God of Destruction

Chapter 3509: Section warning

Chapter 3509 Warning

The entire virtual world is forged by the most powerful human civilization. Everywhere in this virtual world is condensed their Tao fruit, which is the power of their wisdom, with Xingtian such a small mortal.' Ant's want to touch its true meaning too, can only say that Xing Tian thinks too much, if even he can touch the root of the virtual world, this virtual world no longer exists, he can feel it in an instant. , That's because he entered the virtual world for the first time, because he himself used the Three Thousand Avenue to build the foundation perfectly, and this opportunity is only once!

"It's so real, it's really incredible!" Xing Tian squeezed his fist and felt the terrifying and abundant power in his body. It was obviously just a virtual image, but it was almost like a real person, every inch of strength. They can all burst out, perfectly simulate all the power of their own body, everything is so incredible.

Boom! Xing Tian blasted out with a punch, like a wild elephant trampling the ground, bombarding the surrounding walls, making a huge noise, but the wall was unharmed. On the contrary, Xing Tian's fist was numb, almost torn apart by the force of the counter shock!

"It hurts, it feels so real. Is this really a virtual illusion." Xing Tian's heart was extremely shocked. Is all this really just a pure virtual world? Even the pain sensation can be simulated so real, even one's own attacks can be completely simulated, and even the force of the counter shock can be displayed. This is really incredible.

"All of this is of course real. This is not an ordinary virtual space, nor a simple virtual projection, but a real world." With a swish, a mini cheetah immediately appeared in front of Xing Tian and jumped to him lightly. Shoulders.

Xing Tian was very curious. He could see that this cheetah was obviously a purple star. For this kind of intelligent life, whatever form they want to change into can be transformed into a form. Everything depends on the mood and thoughts of the intelligent life. In this virtual world, they are not affected by their own shape and can change everything as they like.

"What do you mean? How could this be the real world?" Xing Tian asked, unable to understand what Zi Xing said.

auzw.com Zixing said indifferently: "The network world formed by this virtual world is evolved from the most powerful people who have mastered the origin of the rules of the supreme chaotic world. It can be said to be concentrated here. The power of all the powers of the entire human race, the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, can appear here in its entirety. Its power can cover the entire Supreme Chaos World, and can be integrated into the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, so even if you are in the barren star field You can connect to the virtual world if you are surrounded by enemies. Of course, there are also some mysterious places. Even the most powerful people in the top can die. After all, the Supreme Chaos World is too big. It’s so big that no one knows its true scope. In such a world, some mysterious places also exist, as well as the real death Jedi! This world is not just a simple projection, but a projection of the soul. It completely simulates the physical state of any user, everything is almost the same as the real body, so don’t be too careless. If you die here, although your body will not die, your spirit will be injured, even severely. Let your soul be damaged! This is the power of the rules of the supreme chaotic world, and it is also the result that many of the most powerful human civilizations cannot change!"

caveat! Zi Xing is warning Xing Tian, ​​even in this virtual world, you can't take it lightly, and you can't be careless. This is not a virtual world, it is a real world that can really affect yourself and your soul! There is one more thing that Zixing did not say, that it can actually cause death in this virtual world, but such situations rarely happen!

Zi Xing did not say it. He was worried that talking too much would scare Xing Tian and make Xing Tian fear this virtual world. After all, in his eyes, Xing Tian was just a new creature who had not experienced wind and rain and needed protection. .

Although Zi Xing did not say, but Xingtian’s wisdom quickly understood its danger. Since it can affect the soul of the body, it will not only be injured, but also cause death. Xingtian is also very proficient in the soul avenue. , Naturally understand the horror of the soul road, understand the truth that the soul dies, the body naturally dies.

"Where is this place?" Xing Tian looked around and continued to ask. Although I only need to spend a little time to explore, I can understand, but in order to save my time, Xing Tian still actively asked Zixing!

"This is the entrance to the virtual world. The virtual world is different from the external network situation. Here is a world where you can really kill and fight. Of course, there is also time to learn. After all, the Supreme Chaos World is too big, and the boundaries of human civilization are too big. If it’s just studying in the outside world, it will take too much time, which is very detrimental to practice, so there is room for learning, which can accelerate the flow of time and allow human beings to use the least amount of time. Time to learn what you want, and here is the place to choose! Whether to study or enter a world where you can fight and kill! But the learning space is not free, and you need to pay a certain price to enter it! "

"What's the price? Only to be able to use the learning space?" Xing Tian asked immediately, knowing that a learning space with time to accelerate is too important for him, so that he can complete his understanding of the highest chaotic world in the shortest time. , So that you can master more knowledge, knowledge and inheritance you want!

"Essence, you can only enter it by consuming Essence coins, and this Essence coin comes from your own practice. Of course, you can also enter the civilized world to exchange it, whether it is in human civilization or the entire supreme chaotic world. The original spirit coin is currency in circulation. If you don’t have one, you need to extract the original power of your own body! However, the most important thing here is not the learning space, but the world of killing and fighting. It is a world that can really sharpen yourself, and also the whole The fundamental place where human civilization constantly cultivates the strong and the evil spirits of Tianjiao, and the human civilization can continuously flow out countless strong, all because of this terrifying battle world, which can give them endless combat experience!"

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