God of Destruction

Chapter 3600: Cruel reality

Chapter 3,600: The Cruel Reality

In order to protect the safety of Xingtian, I have to say that Lord Lieyang also spent a lot of energy. If it weren’t for protecting Xingtian, I’m afraid Lord Lieyang has already retired and enlightened Dao. You must know that he is such a supreme elder. Traveling outside the sect is to retreat directly in the sect, and there is no time to waste on the juniors. Now for the safety of Xingtian, Lord Lieyang has done this, which shows how much he attaches importance to Xingtian!

The words of Lord Lieyang gave Xing Tian a new understanding. Even if he is practicing in the Yunxiao Sect, his information will be leaked, even if it is strictly managed by the Sect, it will block it. I can’t stop spying on the enemies hidden in the dark, especially for the disciples of this new beginner, let alone, no matter how good I hide, I can’t stand my identity there, and it will attract some unnecessary eyes. Once his talents are exposed, the result is naturally predictable.

"It seems that I still think of the danger of the Supreme Chaos World a bit lower. Even if you are in the novice school, even if you have the protection of the school, there are still uncertain factors and dangers! Unfortunately, I am in There hasn’t been any breakthrough in the formation together, otherwise there won’t be so many worries!"

To block the enemy’s gaze, the only way is to cover everything with an array method. Xing Tian can’t do this now, even if Xing Tian has made progress on the Avenue of Stars, but here is the Supreme Chaos World. The rules here are Different from the rules Xing Tian had known before, to re-master the avenue of formations requires opportunity, time and resources.

Constructing the foundation with three thousand avenues is enough to make Xing Tian feel boundless pressure just on his own practice. There is also time and energy to make breakthroughs in the formation, not to mention Xing Tian is not so much now. A lot of resources can be consumed, so Xing Tian also needs to pay attention to his breakthrough time and carefully prevent his own breath from leaking.

The reality is so cruel, and the reality is so crazy. The short period of time gave Xing Tian a better understanding of the dangers of the Supreme Chaos World, and made his mood more dignified, and his heart inevitably needs more urgently. Strength, and all of this can only rely on the support of his master and the school he belongs to. Even being a disciple of the sacred sect of the Yunxiao Sect has so many dangers, not to mention casual cultivating, if only a little talent is revealed, it will be destroyed by secret enemies. Xingtian believes that it is within the control of human civilization. There must be countless enemies in secretly monitoring everything.

auzw.com This is the reality. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. If you want to survive in such an environment, it is better to rely on people than on yourself. Only when you become stronger can you ensure your own safety. A strong background is not as important as your own strength.

Looking at Xing Tian’s slightly enlightened look, Lord Lieyang couldn’t help but nodded again, and was very satisfied with Xing Tian’s reaction. Although Xing Tian’s talents made him happy, Lord Lie Yang was most pleased. What is happy is Xingtian’s state of mind. The average arrogant evildoer is already happy when facing such a situation and forgets about it, but Xingtian did not do so, but quietly hides himself. Such a cautious mentality can Let Xing Tian go farther than other Tianjiao evildoers, how many Tianjiao evildoers have ruined their lives because they are too arrogant and self-righteous, but Xingtian has extraordinary understanding in this respect!

Just as Xing Tian digested the words of Lord Lieyang, the head Master Ziji finally appeared in Lord Lieyang’s cave. He was also very dedicated to supporting the evil spirits such as Xingtian. Quickly fetch the most apex of the star origin treasure in the martial arts treasury. This is the privilege of being the head, which other elders cannot do.

When he took the treasure of the origin of stars from the master, Lord Lieyang smiled calmly and said: "Xing Tian, ​​you must be wondering why you didn't feel the power of rules on this treasure of origin. There must be a lot of doubts in your heart. I'll tell you all this, what can be called the most apex of the original treasures, not the original treasures that have been born, such treasures are good, but the rules have been set, unless the path you practice is completely If they are compatible, or even if they can be used to carry their own avenues, there will be certain obstacles. After all, different avenues will naturally be repelled. The true top treasure is the source that has not condensed success, like this star in my hand. Like the original treasure, only the original source that is not completely condensed is the best source, the most suitable source, because it has endless possibilities. As long as you integrate your own Dao into it, you can evolve in the direction you want, completely It is in harmony with its own road, there is no hidden danger!"

Regarding this situation, Xing Tian naturally understood that Xing Tian could not show it. After all, Xing Tian was different from beings in the supreme chaos world. He was not born in the supreme chaos world, and he could not reveal his greatest secret. It is not a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​it will only make his situation more dangerous.

The best is the one that suits you. This kind of truth is naturally clear. But such original treasures are not easy to obtain. Unborn treasures will be hidden by secrets. Even the most powerful ones are difficult to calculate. Because such treasures are protected by the rules of the Supreme Chaos World, if anyone can obtain such treasures, they are really the darling of heaven!

There is such a treasure among the Yunxiao Sect, which shocked Xing Tian, ​​even if the Yunxiao Sect is a sacred sect, it still shocked Xing Tian, ​​but after being shocked, Xing Tian’s heart is filled with endless joy and excitement. Being able to integrate this treasure of the origin of the stars into one's own avenue will surely condense the most original treasure of the origin of the celestial avenue that is completely compatible with oneself.

At this time, Xing Tian finally understood his master’s true intentions and left himself here to break through. Not only was he avoiding the sight of the enemy in the dark, but more importantly, he was helping himself to break through. You must know that this kind of original treasure that can also evolve. But completing the cohesion of the rules will undergo a qualitative transformation. Not only can it trigger the signs of the sky, but it will also cause a terrible impact on itself. If you are not careful, your own road will be destroyed in that terrible impact. .

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