God of Destruction

Chapter 3610: Festival down

Chapter 3610 put down

"Consummation, the origin that the star core can absorb has reached its limit. If you want to go further, you need not only the origin of the stars, but also your breakthrough on the avenue of stars, and you need to take a step beyond the change of stars. Evolution, I don’t know if I can condense the last star core at this time!" When he felt that the star nucleus in the star map of his own star change could no longer be strengthened, Xing Tian couldn’t help but think of condensing again. The last star core!

When this thought appeared again, a faint crisis appeared in Xing Tian’s heart again. He failed. If he continued to condense the last star core, he would still fail. This result made Xing Tian’s heart even more confused. Could it be that I was wrong before. To condense this last nucleus does not depend on whether the other nuclei have been completed, but for other reasons!

"Oh! Let's put it down for the time being. It's good to be able to make such progress in such a short time. If you have to force a breakthrough, it will only outweigh the gain. After all, the time for oneself to contact the powerful inheritance of Star Change is still a little short, Star Chart I don’t even know the true power of Xing Tian. Under such circumstances, if I have to break through forcibly, I will only destroy my own foundation!” When he calmed down completely, Xing Tian no longer had that sense of urgency in his heart. Doing what you can, otherwise it will only be counterproductive, and you will only get yourself into greater trouble. This is not the result Xing Tian wants to see!

After concentrating a little bit to consolidate the existing power and realm, Xing Tian slowly recovered his power and opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, a star light flashed in his eyes, although it flashed by, but Lord Lieyang, who had been watching Xing Tian all the time, noticed that in the light of the stars that flashed by, Lord Lieyang felt the strong Avenue of Stars and saw the evolution of the Avenue of Stars, although it was still very weak. But it has a real sense of self.

"Okay, very good. It seems that you have completed the refining of the origin of the stars, but don't be too eager to practice. Many things are not urgent, especially your current background is extremely deep. Under such circumstances Your breakthrough is thousands of times that of others. For you, you can’t be impatient. As long as you use your heart, you will naturally break through. Forcibly breaking through will only outweigh the gains!"

With just a glance, Lord Lieyang, as a sacred strong man, has already seen part of the true situation of Xingtian, and knows why Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars has not broken through. It is not that Xingtian’s accumulation is not strong, but Xingtian’s background is too deep. If you want to break through, you can not only rely on the Avenue of Stars itself, but the most important thing is that Xingtian’s Avenue of Stars is unique and integrated into the inheritance of the gods. Such breakthroughs will be closely related to the inheritance of the gods.

Although Lord Lieyang could see the problem with Xingtian at a glance, he did not remind Xingtian and instruct Xingtian how to break through, because in his opinion it was not helping Xingtian, but for Xingtian. It is necessary to understand and control the real situation by yourself. Only by grasping the problem with your own strength can you truly understand your own path and rely on others to make breakthroughs, even if it saves a little time. , But in the long run it is not worth the gain. After all, such a breakthrough is only a relative breakthrough, and it does not really understand one's own path!


The path that suits you is the best, and the path that suits you is the most suitable for you. As a veteran sacred powerhouse, Lord Lieyang doesn’t want to pull the seedlings to encourage him, and let Xing Tian advance by leaps and bounds from his previous practice. Improving one's own combat power and realm would make Xing Tian's foundation unstable, and would kill Xing Tian's life at a critical moment.

Even if this is done, there is still a possibility of remedy in the future, even if this is done to allow Xing Tian to have the ability to protect himself in advance, but this is not the result that Lord Lieyang wants to see, because he does not need Xing Tian to be so eager to improve. One's own combat power, breaking through one's own bottlenecks, and polishing the foundation more purely, the greater the benefits to future cultivation. Some slowness in the early stage of cultivation is nothing, and it will not affect the future. But if the foundation is unstable in the early stage and causes the original defect, then the trouble will be big!

"Master," Xing Tian wanted to ask about his own situation. After all, the star map of the star change was not condensed to perfection. Xing Tian always felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt that he had a big problem, making him want to know the problem urgently. s reason!

Before Xing Tian could finish speaking, Lord Lieyang smiled calmly and waved his hand to stop Xing Tian, ​​and then said, "Don’t ask too much, because the teacher knows what you want to ask. You know your own situation a little bit for the teacher, but you don’t. Will tell you where the problem lies. This requires you to explore it yourself. What others tell you is the understanding of others. Even if it can make you understand the problem, it is the ability of others, not your own, only you. Through continuous exploration, you can summarize the problem from the failures. That is your own ability. You can't rush to practice. You have to take one step at a time. Only in this way can you go further and be able to go. Only by being more practical can we have an infinite future."

When he heard these words, Xing Tian nodded slightly. If they were replaced by creatures born in the highest chaotic world, they might not understand it at all, but as Xing Tian, ​​as the one who soared from the lower world to the highest chaotic world, Under that endless practice experience, Xing Tian naturally understood it, but Xing Tian still couldn't determine the cause.

Cultivation should not be rushed. Xing Tian understands this. If there is a problem with his own foundation, it is a big trouble. Compared with the current situation, it is not worth mentioning. After all, as long as there is enough time for such resistance, the work of water milling is still there. You can find the reason, and you can figure out the problem bit by bit with the use of a water mill, and you can truly control everything.

When he thought of this, Xing Tian showed a faint smile on his face, nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice, I understand what to do!" When he said this, Xing Tian suddenly couldn't help but startled, and found that the head of Zi Zi Extremely Venerable was not in the cave, which made Xing Tian a little surprised. He didn't understand the reason. He couldn't help but wondered in his heart, "Could it be that something big happened in the sect that made the head have to leave? But that doesn't seem to be true. Maybe, it's not long since then!"


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