God of Destruction

Chapter 3635: Knot changes

Chapter 3635 Changes

"I should take action now. Although I can avoid some dangers if I drag on, I also waste a lot of time. With my current situation, it is impossible to make a big breakthrough in the Yunxiao faction. I want to go further. To have the ability to protect yourself, you only have to give it a go. Only by condensing the chaotic destruction avenue under your control is your own way of protecting the road. Although the world avenue is good, it is not suitable for killing, the world avenue It is the way of good fortune, the way of chaotic good fortune, and the god-given inheritance of chaotic body, although it is a real physical body to prove the supreme Dafa, the resources required are too terrifying, this can not be done with a little chance, then Need endless resources, endless time!"

Under the threat of the great controversy, Xing Tian can only compromise. Even if he is unwilling, this is the general trend. Under the general situation, Xing Tian can’t compromise. After all, Xing Tian can’t control his own destiny. Being an enemy, the result is only destruction, only death, Xingtian is not stupid, and he would not make such an ignorant decision!

change! I have to say that Xing Tian’s plan is changing. Under the general trend, he can’t help him stay the same. If he still holds the original idea, only death is waiting for him. Therefore, Xing Tian also changes with the situation and has to speed up his pace. Let yourself be in danger, but in contrast, there is still a silver lining, and you can still get out of your own way.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian reflected on himself again and looked at him again. After confirming that he no longer had a trace of chaos and destruction, Xing Tian strode away from his mountain and headed to his teacher’s cave, although Xing Tian wanted to realize what he felt. The yin and yang supernatural powers are handed over to the sect, but they will not be directly handed over to the head, after all, he has a master!

As soon as Xing Tian left his mountain, Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji immediately noticed that when they gathered together and discovered the amazing yin and yang breath in Xing Tian, ​​they all were shocked. Just because they were shocked by the yin and yang breath of Xing Tian, ​​they did not find that Xing Tian's breath was wrong, and did not see that Xing Tian's expression was a little weak!

What does such an amazing atmosphere of Yin and Yang Avenue mean? For Lord Lieyang and Lord Ziji, that’s all clear, Yin-Yang Dao supernatural powers, Xing Tian cultivated Yin-Yang Dao supernatural powers, so anxious to leave the customs, I’m afraid it’s to confess good wishes to the teacher and ask for help from the sect. After all, Xingtian has no powerful yin and yang treasures, and cannot carry his own yin and yang avenue.

His heart moved, and for an instant, Venerable Ziji's heart moved, and he immediately came to Lord Lieyang’s cave. He could have been cautious, afraid that Lord Lieyang would swallow the magical powers of Yin and Yang Dao Xingtian had realized. After all, Lord Lieyang The Lord and Xing Tian are their masters and apprentices. If Lord Lieyang intends to conceal it, Xing Tian will naturally cooperate. For the sake of the'sect', Lord Ziji had to respond.

When Venerable Ziji appeared, Lord Lieyang could not help but shook his head secretly. Regarding the thoughts in his head, Lord Lieyang was very clear, but he also had to admit that if Venerable Ziji did not appear. , If Xing Tian was so real that he had already cultivated the magical powers of the Yin and Yang Dao, he was really likely to hide it under the temptation, after all, he also had selfish motives.

After entering the cave, when he saw Venerable Ziji also appearing in his teacher’s cave, Xing Tian’s heart instantly understood, and his every move was probably under the watchman’s attention. When he left the mountain, he was already in the sight of the head. The head was worried that the teacher would swallow all the benefits, so he took the lead.


When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed in his heart, this is human nature, this is human heart! Even the leader has such thoughts and such vigilance, it can be seen that the factions among the Yunxiao faction are serious, and this situation also makes Xingtian have to be more cautious, let alone divulge his own secrets, or else. It really will be serious!

As the Supreme Elder, as the master of Xingtian, Lord Lieyang noticed that Xingtian's breath was abnormal when Xingtian entered the cave, and immediately said: "Xingtian, look at your expression a little weak, but you are practicing There is a problem with the above, need to help the teacher?"

Although Lord Lieyang has selfishness, he also has his own dignity and his own bottom line. When he sees Xing Tian's expression abnormal, he can't help but worry. You must know whether there can be a slight mistake in practice, or it will be unimaginable. , If Xing Tian really had a problem with his practice, this is not what he wants to see.

Why is Lord Lieyang so nervous? The reason is very simple. Because of the change of the mountain where Xing Tian was on before, he had to be nervous, and he had to worry about whether Xing Tian was impatient for a while in his practice!

Xing Tian immediately replied: "Back to Master, did the disciples come to ask for something?"

"Oh! If you have anything to say, you will naturally help you as a teacher. Even if there is no way for the teacher, there is still the head, and the Yunxiao faction is there. I will definitely help you to repair your origin!" Lord Lieyang cast his gaze on the head of Venerable Ziji, and his intention was very obvious. It was necessary for Venerable Ziji to give a little blood.

At this time, Venerable Ziji did not hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Xingtian, the elder Taishang said well, no matter what the difficulties are, you can tell them all. Yunxiao faction will give you full support and help. A temporary failure counts. Nothing!"

At this moment, Venerable Ziji also saw the instability of Xingtian's body, and also saw the difference in Xingtian's expression. He also had the same worries as Venerable Lieyang in his heart. It was not easy for the school to have such a evil spirit as Xingtian, he didn't want it. Seeing that Xing Tian's temporary failure has affected the fundamentals and his own future is not a good thing for Yunxiao School.

How important is Xing Tian to Yunxiao School? It is very important, because Xingtian carries the inheritance of Yunxiao School's Yin-Yang Dao line. If Xing Tian fails, it means that the endless years of waiting will be wasted. The Yin-Yang Dao line in the martial art will finally be cut off. , This is not what they want to see, it is also unacceptable to them!

As sacred powerhouses, they have seen too many Tianjiao disciples falling into the clouds because of their temporary urgency, so they immediately thought about how to make up for Xingtian’s loss and how to make Xingtian cheer up again, but they really did. I was wrong. Xing Tian didn't fall into the crisis of cultivation as they thought, and he didn't break through forcibly and hurt himself.

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