God of Destruction

Chapter 3630: Section selection

Chapter 3630 Selection

"How is this possible? Under such a crazy collision, a perfect yin and yang origin can be formed. Although this is only a trace of breath, it is undeniable that this is indeed a yin and yang breath with no flaws. Could it be that I can also use such crazy actions? Come to polish your own Yin-Yang Avenue? If so, it would be a good harvest!" When thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Xing Tian's face. Such a result was really unexpected, and Xing Tian was too much. Surprise!

Soon after the surprise, Xing Tian's heart appeared a faint worry. Although Yin Yang Dao is good, is it really the result he wants? Although Yin Yang Dao is very powerful, if he opens the Yin Yang Dao acupoint at this time, he can Inspire the bones of the Yin-Yang Dao and get the Yin-Yang Dao inheritance, which is of great benefit and help to my chaotic real body, but is this result what I want? The origin generated by the collision of my own opposing avenues can accomplish two kinds of Is the road condensed?

No, Xing Tian does not think that he can achieve balance, that he can complete the condensing of Yin-Yang Dao and Destruction Dao. Although he has the inheritance of supernatural powers condensed by four opposing avenues, it does not mean that he can successfully condense Yin-Yang Dao and Destruction Dao. , The most important thing is that all this is not in your own plan.

select! At this time, Xing Tian must make a choice, otherwise the next situation will be disadvantageous to Xing Tian. Everything has two sides. Although Yin Yang Dao is good, it is not what he needs most now! For Xing Tian, ​​he paid such a high price and risked his life. All he pursued was to destroy the cohesion of the avenue, and only to obliterate his own brand of avenues. Perhaps the origin of the yin-yang avenue produced under such a collision is very pure and very Strong, but Xing Tian is still willing to accept the Great Way of Destruction!

"Unexpectedly, I was still tempted. I was still shaken by the sudden appearance of the Yin Yang Dao breath. This is really terrifying!" When he said this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, although it was only for a brief moment. , But the impact on Xingtian was extremely terrifying, and it also had a huge impact on Xingtian's future.

How to choose? Naturally, I choose to destroy the avenue, because this is my best decision. Only in this way can I complete the plan in my heart and get everything I want. Although the yin-yang avenue is good, if compared with my own safety, if Compared with the future of oneself, it is not important at all, and it is not worth mentioning. After all, even if you give up this time, you will still have a chance to condense the Yin and Yang Dao in the future. It is not an easy task, the most important thing is that your next plans will also be affected!

Treasures that can be used to carry one's own avenue are not arbitrarily obtained, nor can any top treasure can be achieved. To carry one's own avenue, it needs to be in harmony with oneself, and for Xing Tian now the most suitable Naturally, it is the yin and yang stone wall, which is the easiest one to obtain, and the easiest treasure to be refined and mastered by oneself.

When auzw.com made a decision in his heart, Xing Tian's heart moved. Xing Tian placed the atmosphere of the Yin-Yang Avenue into the two opposing avenues, and then there was another loud noise, the two opposing avenues. Once again collided, and the center was the breath of Yin and Yang Dao. Under this terrifying collision, the power of the three types of Dao bursts out, and a terrifying aura of destruction instantly appeared in Xing Tian’s body, and this aura appeared. Xing Tian's heart was instantly filled with fear.

death! In an instant, Xingtian felt the threat of death. This terrible aura of destruction seemed to destroy everything Xingtian had never felt before. When such a situation appeared, Xingtian’s mind was greatly impacted. His soul was also slightly affected at this moment.

"Okay, very good, this is the power I want, this is the result I want, this is the origin of the Dao of Destruction I need, only such power can be my way of protecting the Dao, come on, I will not be afraid of your appearance. No matter how powerful the power is, it cannot make me shrink or make me fear. I am the one who holds the power!"

In an instant, Xing Tian’s heart was filled with endless fighting intent. For him, such an explosion and the appearance of such a source of destruction are the results he desires most. The more powerful the source of destruction, the more powerful he has a foundation. , The more you can integrate with other avenues, this power is the power Xing Tian expects!

When Xing Tian strengthened his conviction, and when the endless fighting intent in Xing Tian's heart rose, his mind changed, and there was a trace of evolution. This is the benefit brought by death tempering, and this is the result of defeating himself. the benefits of.

Of course, all this is just the beginning. When he had this powerful and incomparable aura of destruction, Xing Tian felt that his three thousand bones had changed again. The appearance of this aura of destruction caused the resonance of the bones. It is a pity that this trace of destruction of the Dao Bone is still too little, it is not enough to cause the Dao Bone to completely change, and it is not enough to stimulate the origin of the Dao Bone!

"I need more aura of destruction, I need to condense the true origin of the Dao of Destruction, come on, make this collision even more terrifying!" At this moment, Xing Tian had no other thoughts in his mind, no more polishing of his body, no sharpening. The thought of the physical body has only one thought in his mind, that is to madly collide with the avenues of opposites to create more aura of destruction of the avenue, only in this way can he condense the auras of the avenue of destruction into a complete avenue of destruction. origin.

Crazy. At this moment, Xing Tian's whole person was in madness, and there was a trace of demonization. This is not a normal demonization, but a demonization that is completely devoted to the body and mind. He no longer cares about other things, and it is precisely because Xing Tian is so crazy. His devotion is precisely his current state, which makes himself even crazier, and this madness has also inspired the change of his god-given inheritance chaos true body, because under the effect of instinct, chaos true body feels the threat of physical collapse. I had to work hard, and I had to do my best to stabilize Xing Tian’s physical body. If Xing Tian’s physical body collapsed at this time, it would severely damage his god-given inheritance chaos real body, and this harmony is a result that Xing Tian cannot accept, so it is an instinctive power. It also appeared in Xing Tian's body!

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