God of Destruction

Chapter 3578: Apprentice

Chapter 3578 Apprenticeship

If the many elders in the secret know that Xing Tian is listening to his thoughts at this time, they will all yell at Xing Tian’s greed. They have already gained so much, but they are still dissatisfied. You must know that among the newly recruited disciples However, no one has such a powerful opportunity as Xing Tian, ​​and those people's gains are not as good as Xing Tian's fur. Fastest update

With the supreme supernatural power of Yin and Yang swallowing the sky to bless him, Xing Tian can clearly feel the changes in his own inner world, feel the changes in his body, even if he cannot get the huge resources from the Yunxiao Sect, with this powerful The supernatural powers of Xing Tian are also enough to save oneself from worrying about the lack of the original source. Although the supreme magical power of Yin and Yang swallows the sky is only an auxiliary, it makes up for Xing Tian's greatest shortcomings and can continuously provide Xing Tian with the original power he needs.

In a sense, this yin-yang swallowing heavenly supernatural power is stronger than the road of thunder in the sea of ​​soul and knowledge, and it is also the inheritance of the true meaning of the yin-yang road, but the inheritance of the yin-yang road is more comprehensive, while the Xingtian’s The Avenue of Thunder has a single heritage.

"Huh?" When Xing Tian opened his eyes, he suddenly felt a strong breath coming from a distance. When he looked up, he immediately saw dozens of elders appearing in the air. They all landed from high altitude one after another and came to Xing Tian's surroundings, staring at Xing Tian one by one, making Xing Tian feel the tremendous pressure.

When seeing so many powerful men appear, Xing Tian suddenly thought of the previous legend. The better he performed in the land of inheritance, the more recognized by the Yunxiao faction. So many people appeared around him, and it seemed that he had gained them. Xing Tian's approval made Xing Tian's heart certain, and then he carefully looked at everyone in front of him! Soon Xing Tian realized that the Ziji Venerable and the Lieyang Venerable were the most powerful. In their bodies, Xing Tian could feel that the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth was solidified, as if all the forces centered on them were affected by it. Evolve into a powerful domain world, forming an independent power of rules!

"So powerful! This power is terrible!" As Xing Tian, ​​who soared from a low-level world to a high-level chaotic world, naturally understood the terrible power of this domain, and was shocked in his heart. Facing such a powerful person, that I am afraid that I have luck and cannot bear the breath of the other party. My life and death are in the control of the other party!

Holy, this is the powerhouse of the Holy Class! For an instant, Xing Tian understood the identities of the two strong men in front of him. At this time, Zi Xing, who had been sleeping on Xing Tian's body, also reminded Xing Tian that Xing Tian was enlightened before, and he did not dare to speak out, let alone disturb Xing Tian. So as not to ruin Xingtian's chance, and now it has to remind Xingtian.

Knowing that the two people in front of him are sacred-level powerhouses, Xing Tian's eyes half shone. He didn't know how many times he had heard the legend of the saints from Zixing. They were almost the strongest in the highest chaos world. Those who can destroy the existence of the Star Territory with just one hand can be called a living god. But this was the first time he had seen a living saint appear in front of him. Originally, he thought he was still far away from the sacred powerhouse, but he didn't expect that he was close at hand now, no longer an extremely distant existence.

auzw.com "Old man, the Taoist name is Lieyang, who is the Supreme Elder of the Yunxiao School. Would you like to be my major disciple?"

When the Lord Lieyang spoke, Xing Tian was shocked instantly. Although he understood that his understanding was amazing, he did not expect to alarm the elders of the sect, and he would be accepted as a major disciple. This is truly supreme. Chance, a great thing!

After hearing this, Xing Tian’s eyes brightened. If he could become a disciple of the sacred powerhouse, and a disciple of the elder of the Yunxiao School, it would be equivalent to finding a great patron, super golden thigh, who could be in the Yunxiao School. Walk sideways, who dares to provoke yourself then! Rejecting the other party is the most stupid thing, Xing Tian is not so stupid yet.

Zi Xing, who was hiding beside Xing Tian, ​​was also stunned. It had never expected such a thing to happen. It had just joined the Yunxiao faction, and actually became a disciple of the sacred and strong, the disciple of the Supreme Elder. Although it had long known that according to Xingtian's talent, it was not a problem to become a disciple of the sacred powerhouse, but it did not expect it to be so fast. After all, the sacred powerhouses are high above, and they don’t even bother to reclaim the mortal realm’s juniors. They don’t have the time to teach their disciples, but now this accident has happened to Xing Tian, ​​a sacred powerhouse who is stronger than his original master. Accept Xingtian as a disciple!

"The disciple is willing," Xing Tian said immediately, arching his hand, and paying respect to the Lord Lieyang in front of him.

"Well, very good, come with me." Lord Lieyang smiled slightly, his face showed a rare smile, like Mu Chunfeng, he seemed very satisfied with Xingtian's answer. Then he waved his big hand, and a gentle force immediately enveloped Xing Tian's body. In the next second, the two disappeared in place, leaving the place of Yunxiao Sect inheritance directly.

After Lord Lieyang and Xing Tian left, the many elders also began to choose their own disciples. Although the talents of the remaining disciples were not on the same level as Xing Tian, ​​because the situation was different this time, the sect wanted Xing Tian was able to comprehend the Tao with peace of mind and opened the Great Spirit Gathering Array. It can be said that these new disciples who entered the land of inheritance have been washed and their aptitudes have been improved. For those Tianjiao with good strength and super understanding, they will naturally not Let it go.

Within a short period of time, those disciples who had good savvy in this group of disciples were soon taken away, leaving only some disciples with ordinary talents and savvy disciples. Even if such disciples are washed by the origin of heaven and earth, they will not Observed by the elders. For these disciples, they can only silently become outer disciples and improve their strength step by step!

Regarding these disciples, each of them felt extremely heavy. You must know that this time, a small percentage of them were elected to become disciples of the elders, but they were eliminated. This made them somewhat unacceptable. I didn't think I would be weaker than those people, but I just lost the election. How can this not make them sad!

One step behind is naturally one step behind. After they have not become elder disciples, they are just ordinary outer disciples. Naturally, they will not be vigorously cultivated by the sect, and their strength will naturally be separated from those who were selected before. Be thrown away by it!

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