God of Destruction

Chapter 3450: Self-defeating

Chapter 3450

The rumbling sound of disillusionment is constantly resounding through the universe. With the madness of the original will of the darkened universe, the world is heading for destruction, while Xing Tian just watched indifferently, unmoved at all, and those ancient powerhouses one by one Although anxious, but unable to stop it, can only endure self-restraintly, but on their faces constantly show that anxious look!

With the passage of time and the passage of time, the original will of the darkened universe finally refined the original will of the universe, and at this moment, the face of the original will of the universe that should have been ecstatic suddenly Because of the great change, a pale color appeared from its illusory face, and the expression of panic was full!

How is this going? what's going on? Why did the original will of the universe, which should have been happy, suddenly become so panicked? And just when he was surprised, a disdainful voice sounded, that was Xing Tian's voice!

"Ignorance, you can really do your calculations for yourself, and you can do everything in your grasp. Is the origin of the universe really so easy to refine? This is not the world you are familiar with. Your age is already over, but only It’s just that Cannian wanting to go against the sky, wanting to be the lord of the world, wanting to refine the universe and transform the universe into a heavenly being, it’s so ridiculous, you never thought that it’s not our “ants” who will eventually defeat you. , But the origin of this cosmic world. You underestimate that chaotic life, and underestimate its origin in this cosmic world, so you have to pay for it!"

When Xing Tian's words fell, all the strong men breathed a sigh of relief. They finally understood why Xing Tian had not been in a hurry before, and did not stop the madness of the original will of the universe. It was not that Xing Tian was so crazy. The degree of incorrigibility was that Xing Tian had already understood that the calculation of the original will of the universe world could not be successful.

"Damn, Xingtian, you **** bastard, all this is your conspiracy. You have known that the origin of the universe is poisonous, but you have been pretending to know that you don't know, let me refine the origin of the universe, you are really sinister and vicious. !" The Origin Will of the universe world looked at Xing Tian with a pale face, and endless anger was reflected in his eyes. If this anger could kill people, Xing Tian would have already died countless times, but unfortunately the anger of the origin will of the universe could not Shake Xing Tian's will.

auzw.com "Conspiracy? No, this is not a conspiracy. It's just that you are killing yourself. You are too arrogant and too arrogant. You always think that everything is under your control. I think that chaotic life is nothing more than this. In your eyes, that **** life is not worth mentioning, but you don’t know that your arithmetic master cannot succeed at all. If there is a perfect and perfect universe, your calculations are not wrong. To succeed, it’s a pity that this is the surviving cosmic world. The most important thing is that this surviving cosmic world is mixed with chaotic forces. You dare to refining all the power of the source of such chaotic cosmic world. This is not What is self-destruction? Do you think that everything can be suppressed with the power of your great power? Wrong, you can't do it, and no one can do it, because there is a trace of the chaotic world in this source, with your Strength, based on your state of mind, you cannot refine it. You underestimated Chaos Life and the other party's calculations, so you lost!"

"What's the matter? How did Xing Tian fall all cause and effect on the chaotic beings at this time? What is going on?" The brows of many ancient powerhouses were tightly closed, and they were thinking hard. , I wanted to clarify the meaning of Xing Tian's remarks, but unfortunately they couldn't, because they had never really understood the power of chaotic life.

Looking at the original will of the universe world that is struggling, Xing Tian sneered again and said, "Don't struggle anymore, this is your life, you are unable to suppress that chaotic origin, that is half the origin of that chaotic life, that is The origin of many Zerg races is the origin of the Shura Clan that destroys the world. They have their own lives. They want to refine them, and want to integrate them into the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao. That is to destroy themselves, and the ways are different. For the sake of conspiracy, you didn't even understand this point!"

As soon as Xing Tian’s words fell, everyone immediately realized that the different ways are not conspiring. The origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao and the remaining origins of this universe can be integrated and merged, because they originally came from the same origin, but chaos. The half of the original power left by life is different. Its existence is annihilation and destruction. The most important thing is that the chaotic life is not as dead and soul as the universe world's original will thinks. It is only suppressed by Xingtian. As long as it does not die for a day, no one can refine its original source in the universe, because it is alive, and when its life is threatened, it will fight back crazy. This is the universe. The reason why the original will of the world was pitted by Xing Tian!

"Hahaha! What a sinister plan, but what if you succeed, don’t even think about what I can’t get. You never want to get my origin, the origin of this universe, I am I won’t let your conspiracy succeed. Even if you die, I will drag you and drag you **** to the end!" What is the situation in himself, the universe world’s original will is very clear, at this time, under this situation, he There is no chance to stand up, Xing Tian will not give it to him, and the many ancient powerhouses will not give it to him. All he can do is pull people and die together!

"Hmph! Ignorance, at this time, you are still so ignorant, just rely on your power to pull me to death, do you have this ability, it is really ridiculous, the backlash of the Three Thousand Avenue is terrible, the power of order is terrible. Well, chaos’s backlash is terrible. Now you don’t even have the ability to commit suicide. It won’t take long before you will be directly blown to death by the many original powers that you swallow. This is what you asked for, because you are too Greedy! You don't know how to advance or retreat, you don't know how to constrain, and you want to swallow everything. This is why you die, and this is the price you have to pay!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's voice paused, and he sighed and said, "Give up resistance, you can't stop the backlash of the many source powers in your body, and I never thought of seizing these sources, I want to get It's just your soul, the message left in your soul, I don't care about everything else!"


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