God of Destruction

Chapter 3620: Worry

Chapter 3620 Worries

After a breakthrough, Xing Tian himself needs time to recuperate. Whether it is body, mind, or even soul, he needs to recuperate. After all, Xing Tian is a flesh and blood body. After such a crazy breakthrough, he is already extremely exhausted. . On the path of practice, Xing Tian deeply understands a truth. He must know how to choose and when to let go. If he can't even do this, he just knows that he will just insist on it, it will only be counterproductive and only harm. Up yourself!

When Xing Tian gathered his mind to recuperate, the Lord Lieyang who had been paying attention to Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although he was not present, from the changes in Xingtian Mountain, he could understand that Xing Tian had passed the most dangerous thing. At any moment, for a person like Xing Tian, ​​this shows that Xing Tian has succeeded. No matter what Xing Tian’s gains, this is a great success. After all, Xing Tian practices the road of thunder, and it is the terrible thunder punishment. force.

According to Lord Lieyang’s guess, Xing Tian at this time has already completed a comprehensive breakthrough to himself, has taken a crucial step, and already has the ability of the God Soldier Realm, although it is only a breakthrough to the God Soldier Realm, it is A qualitative transformation is a great success and gain for a new entry disciple like Xing Tian, ​​not to mention that what Xing Tian cultivates is still the Dao of Thunder.

At this time, Lord Lieyang also had some doubts about what Dao Xing Tian was centered on, and what Dao was the basis to determine his own path of practice. In the heart of Venerable Lie Yang, Xing Tian walked mainly on the path of Yin and Yang. However, when Xing Tian condensed the stars and changed the star map, he had a new idea, but now Xing Tian has a powerful inheritance like the Dao of Thunder, his thoughts have changed again, and this series of changes It also made him unable to understand Xingtian's real path of practice!

Everyone has their own secrets, especially for practitioners like them, they have their own secrets even more, even if they have more doubts in their hearts, even if they are Xingtian’s master, Lord Lieyang I never thought about asking about Xing Tian's cultivation way, because such a secret is that even close people can't ask about it. This is related to my life safety!

Although there are many doubts in his heart, there is a bit of Lord Lieyang who knows very well that Xing Tian has a more terrifying background than he had previously imagined, and has even more terrifying potential. Xing Tian's secret must be kept secret anyway. Discovered by outsiders, once it is leaked, even the powerhouses of the sacred level will take action to kill Xingtian this junior!

What is the power of thunder punishment? That is the power that can control the punishment of heaven! What is the complete Avenue of Stars? It can mobilize the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, as well as the Avenue of Yin and Yang that Xing Tian has realized from the congenital stone walls. Any kind of magical power of the Avenue of Yin and Yang has terrible lethal power, so many secrets are scattered. It is enough to make any hostile sacred powerhouse have a killing intent, not to mention that these many secrets are condensed in one person, let alone the killing intent in their hearts, even those that are hostile to human civilization. Existence will not hesitate at all costs, even if it is the sacrifice of one or two sacred powerhouses.


For the Lord Lieyang, who has lived for endless years, he deeply understands how terrifying the killings between races and how terrible the assassinations of the enchanting gods among the rival races are, no matter how good the protection is. Once detected by the enemy, once it is included in the kill list by the enemy, there will be life at risk at any time.

Even if Xing Tian is in the Yunxiao Sect now, even if this is a remote place, but the power of secret hostility has never been reduced. There are still countless enemies waiting in secret. After all, human civilization has too many Enemies, no matter what kind of enemy they are, they will not let go of the evil spirits of human civilization, so Lord Lieyang does not pay attention to it.

Good talent is sometimes a bad thing, and the addition of air luck is also a bad thing sometimes, because you don’t know whether the secret enemy has the magic power to see through air luck. Once such an enemy appears around the Yunxiao faction, you can naturally detect it. The changes of the Yunxiao School will naturally find the hidden Xing Tian, ​​and then great troubles will follow.

After such a terrible thunder punishment power appeared in Xing Tian, ​​Lord Lieyang was in a dilemma, because Xing Tian's talent was too terrifying, so terrible that he was embarrassed by the old-school sacred powerhouse, and kept Xing Tian in The Yunxiao Sect is obviously irresponsible to Xingtian. After all, Xingtian needs a chance because of the fortune of the atmosphere, and staying in the Yunxiao Sect is obviously the opportunity for the Xingtian, but Xingtian leaves the Yunxiao Sect to sharpen himself, which is another There is too much danger, so once the Tianjiao evildoer is born, it will provoke the situation and attract the attention of all enemies, and the consequences will be as serious as it is then!

At this time, Lord Lieyang thought of the illusory world, and wanted Xing Tian to sharpen himself in the illusion world, but this thought just flashed through his mind. For the average Tianjiao evildoer, the illusion world is indeed It is a good place to sharpen, but for a Tianjiao evildoer of Xingtian's degree, it is not hardening, but a restraint to oneself. After all, in such a world, it is impossible to cultivate true strong, truly strong. All of them have come out step by step in the endless killing. Without experiencing the real blood and rain, they can't really grow up. This is the general trend of the world.

When thinking of killing and sharpening, suddenly, Lord Lieyang flashed a more terrifying thought in his mind, muttering to himself, "This kid has come out of endless killings. The killing and cutting aura is very heavy and strong. If he did not understand the killing avenue, it is impossible. If this kid uses the killing avenue as the foundation of his own practice, he has been hiding it in the Yunxiao Sect. Cut his future!"

A Tianjiao evildoer who grew up from killing, nine out of ten are comprehending the avenue of slaughter, and this avenue of killing is different from other avenues. It wants to evolve and to understand a higher mood and true meaning, only in the middle of killing. To proceed, blind penance has no chance of success at all. For the Tianjiao evildoers who walked on the avenue of killing, it is undoubtedly the most terrifying Tianjiao evildoer. Such Tianjiao evildoers are destined to be accompanied by blood and rain. Any constraints are for them. All are huge suppression, all are the destruction of their future!


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