God of Destruction

Chapter 3633: Knot shift

Chapter 3633 Change

weak! This is Xing Tian’s first feeling. At this time, both the body and mind have an extremely weak feeling, as if they have been hungry for countless years. I can’t wait to eat a big meal to provide for my body and mind, and to support myself and my mind. After the harmony of the Supreme Chaos World, it seems that all of my own essence has been absorbed. Although my own foundation has not been shaken, my own is not shaken at all, but my own origin has consumed ninety-nine percent of it. It can be said that Xingtian is only one With an empty shell, there is no combat power at all. If an enemy appears, he can only catch it!

Such a terrible result shocked Xing Tian. He only condensed a source of destruction, only completed a small enlightenment of himself, but allowed himself to endure such a terrible result, and consumed the source of his body. To the extent, even if Xing Tian's foundation is strong, even if Xing Tian's foundation is consolidated, it will not be possible to restore it overnight. It will take a long time to recover. After all, Xing Tian's body is just an empty shell.

Of course, if Xing Tian really hates his heart, it is not without a solution. After all, Xing Tian does not only rely on the physical body, but also on his own source of cultivation. Xing Tian also has a powerful inner world. If Xing Tian is willing to take the power of the inner world as a nutrient To support himself, it is possible to restore the previous combat power in the shortest time, or even go further, but this is not the result Xing Tian wants. Xing Tian cannot mobilize the source of the inner world because of this little source of consumption. Evolution to the inner world.

Up to now, Xing Tian has a clear goal of his own path of practice. It is not to walk on one leg, but to advance in three ways. The godsend of the physical body inherits the chaotic real body, the world road of the inner world, and the present place. If the path of destruction of practice is to recover the physical body and the consumption of its own origin, and extract the world origin of the inner world, this is not what Xing Tian is willing to accept, because the inner world is the world road, and the world road is the tree of the world. What the tree of the world is based on is natural fortune. If the power of the world from the inner world is extracted at this time, it will only affect the development of the tree of the world, thereby affecting the root of the inner world. If Xingtian comes to life and death crisis , Then he will not hesitate at all, he will immediately extract the power of the inner world, but now Xing Tian is not facing the crisis of death, and no one can threaten his safety. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally does not Would make such a stupid decision!

In Xing Tian’s vision, his own path of refining qi and spirits will be different, and will not advance step by step like ordinary gods. Xing Tian will rely on the power of the soul, rely on his strong will, and rely on many opportunities. , Condense the origin of the Dao of Destruction directly into your own supreme treasure, truly carry your own destiny of the Dao of Chaos Destruction, even the gods and gods, and completely integrate yourself into the world of the highest chaos. If you really can complete this step, At that time, he will become the true primitive **** and demon in the true supreme chaotic world, and the supreme **** and demon in charge of the chaotic destruction avenue!


However, the danger of doing so will be infinitely magnified, but if it succeeds, the essence of Xing Tian will make a qualitative leap, whether it is on the heaven-given inheritance of chaos true body, or the way of the world in the inner world, and the way of chaos destruction. Above, there will be new transformations, because Xing Tian’s body will be completely transformed into the essence of chaos at that time, truly possessing a trace of the origin of the supreme chaotic world, even if Xing Tian is just a little newborn **** and demon, not powerful enough at all. Combat power, but the qualitative transformation will give it endless potential, but it’s hard to say whether it can succeed. After all, the road of destruction is different from the general road, and the highest chaos world will not allow it to appear easily. After all, the real road of destruction Will pose a threat to the Supreme Chaos World.

The power of the chaotic destruction of the Dao’s origin is not enough for Xing Tian to truly complete his plan. To truly complete the qualitative transformation of himself, it takes time, opportunity, and the treasures that carry his Dao, so Xing Tian is very eager at this moment. Can get that Xiantian stone wall from the place of Yunxiao Sect's inheritance, because only it can complete its plan.

When you want to return, you must be fully prepared for everything, and you cannot act rashly, otherwise it will only be yourself that will suffer in the end. Xing Tian, ​​who has too much experience in fighting, naturally understands that the more at this time, the more calm he will be. The less urgent.

With a thought in his mind, Xing Tian collected the original source of the Great Dao of Chaos Destruction that he had worked so hard to collect into his acupuncture orifice. With the help of the power of the acupuncture orifice and the power of Dao bone, he converged his own terrible chaotic destruction. The breath of the avenue, such a terrible chaotic destruction of the avenue, even if there is a little, it will make people notice it, and it will bring an unpredictable crisis to oneself. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and here you can really touch the temptation of the essence of the highest chaotic world. Below, no one can resist, even if there is only a small source, it is enough to make any strong person tempted.

Xing Tian didn’t want to be careless, put himself in danger, and put his life on the benevolence and kindness of others. From Xing Tian’s point of view, it was a real way to die and to practice. No matter how cautious you are, you can’t think of it too much, not to mention that you have limited time to join the Yunxiao Sect, and have never appeared among the disciples of the Yunxiao Sect. It is true that someone has a greedy idea for himself that he should not have. It is ten deaths without life.

As Xing Tian's mind changed, a trace of destruction continued to dissipate. This was not dissipated in the void, but was absorbed by the acupuncture points and Dao bones in Xing Tian's body. As the trace of destruction dissipated, Xing Tian's body gradually exudes a faint yin and yang aura, and this yin and yang aura is derived from Xing Tian's previous crazy actions, from the yin-yang avenue's supernatural power brand that he has obliterated, even if the supernatural power brand has been completely obliterated by Xingtian, but this The yin and yang breath will not dissipate in a short time. The most important thing is that Xing Tian doesn’t want the yin and yang breath to dissipate. If it dissipates, how can he conceal his own situation and how can he take the opportunity to get his own thoughts from the land of Yunxiao Sect’s inheritance? What reason did the Xiantian Stone Pik want to give the other party a satisfactory explanation? Without a satisfactory explanation, it would be very detrimental to Xing Tian's future safety!

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