God of Destruction

Chapter 3615: Festival Crazy Outbreak

Chapter 3615: Crazy Outbreak

To choose between one's own Dao and Purple Light Stars, no matter how stupid people are, they will not choose Purple Lights Stars. Dao is the root of everything. If you choose to reduce your own practice in order to restore the power of Purple Lights Stars, then It is absolutely impossible. Xing Tian would not do this, no one would do it. The external force is only an external force after all. What's more, Xing Tian is completely filled with the power that needs the purple star to protect himself. He is in the Yunxiao faction. No one can threaten their safety for the time being!

With a thought, Xing Tian began to comprehend the inheritance of the Avenue of Thunder, and felt the inheritance of the Avenue of Thunder in the Sea of ​​Soul Knowledge. With the inheritance of Star Change, Xing Tian's inheritance of the Avenue of Thunder in the Sea of ​​Soul Knowledge has been changed. I don’t pay too much attention to it, because this is not my own avenue, only his own avenue is the best. What Xing Tian has to do is to use the power of this avenue of thunder to awaken his own three thousand dao bones. , To unlock the power of inheritance in the bones of the thunder.

Although this is a bit crazy, Xing Tian believes that he will succeed. When Xing Tian’s mind is fully devoted to the Dao of Thunder, the aura of the origin of the stars is gradually obscured by the aura of the Dao of Thunder, a powerful and incomparable thunder. The origin radiated from Xing Tian's body, and waves of thunder light radiated above Xing Tian's body.

As soon as the Avenue of Thunder was activated, Xing Tian’s soul of consciousness also flickered in the sea, and the endless source of thunder was constantly surging. The inheritance of the Avenue of Thunder was crazily refined by Xing Tian, ​​and was constantly swallowed and absorbed by Xing Tian. In the flesh!

Crazy, at this time Xing Tian is really crazy, to forcibly refine such a powerful inheritance into himself, into the body, into the sea of ​​soul knowledge, this idea is really crazy, if anyone knew that Xing Tian would be so crazy , Will be shocked. You must know that this is the inheritance that can reach the sacred strong. Such a powerful inheritance has been madly refined by Xing Tian. This is really unacceptable. You must know that such a forcibly refined inheritance will lose the great road There are many experiences in the source, even Xing Tian has already felt it once, but such crazy behavior is still unacceptable.

When the thunder light flickered, Zixing, who was an instrument spirit, was shocked again. Although he knew that Xing Tian had a powerful inheritance from the illusory world, the horror of this inheritance was also clear. If it is to be completely digested, To absorb this inheritance, it takes time to slowly realize, but now Xing Tian uses the most overbearing means to directly refine it, and does not care about the loss in the inheritance. Such a move shocked it for a while, and it is difficult to accept!


"Damn, what the **** is going on, is this kid Xing Tian crazy? He has done such a crazy thing, and he wants to pass on a complete inheritance to forced refining, regardless of the loss caused by doing so. The origin contained in the inheritance is so powerful that he is not afraid of being backlashed by the Dao and hurting his origin? Or does this kid have any other crazy ideas?" Zi Xing looked at Xing Tian with horror, muttering Talking to himself, endless confusion revealed in his eyes!

Crazy, Xing Tian is indeed crazy now. If it is to absorb this powerful thunder avenue inheritance in the normal way, Xing Tian needs time to absorb it continuously, and this time is too long for Xing Tian, ​​if it is changed to such a domineering method , Xing Tian can save a lot of time, and even if it is possible, Xing Tian can use the origin in the inheritance of this road of thunder to forcibly open the acupuncture points in his physical body, which can stimulate the thunderous bones in the three thousand bones.

"Acupuncture hole, the acupuncture hole of the Avenue of Thunder, come out for me!" Xing Tian's heart was screaming frantically. When the horrible Avenue of Thunder continued to merge into his body, Xing Tian's body was in the Avenue of Thunder. Under the impact of, they are constantly destroying and rebirth. As this situation continues to disperse, Xing Tian uses the method of elimination bit by bit to feel the acupuncture points in the flesh corresponding to the thunder avenue, and in the process , Xing Tian suffered the same torture as inhuman.

That is to say, Xing Tian has a terrifying will and can withstand this impact. If he is replaced by a general Tianjiao enchanting evildoer, he has not experienced any painful torture, and his will and soul will collapse instantly. This torture is really terrible, even a person like Xing Tian with a firm will, his face is constantly changing at this time!

Time went by little by little, and Xing Tian gradually eliminated most of his body with the power of the Dao of Thunder, and only the head was not eliminated. The result made Xing Tian's heart sigh! The head is different from the others. The head is slightly missing, and it will cause huge damage to Xingtian's soul. The most important thing is that the head can withstand the impact is limited. It is impossible to explore like before. If you do this, you have not found it yet. Before the hole of the Thunder Avenue, his soul had received a huge impact and suffered terrible damage, even if he was not careful, his vitality would be greatly injured.

"Damn, what should I do, the acupuncture points of the Avenue of Thunder are also hidden in the skull, and even the bones of the Avenue of Thunder are also in the skull. The opening of the Avenue of Stars is completed step by step, completely. The water channel is natural, but now I am completely different from using domineering means to open the road of thunder, but I give up like this, and I am unwilling. You must know that I can't stop now. If I don't continue, this will be forcibly refined. The inheritance of the Thunder Avenue will not stop because of this, and will only silently report in oneself, so that oneself will miss an opportunity in vain."

"Fighting, I didn't expect that things would exceed my imagination, and I would once again avoid myself to the point where I had to give up my life. This is a great irony. If anyone knows my current situation, they will be crazy by me. I was shocked. I clearly had a complete lineage of the Dao of Thunder, but I gave up not to practice, but forced to refine it into myself. Such crazy actions would not be done at all, but I did it. Pushing himself into this desperate situation of life-threatening, this is really ridiculous! Too ridiculous!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, the result also had a certain impact on his mind. , After all, he didn't want to see such a result, even if Xing Tian was crazy, he would not risk his life so easily, but now he really has no choice!

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