God of Destruction

Chapter 3574: Jie Kurong

Chapter 3574: Kurong

The powerful magical power of the Yin Yang mirror is gradually being perfected, and the Yin and Yang aura in Xing Tian's body is constantly increasing, and every time the Yin and Yang breath is added, the vision condensed by the "Yin and Yang mirror" in Xing Tian's body will become real. , And the breath of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram will become more calm, as if it can swallow everything and contain everything.

With a loud bang, a powerful vibrating force surged from Xing Tian's body, and only the vision condensed by the'Yin-Yang Mirror' was finally solidified, and at this moment, the Yin-Yang Taiji picture was moving. Get up, turn into a giant net, and pull the vision evolved by this yin-yang mirror into oneself bit by bit, just a few breaths, the vision condensed by the'yin-yang mirror' disappear Without a trace, completely absorbed by the power of the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram!

"Damn it again. The vision of the'Yin-Yang Mirror' was also swallowed by it. What is going on? Could it be said that this weird Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram is also a manifestation of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth? Is this the true inheritance of this Xiantian stone wall? If so, wouldn't this Yin-Yang Taiji diagram be advanced to swallow more of the source of Yin-Yang Dao?"

For this kind of situation, for this kind of result, everyone present can not help but have a kind of heart. If it is so, Xing Tian wants to go further, I am afraid it will be very difficult, and they are afraid that they will wait for nothing. For these Yunxiao elders, everyone is not optimistic about Xingtian, and they don't think Xingtian can persist to the end.

"Shut up and wait for me. No matter what yin and yang inheritance is, this is undoubtedly the most powerful. If this kid persists once, he will gain more, and my Yunxiao faction will be more profound. I open the spirit gathering circle with all my strength and give this kid endless support. This is a chance, a great chance, an incomparable chance!"

With a deep drink from Lord Lieyang, the elders of the Yunxiao Sect immediately awoke. This is indeed a great opportunity. The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come. At this time, the Yunxiao Sect must fully support Xingtian, even if the effort is large. The price is worth it, resources can be found if they are lost, and if such a great opportunity is missed, it will never appear again. In the endless years, it is hard for a lunatic like Xing Tian to get the Xiantian stone wall. Recognition, if it fails because of its own lack of origin, it is a big mistake, and it will be an unacceptable result for Yunxiao School.

How important is the inheritance of the Yin-Yang Avenue, this point does not need to be said by the Lord Lieyang. Everyone present understands that in an instant the aura of heaven and earth in the entire inheritance land is booming, and endless chaotic auras are continuously transmitted to Xing Tian's body. , To give Xingtian endless support. For everyone, as long as Xingtian can persist, he will give his full support.

auzw.com When the entire Yunxiao Sect elders moved, Xing Tian immediately felt that a huge source of origin poured into his body, allowing his almost exhausted source to be supplemented , Don’t think Xing Tian is only enlightening Dao, but his own consumption is huge. Originally for Xing Tian, ​​when he realized the supreme magical power of'Yin-Yang Mirror', he could no longer hold on to it, and he was already determined to stop. No matter how good the chance is, you can't ruin your foundation due to temporary greed, and at this moment, the influx of this huge source of origin relieved Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Persevering, taking a break in his mind, and letting his nervousness ease, Xing Tian once again devoted himself to the perception of Dao Dao. After being nearly exhausted, under the exhaustion of his own origin, he obtained this huge amount. When the source was supplemented, Xing Tian got another great opportunity, and Kurong Avenue rushed to his heart in an instant.

One withered and one glorious was the way. Just when Xing Tian realized this withered and glorious way, a vision appeared outside of his body. Two giant trees appeared above Xingtian's head, one withered and one exuberant. , Formed the image of Kurong Avenue!

When seeing a new paradox appearing on Xing Tian’s head again, Lord Lieyang couldn’t help sighing: “Okay, very good, the road of dryness and glory. A dry and a glory is similar to the road of life and death. This kid is really amazing. It seems that we all underestimated his potential. Don’t take it into consideration. Even if you pay a high price, you must let this kid stick to it. I really want to know how many kinds of opposing roads he used to build the foundation. I know how much Yin Yang Dao inheritance he can get from this Xiantian stone wall!"

Even if Lord Lieyang didn’t speak, the Master Ziji, who was the head of the sect, would do the same. When he saw that Xing Tian possessed such amazing potential, he had already made a decision, even if it was to use the sect’s background. Xing Tian must also be allowed to persevere, and Xing Tian must be able to realize more yin and yang supernatural powers, adding a new foundation to the Yunxiao School.

Does a sacred sect like Yunxiao Sect lack inheritance? No, it’s just a general inheritance, but there is still a lack of a truly powerful inheritance, especially the innate inheritance that Xing Tian felt. Such inheritance has amazing power and can become the true core inheritance of the school. The important thing is that the yin and yang inheritance obtained by Xing Tian is different. It is condensed by two opposing laws. Such an inheritance of supernatural powers can also make others feel the opposing laws!

"This kid is such a terrifying body, it can absorb so much Chaos Origins madly, what realm has this kid's body been tempered to, how terrifying is the inheritance of the godsend he received, and can do it to such an extent!" When the endless source of chaos was absorbed by Xing Tian's body, an elder couldn't help but lose his voice.

Horror, it’s really too horrible. You must know that Xing Tian is just a small disciple of the Transcendence Realm, but he can absorb such a huge source of origin, and there is nothing to do with his physical body. This situation shocked him. You must know this The huge source is enough to burst an immortal king, which is beyond the realm!

"True body, this kid has received the true body practice of the godsend inheritance, this huge source is absorbed by that true body, it seems that this kid's godsend inheritance is really amazing, such a huge source has not made his physical body To advance, this time the sect is afraid to pay a high price!" As a sacred strong man, Venerable Ziji could see the problem at a glance, and understood that the root of this situation lies in the god-given inheritance of Xing Tian. Only in this way can the condensed powerful real body make sense!

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