God of Destruction

Chapter 3412: Section space reinforcement

Chapter 3412: Space Reinforcement

For a mad, an enemy who has no consideration and no bottom line, no one knows what kind of crazy things he can do, no one knows what he is calculating, even if it is Xingtian, facing such a terrible situation For the headache.

Although there were many shocks and unwillingnesses in his heart, Xing Tian remained silent, because he did not know whether the tentacles of the original will of the universe world had spread here, and he wondered whether everything that happened here would be in the original will of the universe world. In his eyes, Xing Tian must be cautious, and he cannot be careless, otherwise he will pay a heavier price!

Xing Tian calmly observed everything in the void passage, and saw that there were faint cracks in the passage after the violent turbulence. Although it was only a crack, it had not yet formed a crack, but Xing Tian's heart became It is extremely heavy, which shows that this void channel can no longer withstand too many impacts. If it receives a strong impact, the entire void channel will collapse. At that time, Xing Tian will be involved in a terrifying space storm. It's hard to escape and return to the universe world!

power! If Xing Tian wants to return to the universe without destroying the void passages, he must control his own strength so that he can no longer form a shock wave of terror. Under such a situation, Xing Tian's methods are greatly restricted. This situation Under the circumstances, Xing Tian's situation will naturally become more dangerous, and he will not be able to exert even half of his strength.

"What a cosmic world's original will, so insidious, so crazy calculation, in order to deal with me, to pay such a large price, used such a method, it really shocked me!" When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed After a trace of killing intent, Xing Tian could no longer bear such a crazy and terrifying enemy! Only now Xing Tian had to put away the anger in his heart, because what he faced was not the original will of the universe, but the eye of the universe!

"Huh! Do you think that such a method can stop my pace, do you think that such a method can limit my Xingtian? It's really ridiculous, the Great Space Road, the origin is reinforced, give me condensate!" With Xingtian's deep voice Drink, the origin of a powerful spatial avenue surging, rushing into this void passage quickly, and then rapidly strengthening this void passage at a speed visible to the naked eye, just between a few breaths, that original Some cracks disappeared, and replaced by a silver light, which is the defense formed by the strength of the original reinforcement of the space avenue.

Although Xing Tian mastered the powerful space avenue and was more confident in his own power mining, he did not dare to take it lightly, nor did he dare to risk his life. After all, Xing Tian did not know that the original will of the universe world, the lunatic, saw that he was not affected. When, would it be possible for a momentary impact to directly destroy this void passage and directly bury himself and the Eye of the Universe in this void passage, so Xing Tian had to make such a move to strengthen the defense of this void passage? !

After auzw.com took the shot, Xing Tian was not eager to make the final battle with the eye of the universe world in front of him. Instead, he waited quietly, waiting for the response of the original will of the universe world, Xing Tian believed With such a major event happening in the void channel, it is absolutely impossible to escape the induction of the original will of the universe world. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian wants to know what the original will of the universe world will do!

Time was lost bit by bit, and as a result, Xing Tian was a little surprised. The original will of the universe seemed to be indifferent to everything that happened in this void channel, and did not have any reaction at all. On the contrary, this act of waiting made Xingtian feel in front of him. The Eye of the Universe World has condensed more powerful forces, making the dangers facing itself stronger!

"Damn it, the original will of the universe world really can't understand its mind. Under such a situation, I have to fight the eye of the universe world head-on to let this bastard's calculation succeed!" For Xing Tian, ​​he didn't want to be here. The eye of the cosmic world, no matter how the battle is won or lost, it is a failure for Xing Tian, ​​because he has fallen into the calculation of the original will of the cosmic world and became the sword in the opponent's hand, and this is Xing Tian Unwilling to accept the result.

This is Yang Mou, the Yang Mou that Xing Tian cannot resist. Ren Shi Xing Tian understands the sinister intentions of the original will of the universe, but he has to do it and has to face it against such a crazy and terrifying enemy, Xing Tian’s heart Secretly sighed again, shocked by the crazy calculation of the original will of the universe world!

"Break it for me!" After the void passage was reinforced, Xing Tian was not afraid that the passage would collapse during the battle, so Xing Tian did not hesitate any longer, and blasted away at the eye of the universe world with a punch. Under this blow, Xing Tian used half of his power to interrupt or even explode the eye of the universe in front of him!

When Xing Tian started his hands, the original will of the universe world in the universe world could not help revealing a faint smile. Everything was under its control, and under its crazy calculations, his greatest The two enemies and the two hidden dangers will finally fight to the death. No matter which side wins, this battle is the greatest victory for the original will of the universe world! Of course, what the original will of the universe world is most willing to see is that these two enemies can hurt both sides, so that they can take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and swallow their origins in one fell swoop, strengthen themselves, and complete the final transformation!

However, although there is such a crazy idea in his heart, the original will of the universe understands that it is impossible. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will not give himself such a chance, although he does not know how much power Xing Tian's violent blow used before. But just from Xing Tian's method of strengthening the void passage, the original will of the universe world understands that the result of losing both sides is impossible, and the final victory is only the unknown strength of Xing Tian.

Although Xing Tian has not left the universe for a long time, the original will of the universe can no longer feel the true power of Xingtian or the realm of Xingtian. This makes the original will of the universe unavoidable and wary of it. Xing Tian has a deeper intent to kill. If it weren’t for the presence of a powerful enemy in the chaos, I’m afraid that the universe world’s original intention was determined to take action at this time and use the most powerful force to encircle Xing Tian in this void. In the channel!


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