God of Destruction

Chapter 3418: Festival return

Chapter 3418: Return

Returning to the cosmic world, although Xing Tian did not feel the strong pressure from the original will of the cosmic world, nor did he feel the pressure of the terrifying force, Xing Tian knew in his heart that he was being watched, by the original will of the cosmic world. Now the original will of the universe world is internal and external. Under such circumstances, the other party will give up suppressing and attacking itself, but if the original will of the universe world is free from external threats, everything will change instantly!

The war is about to begin. Perhaps it does not need to wait for the chaotic life to actively invade, the original will of the universe world will put it into the universe world, and use the power of chaos life to strike all the creatures in this universe. Knowing that it has completely mastered the universe and world now, there is no need to worry about the power to stop it. It can completely let go of its hands and feet and complete the goals set in its heart at any cost, and this also means the beginning of war. !

Xing Tian can understand the crisis of the current situation, and the many ancient powerhouses can also understand and how dangerous their situation is. They just understand and understand, but they are powerless to change everything. They can only endure silently, and can only wait for the ultimate. The beginning of the war, waiting for this crazy battle of killing, this battle that decides everyone's life and death!

"Friend Pan Zun, Xing Tian has returned. It seems that the previous earthquakes were the result of Xing Tian’s confrontation with the original will of the world. Xing Tian was able to return so easily. It seems that his power has increased a lot, otherwise he would use the original will of the universe. The character will not let him return, and this also means that our troubles are big, and the war is about to begin!" When he said this, the dark gods and demons could not help but sighed, although there were still some who followed him. The ancient gods and demons, but only relying on the power of these people, he still can't see any hope of survival, and no chance of survival.

When Hercules Demon Pan Zun heard this, a faint uneasiness flashed across his face, and he sighed, "Yes! Xingtian's return is a disaster for us, and this disaster was not brought by Xingtian. It is caused by the original will of the universe and the world. Its existence is a crisis for us. It is driving everything in the dark to destroy the world. Now it no longer needs to continue to hide in the dark. Now it is completely Tearing the face and walking to the front desk in secret, we are in a dangerous situation. In the heart of this bastard, I am afraid that we have been used as cannon fodder to consume the power of chaotic life!"

cannon fodder! At this time, under this general trend, they are regarded as cannon fodder, and the end of the game is naturally conceivable, but it is not for them to decide, because this is the general trend, facing the strong pressure of the original will of the universe, these ancient gods and demons Fortunately, the ancient gods, and other creatures have no ability to resist, this is an era of power, the era of respect for the strong, the weak can only bow their heads and listen to orders, can only be consumed as cannon fodder.


"Friends of Taoism, we need to contact all the creatures that can be contacted, and do our best to survive this catastrophe. Now that the original will of the universe world no longer hides the thoughts in our hearts, we can draw in more powerful people. This This is our only chance!" When he said this, the dark gods and demons' voice suddenly stopped and sighed: "It's a pity, if we could discover the crazy idea of ​​the original will of the universe world earlier, we should not let the previous In that war, otherwise there were destiny gods and demons, as well as the existence of other ancient Taoist friends, no matter how strong the original will of the universe is, they would not dare to do too much persecution on us!"

Is it really like this? No, the dark gods and demons said all this is not true. Even if they know the original will of the universe and world in advance, they still can’t change the general trend, because they can’t stop other people’s behavior, they can’t stop their greed and force. But doing so can only be counterproductive and can only make the situation even more out of control!

Regarding all this, the Hercules Demon Panzun knew very well in his heart, but at this time, he did not say anything to refute, because it was too late to say anything at this time, and these people must face all the crazy things in front of them. Faced with this catastrophe, whoever makes them weak, the weak have no right to choose.

Hercules Demon Panzun sighed and said, "Perhaps we should contact Xing Tian. We must know that the lunatic Xing Tian has also been targeted. The relationship between him and the original will of the universe is already endless, as long as he is willing. Stand up, then our pressure will be much less. After all, this lunatic’s terrifying combat power is not a display. With him, even the original will of the universe must be taken into consideration. After all, this lunatic can do everything. Come out!"

Xingtian! When the situation developed to this degree, these ancient powerhouses once again thought of Xingtian, and wanted to pull Xingtian to bring disasters, but they forgot that Xingtian was not easy to provoke. When such a situation arises, Xingtian's heart is about this world. The general situation is also very clear. At this time and under this situation, Xing Tian is afraid that he will not take the initiative to take the horrific impact from the chaotic life. After all, this is not an ordinary war, which is related to the survival of everyone. War!

The Dark God and Demon shook his head and said, "No, everything is too late. Xing Tian can't help us. He is not a fool and will not thunder for us. Everything now can only rely on ourselves, and only we can have enough. Only then have we had a chance to survive this natural disaster, give up the ridiculous help, and we can only rely on our own strength to survive. This is our current situation!"

It’s better to rely on people than to rely on yourself and place your hope of survival on others. This is something the dark gods and demons are unwilling to accept, even if this person is Xingtian. You must know who is in such a battle of life and death. They all have selfish motives, and no one will easily believe in other strong people. At this time, if one’s own life and death rests on others, it is irresponsible to one’s own life. An accident will pit oneself to death and end up A dead end, this is reality, and reality is so cruel and ruthless. In the face of interest and life and death, nothing is worth mentioning. Everything can be abandoned, and everything can be abandoned. This is the general trend of the world and this is human nature. !

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