience, although Xing Tian killed these two waves of powerful enemies, he wanted to swallow and absorb each other’s origins. It takes a long time for an easy task. After all, the origins of these enemies are different. If Xing Tian wants to transform into his own nourishment, it will take time, unless Xing Tian has truly mastered the origin of the Three Thousand Dao and can ignore it. Absorbing all power, and this is impossible in the eyes of the destiny **** and demon, because he has not done this himself, naturally he would not believe that Xing Tian, ​​a junior junior, can do this. Under this concept, he naturally Will not care about Xingtian's killing and plunder.

It’s a pity that the destiny gods are wrong. The enemies who are hiding in the dark and want to count Xingtian are wrong. Xingtian has mastered the origin of the three thousand great avenues they do not have, and the inner world supported by the world tree can assimilate all resources. What they seem to be almost impossible to accomplish, but it can be achieved in Xingtian's hands. Although Xingtian seems to have paid a lot of money under the two killings, in fact Xingtian's wastage is less than they thought. Many, Xingtian's resilience is much faster than they thought. Under such circumstances, it is just a joke that they want to count Xingtian.

"Come on, you should take action!" After strangling many enemies, Xing Tian's heart was also muttering to himself, waiting for the destiny to take action, in Xing Tian's heart, the destiny will not give up , I must have a battle with him. As for the other powerful enemies in the dark, Xing Tian also thought that his repeated killings cannot make everyone afraid. He still has a battle, and this battle will be a battle related to his life and death. This battle will be his own. Fight with Destiny.

Of course, the Destiny God and Demon will not easily make a move, otherwise the Destiny God and Demon will not remain so low-key, without the slightest change, because he is still waiting, he also wants to borrow the knife to kill, and use the power of other people to continuously consume Xing Tian knew this very well in his own strength, so Xing Tian also waited patiently!

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