God of Destruction

Chapter 3608: Festival arrangement

Chapter 3608 Arrangement

"Oh! It seems that my disciple has also made a mistake that shouldn't be ruthless, and he was upset at this time. This is really ridiculous. He clearly can withstand the test from the Supreme Chaos World, but he has not withstood the changes brought by himself. Influence!” No wonder Lord Lieyang would say this, because for any practitioner, the greatest threat is always the will of the Supreme Chaos World, which is a fatal threat, relatively speaking, a little change in himself. The impact it brought was not worth mentioning, but now Xing Tian fell on top of this unworthy change, and his heart first became confused.

prevent? No, Lord Lieyang did not stop all of this. Although this is a big pit for Xing Tian, ​​Lord Lieyang is unwilling to stop it, because it is also a temper for Xing Tian. If it is Xing Tian Being able to come out of that confusion is a huge benefit to the polishing of one's own state of mind. It can be said that this is also an opportunity. In the heart of Lord Lieyang, as long as Xing Tian does not encounter a life-death crisis, he will not take action easily and will not force Xing Tian to wake up. Sometimes failure is also a good harvest. Only when he falls can he know his own problems and be able to. Recognize your shortcomings!

For the current Xing Tian, ​​the most important step has been completed, and the origin of the stars has been refined. Even if a little error occurs next, it will not have much impact on the overall situation, just a little delay. It's just a little slower to practice time. Compared to Xing Tian's horrible background, this time is really nothing, at least it is not worth mentioning in terms of the experience gained, at least in the heart of Lord Lieyang! Xing Tian's fall now will only allow him to see himself more clearly and understand his true situation better, which will be of great benefit to his future practice!

Will Xingtian fail? No, this is impossible. When Xinshen has a little confusion, Xing Tian can instinctively be aware of it in an instant. In just a moment, Xing Tian discovered his own abnormality. Without any hesitation, Xing Tian quickly gathered his mind. , No longer caring about the previous thoughts, no matter how many thoughts you have, as long as you don’t take this step, no matter how much you think about it, you will only waste your time, waste your energy, and have nothing to yourself. benefit.

As soon as Lord Lieyang’s words fell, Xing Tian’s breath instantly changed. If the fluctuating stars were not willing to instantly stabilize, Xing Tian had clearly noticed his own problems and resolved the crisis instantly. In just a few short breaths, Xing Tian was able to immediately detect his own problems and immediately improve them. This made Lord Lieyang a little surprised. This was really incredible. He was really shocked by such changes!

"How is it possible that you can detect that there is a problem in your own state of mind in just a few breaths, and then it can be resolved in an instant. Could it be that his will and spirit have really achieved an unimaginable degree, but his state Why is it so low and his strength is so weak, can it be said that there are no shortcomings in him?" When he saw this result, as the head of the Yunxiao Sect, the Ziji Venerable also lost his voice, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Everything seen.

Lord Lieyang sighed and said: "Alas! We still underestimated his talent and ability. Whether in terms of background or will, my disciple is very amazing. Perhaps we should really change the top of the age, and we should be fully prepared to prevent him from making any mistakes before he rises, because he really has endless potential! He really can soar to the sky and stand on top of human civilization. !"

auzw.com Originally, Lord Lieyang planned to retreat to practice after making all arrangements for Xingtian. After all, for him, no matter how talented Xingtian is, he cannot waste time in practice. But now he has changed his mind. He is willing to waste his own practice time to observe everything in Xingtian secretly, in case there will be accidents, in case Xingtian will fall halfway!

"The elder Taishang makes sense. Xingtian is worthy of our efforts. Even if it is a waste of our practice time, we must ensure his safety. Let others protect him secretly. We can’t feel at ease. After all, Xingtian’s The talent is terrifying, and one more person knows it is also more dangerous. From now on, his safety will be protected by us!"

Venerable Ziji also recognized Lord Lieyang’s thoughts, and believed that Xing Tian was worth the huge price he paid. Maybe they need to waste a little bit of time in their practice now, but if they want to compare their future gains, this is really nothing. , As long as Xingtian can grow up, they will be recovered hundreds of times, thousands of times!

"Okay, it's good if you can think like this. Now, while Xing Tian is still not awake, before completing this practice, we must hurry up to take precautions against his mountain peaks, plus strong protection, this matter is up to you. Come to complete, after all, you are the head of the Yunxiao Sect. It is reasonable to stand up and protect the Tianjiao among the Sect. If you lack any treasure, you can find me!"

Time waits for no one, Lord Lieyang did not hesitate to directly express the thoughts in his heart, and directly entrusted Xingtian's affairs to Venerable Ziji. After all, he still has to continue to protect Xingtian, even if Xingtian has already left. It was dangerous, but he still did not dare to take it lightly, did not dare to relax, and carefully sailed the Wannian Ship. He didn't want to let Xingtian accidentally happen to him for a while!

Being able to become the head of the Yunxiao Sect, Venerable Ziji is naturally not a hesitant person. After clicking a bit to express his consent, he immediately acted and left the cave of Lord Lieyang to defend the peak of Xingtian. , Time waits for no one. The sooner you make this step, the more you will get, the more you can make the previous plan more complete, making those secret **** more puzzled, and giving Xingtian more time to do Practice can avoid the most dangerous period.

You must know that Xing Tian’s current strength is really too weak, even if they are secretly sheltering, but if the secret enemy is really strong enough to hurt the killer, they will not be able to completely block the threat outside, after all, behind every force There is a terrible assassin, and these existences can sacrifice their lives anywhere. If such assassins are dispatched, they will be tortured to death. This is something no one can stop, because they have no time to react.

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