God of Destruction

Chapter 3552: Festival mystery

Chapter 3552 Mystery

Soaring to the sky, these words from other people's mouths are not unconvincing, but everything is completely different when they are spoken from Xing Tian's mouth. Xing Tian has the confidence to say such words in a weak world. Everything that he has experienced will be Xing Tian's own precious wealth, and will give Xing Tian an endless source of assistance.

Fortunately, the Yunxiao Sect does not charge any money for the exams. Otherwise, I am afraid that many casual cultivators will be eliminated. After all, not everyone has accumulated in this remote outer starry sky. Even if many casual cultivators have gained something, they will be fast. Use yourself to improve your combat power! Of course, for these sacred sects, they don’t care about that little wealth. For such sects, they are looking for talents, arrogances, evildoers, and the resources in remote places are not at all concerned. on!

For the sacred sect, the threshold itself is there, but it is definitely not the resource, not wealth, but the state of mind, will, and talent. If even the red sun star cannot bear the gravity, it will naturally be eliminated. And this is just the beginning, the bigger threshold is behind, which is the test Xing Tian will face next, and it is also the official start of the test.

After the registration, the assessment will begin on the same day, and no preparation time will be given. At this point, those who can barely resist the gravity of the planet will naturally be eliminated. Of course, this is not necessary, you can choose Delay, when such a decision is made, even if it can pass the assessment, it will be excluded from the list of key training, because there are hidden assessments of beliefs, and there is no basis for success without strong self-confidence. Even if you have the best talent, you will not have much success in the future. Mood and will are also important criteria!

"Are you surprised? You have to participate in the assessment just after you arrive. In fact, this is a hidden test. This news is actually not a secret in a remote foreign domain. I can see many loopholes in this, so there are people. They will come to the Red Sun star to practice in advance and adapt to the environment, but these people seem to be very smart, but when they make such a choice, they will also be excluded from the core circle, whether it is early or delayed. It is an expression of lack of confidence in himself!" Zi Xing originally thought that his words would shock Xing Tian, ​​but when he saw Xing Tian’s calm face, he could only return in disappointment. It was still too much. Underestimate Xing Tian, ​​I don’t know how much Xing Tian’s wisdom is!

Such a method is nothing in Xing Tian's eyes. In his many experiences, Xing Tian has seen countless conspiracies and tricks. This little trick can be seen through Jazz at a glance, for Xing Tian. No matter whether it’s the body or the state of mind, Xing Tian has huge advantages and huge potential that no one else has. He is not afraid of all tests at all, because Xing Tian has absolute confidence.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said: "It's interesting. This decision is only for those remote and foreign forces. It will give their younger generations a chance to join the Yunxiao faction and make these forces more loyal. Yu sect can fight for the evil spirits of Tianjiao for the sect more faithfully!"


When Xing Tian uttered the reason for this, Zi Xing was shocked in his heart. It had to admit that it had underestimated Xing Tian’s wisdom again. Xing Tian was not only crazy enough, but also very wise. With this vision, this Not everyone can have the wisdom of, and not everyone can see through the mystery in the first time.

Soon, Xing Tian came to the Yunxiao School introductory test site. This is a huge central square where countless people will gather. Everyone here has only one purpose, and that is to join the Yunxiao School and watch the square. Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly when the crowd was densely packed. Although Xing Tian had thought that many Tianjiao evildoers would come to participate in the assessment before, when he really faced it, the scene was much bigger than he thought. The Supreme Chaos World is not the world one has experienced in the past, even in remote places, there are countless creatures and a huge crowd base.

Here, Xing Tian can see all kinds of human beings. If Xing Tian had not been in the virtual world before, he had seen a lot of weird humans, and would be shocked by such a scene, but there is one thing that the virtual world cannot compare. , The human beings in this square have stimulated their own blood, and the whole body exudes a strong atmosphere of law.

Be careful to sail the boat for thousands of years. For these gods and evildoers, they dare not be careless or relaxed. They must do their best to face this relationship and their destiny in their best state. And future assessment. The sacred sect is different from the general sect. For everyone, there is only one chance. As long as one fails, there is no chance to join again. Everyone is extremely careful, extremely cautious, and dare not relax at all.

When he saw those cautious people in the square, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head secretly in his heart. This is also a test, a test of the state of mind. Everyone knows that he has only one chance. To some people with weak mood, this is a huge impact and a huge hidden danger. During the assessment, a careless person will be directly eliminated. Such a method makes Xing Tian admire it. This is not What kind of conspiracy, this is a real conspiracy, I don't dare to know it at all, even if they know it, there is no way for those with poor temperaments to avoid it.

Because the assessment has not yet started, everyone in the square is exchanging experience with people familiar with them. There are also some casual cultivators like Xing Tian, ​​who have no friends, stand alone in the square and wait quietly. With the arrival of the assessment, there is still a part of the crowd with extraordinary momentum. Just by looking at it, Xing Tian knows that these people are all backgrounds, and each of them has an arrogance.

A background may be able to prepare before the assessment, but this preparation can play a role. This is only an unknown number. It is impossible for the Yunxiao faction to recruit a group of ants with low talents and potential, so there is a background for these. Xingtian is even more dismissive of the people of Xingtian. In Xingtian's view, when they reacted like this, they had already lost a point in their mood!

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