God of Destruction

Chapter 3479: Transfusion

Chapter 3479

When all the blood was replaced, Xing Tian's physical body was also washed, and this did not completely end. Xing Tian's blood was still being replaced, as if the new blood had not reached its limit and could not carry Xing Tian. It’s a great road, but when the second time it was replaced, the speed could not help but drop, because compared with the first time, this time is still a qualitative difference. If the blood of the first time is like water, and this time the blood is like mercury. .

It’s just this replacement that brings more pressure to Xing Tian. Every drop of new blood will bring huge pressure to Xing Tian’s physical body. At this time, Xing Tian’s outer calamity also poured down like a storm. , The power of thunder tribulation penetrated into Xing Tian's body, constantly impacting every cell of Xing Tian's body.

Internally and externally, this kind of impact has put Xing Tian’s spirit under tremendous pressure, and Xing Tian’s will has also endured a greater test. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian still has not found a way to condense the origin of his own blood, and can only be passive. Accept everything, hoping that when this disaster is over, the origin of their own blood will condense on their own!

Although Xing Tian was unwilling to accept such a passive situation, Xing Tian could only accept it before he could not find any way, because this was the only choice. Xing Tian believed that under the law of evolution, his own transformation would lead to the origin of blood. Change will condense the origin of the blood that you need, but it takes time and you need to bear the baptism of this terrible catastrophe!

This is an extremely passive and dangerous choice. For those creatures who are born in the real power, they will not choose this kind of truth, because there is almost no hope in it, although the evil spirits need to rely on their own strength. , But for the evildoers of these big powers, they have a lot of experience of their predecessors, and this is something Xing Tian doesn't have, and even the owner of Zixing doesn't have such resources. This is the foundation of a real big power.

Faced with such a terrible impact, Xing Tian still did not give up, and still persisted. Although Xing Tian's choice was very primitive, the more primitive the choice, the more frantic he was to wash himself, the more thorough, the greater he could get. The advantage of this, because this primitive washing is to move on the whole, it can really wash everything of itself, but the inheritance left by those big forces is not the case, they all have tricks, but for their own transformation , Taking tricks means giving up part of the washing, and this will naturally affect the cohesive quality of one's own blood origin. If Xing Tian’s primitive washing is originally ten, then these evil evildoers who succeeded in tricks through various experiences The origin of the blood is seven, or even six.


For any origin, every point is a qualitative gap, and once the origin of the blood is condensed, the price it needs to pay for evolution will be even more terrifying, and it is even impossible to have a little evolution in a lifetime. The first time they shed their mortal lives, they took a trick, so that their origin of blood could not be fulfilled.

When the second blood replacement was completed, the third time began again, and this time Xing Tian was shocked that this time it was not blood such as mercury, but the condensed roots in that blood as if it were a rule. The chain of blood-colored rules, like a series of original gods of thunder, crisscrossed in his body, and even more amazing is that when such a change appeared, the attack from the outer catastrophe was completely affected by the blood-colored The chain of rules was swallowed and became its nutrient, as if the appearance of the outer robbery was born for them, in order to provide them with sufficient nutrients for growth, this awareness made Xing Tian's mind excited.

The origin of blood, is this the origin of blood that you want to condense? It's a pity that no one can give Xingtian an answer. The most important thing is that Xingtian doesn't have time, and he doesn't dare to think about it. When his mind is slightly turbulent, that terrifying power will be out of Xingtian's grasp, that violent The external robbery of Xing Tian will bear the impact of almost death.

It was Xingtian's choice to gather his mind. Under this situation, Xingtian didn't dare to let his mind fluctuate too much. Otherwise, an accidental result would be miserable. When everything develops into this situation, Xingtian is not allowed to control everything. Xingtian truly let go of all his control, allowing himself to evolve, let go of everything, and give the initiative to his body and instinct. This is indeed a good choice, too. The most suitable choice. After all, Xingtian’s mind will be affected by the outside world and himself, but his own instinct will not change like this. Only the origin of the bloodline condensed under instinct is the most suitable for him. Instinctive power can condense the most powerful blood origin.

Countless supreme principles are constantly evolving in Xingtian’s blood, and all the supreme principles are continuously imprinted in Xingtian’s body along with the evolution, whether it is every cell, every bone, every inch of flesh and blood in Xingtian. All have been subjected to such an impact, if ordinary enchanting creatures have already succeeded in such a slaughter, but Xing Tian still sees no hope, because Xing Tian walks on a crazy road, a road against the sky, condensing It’s not an easy task to condense the origins of the three thousand laws of consummation into one, and evolve into a bloodline that can contain all the origins. The time required is horrible and it has to be endured. The pressure is also amazing.

"Damn it, what exactly the lunatic Xingtian wants to do, how many great origins he has condensed, and there is still no sign of blood condensation after such a long time. Could it be said that this **** failed, or that his blood origin condensed? Accident, or even mutation?” As time passed, Zi Xing's mood became tense. It was not only worried about Xingtian’s safety, but also because of such a terrifying external catastrophe. The little remaining source of Zixing consumes more, making its situation more dangerous, making it have to worry about whether it will not see the success of Xingtian’s foundation construction, and it will be directly destroyed by this terrible external calamity. If this is the case, then its spirit is too miserable, and this is not the result it wants to see, it is the result it cannot accept! The vitality is in front of me, but I did not wait for the vitality to appear, and the body and soul disappeared on the eve of the vitality. What a ironic result!

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