God of Destruction

Chapter 3492: Section prevention

Chapter 3492: Prevention

At this time, Zi Xing had nothing to conceal, and he directly told Xing Tian about the vastness of the barren star field. It also made Xing Tian immediately understand a serious problem, the information left by the chaotic life he plundered. How bad is it, how wrong! Perhaps this is what the chaotic life deliberately did, in order to kill his enemy!

In Zixing’s eyes, Xing Tian is just a rookie, a newbie, a rookie with little experience, a rookie who will play himself to death if he is not careful, so he needs to remind him to avoid accidents, but Zixing is not Knowing that Xing Tian is not a rookie, let alone a creature born in the Supreme Chaos World, but from the lower realm, Xing Tian’s killing experience is not less than its Xingyao’s tool spirit, Xing Tian has enough mood to face all crises, yes Xingtian only draws power, the power that can guarantee his own safety, time Xingtian needs time.

The more Xing Tian thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was reasonable, and he would do the same even if he died, and he would not make his enemies feel better. He should do his best to dig holes for the enemy. Bury it in it, bury it for yourself! It is only natural to leave such a terrible trap in one's own soul, and there is nothing incredible! After all, nothing is impossible in this cosmic world, one more point of calculation means more power!

Even the primordial spirit of killing and plundering the enemy with his own hands is unreliable. Can a tool spirit that he has just met with few faces and only been in contact for a short time is reliable? Xingtian didn’t think so. He didn’t feel that he could put all his hopes on it, but put his life on others. This is not Xingtian’s principle of dealing with things. He can only rely on himself, and only himself is the most reliable. , And only you can trust.

Seeing if Xing Tian had some enlightenment, Zi Xing shook his head again and said, "Boy, you now understand your own advantages. For you, the transformation is only the beginning. When you have the gift of heaven, when you have the uniqueness For the inheritance of your own physical body, what you need is to continue to practice. The signs of heaven have come before, and the signs must use your wisdom to not waste the power of the signs of heaven. With the help of the power of signs of heaven, you have already entered the heavenly inheritance. You don’t have to worry about the power of inheritance. No matter how strong the inheritance is, it can’t change your origin, and it can’t hold you back. You can practice safely, just pay attention to your choices. After all, you need to decide. Your own future path, everything else is not important to you!"

Not important, is it really not important? Xing Tian didn't think so, because he was still just an ant, an ant who needed to look up to the strong. Now he is in the supreme chaos world, no matter how talented he is, he has no self-protection strength. He urgently needs to find a solid and reliable one for himself. Relying on, able to shelter oneself to grow up quickly.

Time, Xing Tian urgently needs time to practice. Although he does not know if Zi Xing’s remarks are correct, there is a little Xing Tian knows that the power of the Supreme God’s Vitality and Blood Furnace condensed in his body is sufficient to restrain the All-Spirit Attracting Star Art. Even if the Wan Ling Yinxing Secret Art was dangerous, Xing Tian didn't have to worry that this danger could threaten his safety.


At this time, Xing Tian's heart also vaguely understood why Zi Xing did not teach him a stronger inheritance, just a little bit of the fur on the Avenue of Stars. The reason is very simple. It is worried, worried that it will resist, there will be I was afraid that only the lowest inheritance would make me feel safe, and only this lowest inheritance would be able to make Zi Xing trustworthy Xing Tian, ​​and as a tool spirit, Zi Xing was also afraid that Xing Tian would destroy him.

In the face of an unknown creature, no matter how careful you are, you can't think too much! Even if Xing Tian sees through Zi Xing’s worries, Xing Tian will not say it or express it. This is balance, and only in this way can Zi Xing feel at ease, and only in this way can both parties be able to cooperate peacefully. , Without crazy confrontation!

Xing Tian had already comprehended the Wanling Star Attracting Technique before. It is not difficult to re-run this technique, and Xing Tian himself has mastered the Avenue of Stars. When his mind moves, the Wanling Star Attracting Technique starts to operate. The origin of the Avenue of Stars lies in Xingtian’s Condensed in the acupuncture hole, this is indeed the most basic avenue of stars. At least in this Wanling Star Attracting Art, Xing Tian did not feel the real supreme aura of the supreme stars, what the Star Art communicates is only the most basic. The origin of the stars.

A little bit of starlight emerged from Xing Tian's body once again, and a mysterious star wave radiated from Xing Tian's body. When seeing this, Zi Xing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as a knowledgeable tool. Ling, Zi Ling also understands Xing Tian’s worries, and is afraid that Xing Tian will give up cultivating the All-Spirit Attracting Star Art because of his worries, which will prevent him from getting help from the source, even if it seems that his own purple light star is dominant. He has the initiative, but Zi Xing still can't feel at ease, because he understands that he is facing a madman, a madman who can make him scary.

A stubborn lunatic who doesn’t know what compromise is, but he can do everything. It’s not impossible for Zixing to give up the sacrifice to himself as Ziguang Xingyao for self-protection, and Zixing doesn’t know about Xingtian. Would a madman take a big shot for his own safety and forcibly kill the existence of his own spirit, although without his own spirit, the power of Ziguang Xingyao would be greatly reduced, but this also guaranteed Xingtian's safety.

Worry, for Zixing, is not as plain as it appears. Its heart is full of endless worries and fears. It is waiting for Xingtian’s response and waiting for Xingtian to make a decision. This is related to its survival. It has to be cautious.

Starlight appeared little by little, and Zixing could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. With Xing Tian’s practice, the origin of Xing Yao began to recover. Zi Xing did not tell the truth to Xing Tian, ​​it had reservations, as a sacred treasure, It is not entirely necessary for Xing Tian to transport the origin of the stars in order to recover. As long as someone can attract the origin of the stars, it can also be restored, but it takes a long time. When the origin of the stars of Xing Tian body emanates, the purple star controls the stars. Absorbed and digested by his power, he began to recover his almost dry source, so that he could protect himself a little bit more!

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