God of Destruction

Chapter 3462: Chaos Starry Sky

Chapter 3462: Chaos Starry Sky

For Xing Tian, ​​he now needs to choose the force that suits him best. After all, only the one that suits him is the best. If it is a weak and deceptive force, how can he let Xing Tian let go of his hands and feet, and practice ignorantly? To choose, you must choose the most powerful force, only in this way can you get the greatest benefits and protection!

It’s just that the problem has reappeared. Xing Tian’s location is too remote, and it takes too long to enter the depths of the chaotic world. After all, Xing Tian has no means of transportation, only relying on his own strength in this chaos. Walking in the world, let’s not talk about the danger in this. Even time, Xing Tian can’t afford it. After all, this chaotic world is too big, so big that it makes Xing Tian a headache. In the chaotic world In the middle, Xingtian's space avenue cannot be displayed at all!

"How should this be good? Although this chaotic life has great ambitions, its level is too low, it knows too little about the chaotic world, and it has no amazing wealth, otherwise it won't end up like this, I If you want to enter the chaotic world, you can only find another way. As long as this is the case, you should not refining all your treasures at the beginning, at least you must leave the powerful flying warship, but it is too late now. !" At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help regretting in his heart, his vision was still too low, he didn't leave a way for him, and now it takes a long time to do this!

Although with Xingtian’s current strength, it is not difficult to refine a treasure, but it is not easy to be able to walk in the chaotic world. After all, Xingtian does not have so much time. To keep it warm, there is not so much time and resources to let it evolve. As for the materials of the chaotic world, Xing Tian knows very little.

"Forget it, let me find the world closest to me according to the memory of this chaotic life first, and then find another way to join the big power I want to go!" There must be a choice in everything, at this time, in this situation Under the circumstances, Xingtian has to think too much. Instead of waiting here to die, it is better to take the initiative. You must know that in the memory of this chaotic life, in the long years of its existence, it has never encountered other Chaotic life.

A year later, Xing Tian was preparing everything, and then headed toward the depths of the chaotic world. In one year, Xing Tian basically spent his time dealing with his body. After all, there are still many creatures following him in the inner world, Xing Tian It is necessary to ensure that their practice is not disturbed, to relieve this worries, or to enter the chaos alone and to worry about it, that is to kill oneself, once a war, waiting for Xing Tian will be death, after all, in the chaos Very dangerous!

auzw.com"It's a beautiful starry sky. Who can believe that there are endless dangers hidden in this beautiful starry sky." After a light sigh, Xing Tian moved forward cautiously. After all, Xing Tianke Without the treasure body, everything must rely on one's own strength to resist external attacks. A slight mistake would be a devastating blow to oneself.

Carefully advancing in the chaos, Xing Tian can clearly see the situation in this chaotic world. After a little advance, there are densely packed stars in front of them, bursting out with rays of light, but unfortunately in these stars In the middle, Xing Tian didn't feel the breath of life, and the radiant light was also the light of death.

In the distance is the vast and boundless universe, black and lacquered, with no end or boundary in sight. It seems to be in an empty space, and there is no sense of direction like up, down, left, and right. If it is a creature that is not familiar with the chaotic world, it will be lost in the endless chaotic world in an instant, and it doesn't know where to go. It is more terrifying than any avenue of fantasy. Fortunately, Xing Tian has the information of the chaotic life as a reference, otherwise it is really unthinkable!

After feeling the horror of the chaotic world, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart. In such a terrifying chaotic world, even if someone can transcend and enter the chaos, it is difficult to have any future, not everyone can. With such a chance, he can kill a chaotic life, seize the opponent's soul, and get a preliminary understanding of the terrible world of chaos!

In the chaotic world, even remote places have endless planets, and those many planets form galaxies of different sizes, and many galaxies form terrifying star fields. This chaotic world is not what Xing Tian used to do. The chaos experienced can be compared with it, and the galaxies and star fields here are also different from those experienced by Xing Tian. In that low-level world, galaxies and star fields are not so dangerous, but chaos is different. , Even inanimate galaxies and star fields will have different origins due to the gestation of the chaotic world, forming different avenue areas. If you rush into it without preparation, you will only be caught by that terrifying avenue. The domain swallowed, assimilated, becomes its nutrient!

It can be said that if you want to walk in the chaotic world alone, the power of detachment is the most basic requirement. There is no power of detachment, powerless to withstand the impact of the violent chaotic aura, and powerless to face the impact of this great realm! It was not that Xing Tian had never thought of stopping, looking for treasures of heaven and earth among those planets and galaxies, and refining a defensive spirit treasure for himself, but this idea was quickly given up by Xing Tian. This is a remote place. , Even if there are treasures of heaven and earth, they can't be on the table, and they can't refine the treasure at all. Reluctantly, they will only waste their time and consume their own origin.

The most important thing is that Xing Tian is worried that he will not have much time left. He is worried that stopping will affect his next plan and his own practice. You must know that if you come into contact with the creatures in the chaos as soon as possible, you will be able to Find a method suitable for your practice, so that you can cross the most critical step of this practice, so that you can have time to choose a force suitable for your practice, so that you can have more time to integrate into this new environment .

Time is life. No one knows what changes will happen in the next moment in this chaotic world, so Xing Tian dare not waste his time or focus on refining a defensive treasure, because Xing Tian himself does not understand The treasures of the chaotic world do not understand the nature of the chaotic world. After all, all this requires the accumulation of knowledge!

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