God of Destruction

Chapter 3527: Destruction and vitality

Chapter 3527 Destruction and Vitality

"Thunder destroys the world, and one yuan resumes! This is the inheritance. This is almost a complete line of thunder roads, pointing directly to the origin of the road of thunder. Is this really the inheritance left by a sacred strong man?" When you really feel the inheritance Xing Tian was shocked by the original power of Xing Tian once again. If the creatures who had never practiced the Dao of Thunder, they would not have known the terrible inheritance of this Dao, but Xing Tian was different. Although Xing Tian’s Three Thousand Dao was practiced in the lower realms They came, but they were all very perfect. Naturally, they immediately understood the importance of this inheritance and the terrible extent of this inheritance. The complete road of thunder. If this is passed on, it will attract the greed of countless creatures. Let yourself fall into a great crisis.

"What is the reason for the virtual world to give me such a nearly perfect road? Can it be said that the inheritance of the virtual world is really as I thought, there is no regularity, if I did not guess wrong, this road of thunder is almost straight The origin of the Dao points directly to the root of the Dao. If only the Dao of Thunder is repaired, there is almost no need to change the technique!

In fact, Xing Tian still thinks too much. There is only one reason why he has such a powerful inheritance, and that is luck, which is caused by his own chance. Although the Dao of Power has the reputation of breaking the ten thousand laws with one force, it can really be There are not a few people who have reached the highest level, and Xingtian is a small mortal state. It is not a good thing to contact such a domineering avenue at this time, so there is the inheritance of the thunder avenue, destruction and vitality coexist, and can erupt terrible attacks. , Can also warm up one's own vitality.

Although the power of the Avenue of Thunder is unmatched, there is great vitality in this heritage. Although Xing Tian has not fully prepared to touch this heritage, he has to bear terrible pressure, but this danger is not what Zixing thought. It's so terrifying, because for the evil spirits of Tianjiao like Xing Tian, ​​the most powerful people who inherit the Great Way will naturally take care of it. The most important thing is that Xing Tian’s inheritance is left by a strong man who has died and died. It is a masterless inheritance. Even if Xing Tian was not prepared, the inheritance in the sea of ​​soul knowledge will not bring Xing Tian. Come to destroy the damage!

Under the effect of that vitality, Xingtian’s soul consciousness sea is constantly being destroyed and restored. Every time it suffers an impact, Xingtian’s soul will be washed once, and Xingtian’s soul will be more pure. As for the body, although Xingtian has put away chaos Real body, but the power of thunder and lightning cannot cause devastating damage to Xingtian. With the horrible vitality contained in Xingtian's physical body, as long as it is not directly destroyed, it can be restored with his own vitality, and under such damage and restoration , Is also tempering Xing Tian's physical body, making Xing Tian's physical body a step further, so that Xing Tian can withstand the inheritance of the Avenue of Thunder, but will not collapse the flesh!

I have to admit that the most powerful people in human civilization have already considered everything. For the real Tianjiao evildoers, they will not let them have any danger. At least in the virtual world, there will be no such situation, because they will be For the future of human civilization, the creatures who really understand this arrangement can only be known by those who stand in the position of the most powerful ones, and others will not understand it at all, so Zixing's worries are a bit redundant.

auzw.com Now Xingtian looks dangerous, but in fact it is not so dangerous. Even for Xingtian, it is a temper of will. As long as Xingtian can withstand this terrible impact, Na Lei The true meaning of the Great Dao will be completely imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, and it will be able to blend into Xing Tian's body. This is the arrangement of the most powerful.

After coming out of the virtual world, it is not that there are no creatures who died because they could not bear the huge inheritance, and those dead creatures are completely different from Xingtian. They do not have the talents of Xingtian, let alone the terrible will of Xingtian. The most important thing is It’s that the power they get is not obtained by their own power, but done by clever means. It belongs to virtue and is not coordinated, and naturally there will be danger. In a situation like Xingtian, at best, it can not completely absorb that huge source of energy. It was scattered between the heavens and the earth, there would be no life-threatening, this is the gap between Tianjiao evildoer and ordinary creatures!

No matter in that civilization, no matter what force it is, there is such a situation, so there is no fairness at all. The so-called fairness is only relative. If ordinary creatures are compared with the real Tianjiao evildoers, let Standing together, it is really a big joke, no civilization, no force can be so stupid!

The huge avenue of thunder constantly impacted Xing Tian, ​​and a trace of the real meaning of the avenue of thunder gradually merged into Xing Tian’s body and soul. When this inherited power was completely integrated into Xing Tian’s body, suddenly, Xing Tian felt By the time his three thousand Dao bones trembled again, the power of the law emerged on another Dao bone. When I realized the inheritance, under Xing Tian’s instinct, he mastered another avenue and mastered this thunder of destruction and vitality. Avenue.

What makes Xing Tian somewhat disappointed is that he has now condensed the four great avenues, but he still has no way to open one of the acupuncture points in his physical body, unable to condense a more powerful acupuncture world. This result makes Xing Tian's heart unavoidable. There is some loss, time waits for no one, such a huge harvest can not open one's own acupuncture orifice, really need to open the power of the acupuncture orifice, what a terrible source is needed, is there any possibility of success in the inheritance of this chaotic body?

For a moment, Xing Tian sighed lightly in his heart, and gathered his mind, so that he would not be affected by this negative force, and he would not shake his mind about this matter, lest one accidentally ruined his state of mind and allowed himself to practice. For nothing.

When Xing Tian had such an idea, he also made a paragraph in the inheritance of Thunder Road. The terrible power was not integrated into Xing Tian’s soul and knowledge, or it was acting on Xing Tian’s physical body, tempering Xing Tian’s body and let Xing Tian The flesh became stronger and more terrifying, even Xing Tian himself could vaguely feel the terrible power.

"Time, it's a pity that I don't have enough time to cultivate. Otherwise, I can completely master the origin of these four great avenues. At that time, even facing an enemy twice as powerful as my own, I can easily crush them. This is The gap in power is also the biggest support for oneself based on the virtual world, based on the supreme chaotic world, this is one's own heritage!"

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