God of Destruction

Chapter 3499: Section explanation

Chapter 3499 Explanation

"Don't worry, the Yunxiao Sect is not as unbearable as you think. Although it is closest to this remote place, it is compared with other schools. If you fly with your body, it will take a long time to reach the Yunxiao Sect. , For all the remote places, they are not in the control of the sacred sects, because they are not in the sky at all, like this barren star field, no creatures appear at all, because everyone is not coming, and the sacred sects are also the same. After my continuous investigation, according to your own conditions, etc., it is not difficult to join the Yunxiao faction, but it depends on your own performance to get there. No one can help you at this point. "When I said this, Zixing smiled indifferently again. It was obvious that it once again saw through Xing Tian's worry, fearing that he would enter the wrong sect because of his temporary ignorance!

Xing Tian smiled lightly. Although his mind was once again seen through by Zi Xing, he didn't care, let alone embarrassment, because there was no need, and if there was no such thing as a dim sum, it would be impossible for him to be today. At this level, he still smiled calmly: "Thank you, if this is the case, after all, no one wants to join a sect that even lacks their own resources. Such a sect can't cultivate the evil spirits of Tianjiao, and can't get on the big stage. !"

Zi Xing is very satisfied with Xing Tian's state of mind, and being able to look at the problem so plainly is enough to show that Xing Tian's state of mind is mature, and such a mature state of mind rarely appears in those young Tianjiao. This quality makes Zi Xing even more consider Xing Tian's preciousness. , It smiled indifferently and said: "I guess your heart is wondering why you have to join the Yunxiao Sect, why not join other sects, is it just because the Yunxiao Sect is the closest to the remote place? Indeed, the one who received disciples in this remote place Not only is Yunxiao Sect a sacred sect, there are many sects, and the gap between these many sacred sects is not big, but the difference between Yunxiao Sect is that it is the oldest and most inherited sacred sect, although I don’t Knowing how many avenues you have gathered to build the foundation and transform the world, but the oldest sect and the most inherited sect is the best for you. No matter which path you choose, you can find the avenues you need in the Yunxiao Sect. However, it is difficult for other schools to achieve this. Their inheritance is limited and biased. The most important thing is that they are the most rigorous in choosing their followers. They need to clarify their own foundation to determine whether Can accept their sect inheritance, so you should now understand why I made this choice."

After hearing these words, Xing Tian naturally understood Zi Xing’s concerns and the other party’s painstaking efforts. Such restrictions were naturally not suitable for him. If he joined such a sect, Xing Tian’s secrets would be exposed. Xing Tian didn't think that some of the high-level people of these sects could not be malicious to juniors like himself!

As long as Xing Tian retains a bit of reason, he will not choose such a sect to join. It will be to put his life in the hands of others, and put his life and death on the goodwill of the sect. Such a stupid decision is not Xingtian. If he can do it, Xing Tian will not be able to entrust his life to the hands of others, because doing so will leave an indelible mark in Xing Tian’s heart, and he will become his own demon and restrict his own practice. This is even more unwilling to accept Xing Tian.


"Only Yunxiao has the least and best requirements for his disciples. It will not pursue your own secrets, because every practitioner has his own secrets, and he is unwilling to tell others his secrets. Even if it’s your own teacher, it’s because one more person knows that it’s more dangerous for oneself, and who can guarantee that the school will be so kind, so clean, without any ambition or greed, so for those For the Tianjiao evildoers who really stand at the top, they will not choose such a restricted school. They are unwilling to tell their secrets, because everyone understands that the secrets they speak are no longer secrets, and their own security is also There is no guarantee!"

"Don't those sects know how serious the consequences of doing this are? Why do they continue to do so? Are they willing to watch those top heavenly arrogant evildoers switch to other sects?" Xing Tian asked suspiciously. This kind of hidden danger, every school should be very clear, they should take the initiative to change, and such a change is nothing, it does not take too much time, it will not have any impact on the door!

"Don't they want to change since you? They think too, but they can't, because their inheritance of these sacred sects is limited. If the restrictions are let go, although it will attract many gods and evil spirits, but because of the limitations of inheritance, it will make many gods. It is difficult for evildoers to grow up. In this way, the sect will not only fail to train real strong people, on the contrary, it will consume too much resources of the sect itself, so they would rather give up those arrogant evildoers than let go of the conditions for recruiting!"

The limitation of inheritance shows a big problem, that is, the sect's background is insufficient, otherwise there will be no such problem. For such a sect, Xing Tian will naturally also be discouraged. In contrast, the Yunxiao Sect is very happy. It is also the most suitable for you, and will not cause problems due to restrictions, let alone worry about the lack of resources for your own practice!

When thinking of this, Xing Tian nodded. In the entire Supreme Chaos World, how many creatures want to join the Martial Arts, but how many can really join? Although Xing Tian is confident in his own background, Xing Tian is not It may really be exposed, which makes Xing Tian's combat power naturally greatly discounted, so Xing Tian can't help but worry about whether he can successfully join the Yunxiao faction if he has reservations. After all, he has no knowledge. I don’t know if I can withstand the test of the other party. If he fails, he will always miss the opportunity. Such a result is beyond Xing Tian’s ability, so Xing Tian cannot help but have it in his heart. A little uneasy!

Back down? No, Xing Tian will never retreat, not now, and even more so in the future, even if the future is difficult and dangerous, Xing Tian will not retreat because of fear. Destiny is in his own hands, and he cannot retreat because of fear. Stop!

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