God of Destruction

Chapter 3572: Festival Lieyang Patriarch

Chapter 3572: The Ancestor of Lieyang

"Go! You shameless, you have to talk about everything first. I discovered this kid first, and I also proposed to accept him as a disciple. What do you want to do when you do this, you have to beat us. Are you the only one in the martial arts to practice the Five Elements Avenue? There is nothing wrong with you here. Get out of here! We don’t welcome you!"

"Well said, everything has to come first, and even if you want to accept disciples, it will be accepted by those of us who are in charge of the overall situation. It has nothing to do with you latecomers. Everyone is an elder. You should give yourself a little face and don’t do everything. If you are greedy, you have to see if you have the ability. Don’t use any great ways to discuss things. As long as you don’t practice the Yin-Yang Way, the abilities you teach will all stand on the same line. There is no difference between high and low, and we come first. Naturally, we must be the mainstay!"

Soon, the elders of the Yunxiao faction started arguing again. Everyone wanted to accept the punishment as a disciple. They robbed the scalp one by one, and refused to give in. At this time, even if the head speaks, it is useless. No one wants to miss it!

"Okay, stop arguing. I want this disciple, and you can't grab it." Suddenly, an old voice rang out from the hearts of the elders, causing the tremors of the soul, which seemed like Tianwei Coming in general. Immediately afterwards, an old man in a white robe appeared in front of many elders in an instant. The spirit of the fairy wind, his breath seemed to flood into the universe, and the energy around him was like a courtier, obediently surrendering, as if he had become this realm. Dominate.

"Ancestor!" When many elders saw the appearance of the white-robed old man, they were all shocked. They all recognized it. This is one of the three remaining master-level sacred powerhouses of the Yunxiao Sect, Lieyang Zun. the Lord. Although both are sacred, there is no comparison between Lord Ziji and Lord Lieyang. The two are not on the same level at all. Yunxiao sends the other two Lords and Saints to be Divine Lord and Fire Lord respectively. It is precisely because of the sacredness of these three noble masters that Yunxiao Sect is in full swing.

Facing such sacred ancestors, many elders salute each one respectfully and dare not go beyond, because this is the true foundation of the sect. As long as these three powerful and incomparable sacred masters are not lost, no one dares Easily provoke Yunxiao faction.

"Ancestor, why did you come here at this time? Did the previous fluctuations have also alarmed you?" An elder asked questioningly, because the three great masters of the Yunxiao Sect are sacred, if they are not in retreat. The state is to go out and venture out to find opportunities. It rarely appears in martial arts. It is even more unlikely that such a small matter of recruiting disciples will happen. Even if they have a strong talent, they won't be tempted, because their vision is already different from ordinary people!

But now the Lord Lieyang actually appeared directly, wanting to recruit this enchanting disciple as a disciple. This is an unprecedented event for the entire Yunxiao Sect. It shocked each of these elders and heads. Can't believe my ears!


"The old man was in retreat before, and suddenly he felt something. Someone realized the uninherited'yin-yang mirror' left by the ancestor of Yin and Yang, so he came out to check it. Maybe you don’t know it, or even have forgotten it. The strong inheritance of the "Yin-Yang Mirror" and the Yin-Yang Avenue have not been passed down, but the inheritance of the Yin-Yang ancestor has not disappeared. I am the descendant of the ancestor, so when someone comprehends the "Yin-Yang Mirror", it will alarm me, I He will also be recruited as a disciple, otherwise, I will not compete with you juniors for a disciple, because his status is different, he carries the avenue of the ancestors of Yin and Yang!" Lord Lieyang talked about the cause of the matter. There is an explanation for these juniors.

"That's the case." Many elders and heads suddenly realized that they understood why Lord Lieyang appeared at this time. The reason lies in the ancestors of Yin and Yang, as the descendants of Yin and Yang. The Lord is naturally unwilling to see that the inheritance of the ancestors of Yin and Yang has not been inherited by the Yunxiao Sect, and now that the opportunity appears, naturally he cannot let it go away!

"Now the old man wants to recruit this kid as a disciple, what do you think?" Lord Lieyang looked at everyone with a domineering expression.

"Old ancestors, of course we have no objection. The Yin Yang Dao cannot disappear in the Yunxiao School anyway, the inheritance of the Yin Yang ancestors must be inherited! This is related to the future of the entire school, and no one can stop it!"

If there are people in the entire Yunxiao Sect who understand the Yin-Yang Dao and the supreme magical power of the “Yin-Yang Mirror”, then only the descendants of the ancestor of Yin-Yang, that is, the Lord Lieyang in front of him. There is the blood of the ancestors of Yin and Yang. It is precisely because they understand all of this that the elders of the Yunxiao Sect in front of them, as well as the head of the Ziji Venerable, have said sincerely, if Venerable Lieyang is willing to teach Xing Tian himself Good results.

"Well, that's all right, then Xing Tian is the old man's disciple, and will inherit the inheritance of the Yin and Yang ancestor." Venerable Lieyang nodded, he stroked his gray beard, very satisfied with the reaction of these juniors , So Xingtian's matter was settled so simply. Xing Tian also has a powerful backstage, which makes his safety more guaranteed!

"Ancestor, do we need to interrupt Xingtian's enlightenment? Is there danger in this ancient stone wall? Back then, even the ancestor of Yin and Yang could not realize many yin and yang supernatural powers, but this kid appeared The true meaning of the three yin-yang avenues, will this affect his origin? Knowing that this kid's realm is too low, and understanding too much yin-yang magical powers, will it let him fall into confusion and destroy his origin, Cut off his future!"

"You don't need to be so nervous. This ancient stone wall is not as simple as you think. To get its approval, you don't need any talents or even terrifying insight. More and more time to build a foundation. The condensed origin bloodline, as long as it has withstood the first impact, there is almost no danger!" When he said this, Lord Lieyang sighed and said: "Do you know why this ancient stone wall is placed in the first area? ?Because it is not formed by nature, but a congenital thing. The congenital thing is different from the acquired thing. If it is not recognized by it, even if you have the strong talent and understanding, it is difficult to inherit from this stone wall. Get any powerful inheritance of supernatural powers!"

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