God of Destruction

Chapter 3511: Surprise

Chapter 3511 Surprised

Being regarded as a novice is a shame to Xing Tian, ​​even if he is in the highest chaos world, Xing Tian, ​​who once stood on the top of the world, can’t accept it, so even he can be in the safety reserve. He practiced steadily for hundreds of years and passed his most dangerous moment safely, but Xing Tian still couldn't accept it and was still willing to give it a go.

This is a world where the strong are respected. Without strong strength, there is no freedom and no right to survive. Xing Tian understands this, so he is willing to do his best to fight, even if he has to face that kind of danger. It’s no hesitate to put yourself on the verge of death, not to mention that this is just a virtual world, not reality. Although the cost of death is high, it does not mean real destruction. Without the belief in letting go, then my own will has been weakened, I have forgotten the persistence I have, and I have lost the faith of the brave!

If the faith of the brave is lost, for Xing Tian, ​​it would be equal to losing his life and losing everything, because this is the driving force to support his progress. A comfortable life is the biggest obstacle to his progress, and it is also a result that he cannot accept. Maybe Practicing in a safe zone is the easiest way to survive the dangerous period, and it is also the easiest to understand the supreme chaotic world, but too much ease will only make you forget the danger and the hard work. Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, Xing Tian still understands this sentence! The road of spiritual practice is the road against the sky. If you do not advance, you will retreat. If you are blindly at ease, you will be waiting for death!

Before Xing Tian did too much thinking, Xing Tian came into a new environment in an instant, and here, Xing Tian also understood what to supreme the vastness of the chaotic world, and why his own strength is not there yet. getting Started.

When looking at a group of so-called human creatures in front of him, Xing Tian couldn't help feeling that he seemed to have entered a monster den. Is this still a human? How could humans look so weird? No wonder Xing Tian has this in his heart. Thoughts, because the human beings in front of them either have horns on their heads, some have long ears like elves, some have wings like thunder vibrators, and they have fangs like vampires, and they have three eyes. Yes, even though they look like human beings, they feel so strange and terrible for Xing Tian!

"When they grow up like this, are they still humans? How come they all have a weird look that humans don't have!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh inwardly, being overwhelmed by the terrifying side in front of him. The result I never expected, I never thought that the human civilization in the Supreme Chaos World would be like this.

Zi Xing immediately said: "Of course they are humans. The human race in the highest chaos world is not what you think. This human race is just a general term. Those human beings that have not changed are the most primitive existence, and these humans are It is to inspire the origin of their own blood. It can be said that behind them all have an ancestor of Tianjiao enchanting like you, because they have awakened their own blood, so his descendants also inherited the power of this blood. Looks like, I still find it very strange, why your blood origin has not caused changes to your body!"


Is Xing Naive really unchanged? No, Xingtian’s changes are more terrifying than these human beings. What Xingtian changes is his own bones. Who can imagine that Xingtian will have three thousand bones? Perhaps it is precisely because Xingtian has successfully built the foundation on three thousand roads, so he himself His appearance has not changed, only the bones that support his physical body have undergone the ultimate change.

It's a pity that Xing Tian doesn't speak his own words, let alone tell anyone, because this is his own biggest secret. If it is passed on to others, it will cause unnecessary trouble to himself, and now Xing Tian’s ordinary appearance is also more able to hide himself and not be targeted by the enemy. You must know that no enemy intends to waste his energy to deal with a creature with mediocre aptitude, so as long as Xing Tian does not expose too much, he will not Too many people will care about Xingtian's existence.

When your own strength is still very weak, hiding yourself so that you can fade out of the enemy’s sight is the best way to protect yourself. If it weren’t for Zixing to see Xingtian’s extraordinary and terrifying background step by step, It would not believe that Xing Tian with such a plain appearance would have such terrible potential and such amazing talent.

"Don't underestimate these human beings. They all have the innate and supernatural powers that ordinary human beings don't have. It can be said that they are stronger than other human beings at birth, and they can even master powerful supernatural powers before they reach adulthood. The ordinary human creatures have more development directions, but compared to these awakened blood creatures, they are too weak!"

Weakness is only relative. If the human beings in front of him are compared with Xing Tian, ​​they are definitely not at the same level. Xing Tian can easily sweep everything, but Xing Tian doesn't want to expose himself or attract others' attention.

For the creatures of the Supreme Chaos World, the creatures with the awakened bloodline are the strongest and most potential, while for the ordinary creatures, they are the weakest and have no cultivation value, because the Supreme Chaos world and the low-level The world is different. The power of the laws of heaven and earth here and the power of rules here are too strong. If you want to perceive the laws and master the rules, it is difficult to do without enough talent. It is just like those ordinary humans, those Although primitive humans have many directions for development, it is difficult for them to grow up because it is difficult for them to perceive the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

Although Zi Xing did not explain the reason, with Xingtian’s wisdom and Xingtian’s eyes, he naturally understood the mystery quickly. Xingtian smiled bitterly in his heart for this result, and had to admit that he shouldn’t take the old. Look at the new world with your eyes, and you cannot face the supreme chaotic world with your original mentality, otherwise you will only lose your way!

Once I lose my mind and direction, it means destruction, which means I wasted precious time. In the supreme chaotic world, time is very precious. If Xing Tian really gets lost in the initial stage, he will be completely wasted. The opportunity to waste your great talent!

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