God of Destruction

Chapter 3394: Festival of Time and Space

Chapter 3394: Avenue of Time and Space

Although Hercules Demon Panzun is not optimistic about those ancient gods and gods and ancient gods in his heart, he will not say it, because he knows that even if he speaks himself, no one will believe it, even if it is the darkness that cooperates most with him. The gods and demons would not believe that so many ancient powerhouses would not be able to kill Xingtian this junior, and would lose their lives in this battle. After all, this is too crazy and unbelievable. After all, Xingtian is just an afterlife. Junior!

"Ignorant bastards, just because you want to kill me Xingtian, you really want to perish yourself. Time and space appear, time is still, space is shattered, and I will destroy Laozi! Kill! Kill!" With Xingtian's roar, a horror fell. The power of the origin of time and space swept out frantically, directly pulling the enemy into their own time and space domain. The four ancient gods and demons and ancient gods instantly fell into the crisis of death. When the time and space avenue came out, their The attack was completely missed.

"Damn it, how is this possible, a junior has mastered the Dao of Time and Space, and can integrate the two powers of time and space against the sky!" Under the influence of this time and space, the four ancient gods and demons and ancient gods are all All the fears are because of this fear, and even retreat from the heart, but it is a pity that everything is too late, the power of the time and space has locked them!

"Time-space Dao, as Pan Zun said, Xing Tian, ​​a junior, has mastered the power of this terrifying space-time Dao. This time these people are really dangerous. I hope they can tear apart the power of this time-space Dao domain, or else wait. Their only thing is death. When the space is shattered, no matter how strong their defenses are, they will be torn apart by the power of the space!" When thinking of this, the dark gods and demons couldn't help but cast their eyes on the body of the Hercules Demon!

And when the dark **** and demon's gaze turned to Hercules Demon Pan, the other person's gaze also turned to the dark **** and demon's body, and the two eyes met instantly. Hercules Demon Pan Zun didn't care what thoughts the dark **** and demon had in his heart. , Opened his mouth and said, "Friends, we should also take action. There is not much time left for us. Take out your strength and rush into the earth!"

Hearing the words of the Hercules Demon Pan Zun, the Dark Demon nodded and agreed with this suggestion. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the failure will not come. It is not always possible to have such an opportunity. If it is missed, the consequences will be serious. After all, no one knows whether the four ancient gods and spirits can withstand the strangulation of Xingtian's terrifying time and space!

"Kill! Darkness is coming, break it for me!" The dark gods and demons uttered a deep cry, exuding a terrifying dark aura. That powerful force instantly tore through the defenses blocked by Shiraz Shura and the Zerg, and instantly tore apart a piece of defense. gap.

"The power is extremely strong, the world is broken and the earth is fierce, open it to me!" The Hercules Demon Pan Zun did not hesitate, and also exploded its own supreme combat power, cooperating with the Dark God and Demon's devastating blow to the enemy. The ancient gods and gods and ancient gods who followed behind them all shot one after another, combining the power of everyone to give the enemy a death blow.


When the Dark Gods and Demons and the Hercules Demon Pan Zun made a big move, the Destiny Gods and Demons did not attack with all their strength. Instead, they were still paddling the water as before, because his mind was not placed on the blood sacrifice under the earth. His thoughts were placed on Xingtian. He was conserving his strength and waiting for the opportunity to give Xingtian a fatal blow and blast Xingtian's'great enemy'!

Upon seeing the reaction of the Destiny God and Demon, a look of disdain flashed across the face of the Hercules Demon Pan Zun, and he secretly said, "As I expected, the Destiny God and Demon is unreliable, and his mind is placed on Xingtian. But it’s okay. With your participation, Xingtian’s battle will be more intense and will attract more attention, and my plan will be implemented more smoothly. By then, whether these **** are alive or dead , But I can get out of trouble, out of trouble!"

In the eyes of Hercules Demon Panzun, the destiny demon is typically self-defeating, going in the wrong direction, greed can exist, but it must be appropriate, and the destiny demon is obviously too greedy, and even found Xingtian. This is not the work of a wise man. In his opinion, the destiny **** has lost his reason, has been controlled by the greed in his heart, and lost his mind! There is not only one road to detachment, not only Xing Tian’s opportunity, and the current situation is very dangerous, even perilous. If there is a slight difference, it is death and soul. For a little bit of opportunity, you will put yourself in danger. Among them, that is stupid!

Not everyone has the calm mind of the Hercules Demon Pan, and not everyone can see the situation clearly. The Hercules Demon Pan and the Dark God and Demon know how to choose, but these ancient powerhouses can’t do it, even Other powerful players can't do it, because not many can resist the temptation of that huge benefit, and not everyone can give up their immediate benefits!

The chaotic origin of Xing Tian's body is fascinating, and the origin condensed by the blood sacrifice under the earth is extremely attractive, but to get all of this requires strength and killing. A miss is the death of the body, precisely because it can be seen clearly. This is a huge threat, so the Hercules Demon Panzun and the Dark Gods and Demon had no idea to attack them from beginning to end. All they wanted was to get out of trouble, out of the catastrophe. In their opinion, as long as they can get rid of everything in front of them. Obstacles, to be able to get out of the battlefield smoothly, it is tantamount to breaking away from the catastrophe, being able to save one's own life, and make oneself invincible!

Although interests are important, their own lives are even more important. This is the idea of ​​Hercules Demon Panzun and Dark Gods and Demons. They also want to seize more of their origins, and they also want to make their own foundations deeper, but everything must be done according to their ability. Yes, you cannot act recklessly. Not only will it not be rewarding to do so, but on the contrary, it will kill your own life.

There are huge interests in today’s battlefield, and you don’t necessarily have to take the best. That would make you fall into a huge vortex and get yourself a lot of obstacles. So it’s better to retreat and use Use normal methods to kill the Shura and Zerg races, seize the benefits they deserve, and then get out of trouble with the help of external forces at the most critical moment!

Although you will gain very little by doing this, it is very safe and you can live a long time. This is the plan of the Hercules Demon and the Dark Demon. This is their desire. Only then can I survive this catastrophe!


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