God of Destruction

Chapter 3645: Blood chain

Chapter 3645: Blood Refining

Although the origin of Xing Tian’s chaotic destruction was agglomerated by the destruction of the four supernatural powers in the Xiantian Stonewall, it still cannot be integrated into the Xingtian Stonewall. This situation casts a shadow on Xingtian’s heart and makes Xingtian’s heart involuntary. Sank.

Blood refining? Xing Tian also thought about it, even if a mouthful of essence and blood made him have a touch of Xiantian stone wall, let him see a glimmer of light, but Xing Tian still did not move by it, the reason is very simple, Xing Tian does not believe that blood refining can successfully achieve himself No matter how strong the power of blood refining is, there will be nothing to gain from facing the terrifying yin and yang origin of this Xiantian stone wall. After all, what I want to obliterate is this yin and yang origin, and replace it with chaos destroying the origin, which will make Xiantian stone wall. Instinct fights back.

"Blast!" The arrow had to be sent on the string, even if it was backlashed, and he was hurt, but Xing Tian still did not stop, and a low voice fell, stimulating the essence of the original stone wall that he refined and obliterated. With this power, to break through the resistance of Xiantian Stone Wall, with this deep cry, a terrible shock wave erupted from the Xiantian Stone Wall. It was the counterattack of the original power of Yin Yang Dao, and it was Xing Tian and Xiantian Stone Wall's confrontation again!

With a "bang!" Xing Tian's body was thrown up like rags, and the powerful impact directly knocked the others into the air, directly cutting off the connection between Xing Tian and Xiantian Stone Wall, and the induction gained by that trace of essence and blood disappeared instantly. , That trace of essence and blood was directly obliterated by the counterattack of the power of the Yin Yang Dao's origin. Under the confrontation again, Xing Tian still failed.

"Damn, how could this be? The power of this Xiantian stone wall is really too powerful, beyond my imagination. It seems that I still underestimate the power of this treasure. None of the treasures that can be passed down from ancient times are easy to deal with. No wonder the ancestors of Yin and Yang chose to give up and give it to the Yunxiao Sect instead of staying in his own line. If such a treasure wants to obliterate its original imprint, it will cost a huge price, even more. The price is likely to fail. Compared with the hopeless gain, naturally no one wants to refine it, no one takes risks!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed inwardly. This result made Xing Tian very annoyed, but now Xing Tian is already riding a tiger, even if he intends to give up, because time waits for no one, he does not have So much time can be wasted, and I have paid such a high price, if I stop here, all the previous efforts will be turned into nothingness, and this opportunity will be completely cut off from myself, and this is a result that Xing Tian cannot accept.

"War! No matter how high the price is, even if it is facing the danger of horror, I can't shrink back, I can only bite the bullet and continue, and I will shoot without turning back. This is my way, this is my way. , I can’t retreat a little in my path of practice, and I can’t have a bit of regret, fighting the sky and all sentient beings. There is no force that can stop my Xingtian’s advancement, and I must die on the road of charging. This is my Xingtian’s road. This is me. The chaotic destruction avenue to be condensed, any force that blocks my Xingtian’s advance will be wiped out by my chaos destruction avenue, and there is no force that can stop me!"


Is the failure terrible? No, failure is not terrible to Xingtian. The terrible thing is that he cannot recover after the failure, and he cannot walk out of the shadow of that failure. It is obvious that Xingtian has not suffered such troubles, even if it is the frustration of another confrontation. , But Xing Tian’s fighting spirit was not broken by this, and he remained high. This is the attitude and spirit that a strong man should have.

It’s impossible to just rely on the power of the original source that one has mastered to completely detonate the source of the Yin-Yang Avenue in the Xiantian Stone Wall, directly let it explode, and evolve into the original source of Chaos Destruction Avenue, because of both The gap between them is too big, I don’t have so much time to master more of the origins little by little, so if I want to succeed, I have to be crazier, make crazier choices, and obliterate by my own strength The Yin-Yang Dao does not work at its source, so do both, and use the method of blood refining to cooperate with it. Even if you pay a part of your blood, you must do so even if your physical practice is damaged!

After the refining of Xiantian Stonewall began, Xing Tian had no retreat. It can be said that at this time, under this situation, if Xing Tian does not treat himself a little bit more, he will not see any hope of victory at all. If he does not work hard, he can only A dead end.

Why is it that I have always been on the verge of death, and always have to face such crazily dangerous dangers? Is it true that the avenue that I have walked is so unpopular with the origin of the world, and there is really no way out? Xing Tian was secretly thinking and thinking about this question, but it was a pity that Xing Tian couldn't get any answer, because this is an unprecedented road, and there is no reference to it. Xing Tian can only rely on his own strength to explore.

"War! I want to see how long you can hold on and how much power you have to stop my Xingtian's determination!" With a deep cry, Xing Tian stood up again, and once again focused on Xiantian stone wall. This time Xing Tian really had to Desperately, there have been repeated times, not repeated times, the two previous failures have forced Xingtian to a dead end, but there are only three things, if it fails again, Xingtian will completely pass this opportunity, so Xingtian can’t help. Desperately.

Between waving his hands, a ray of light flashed, and a wound appeared on Xing Tian's palm, and blood poured out in an instant. Then Xing Tian strode out without hesitation, pressing his palm under the Xiantian stone wall, the blood gushing out. Instantly dyed the stone wall red! Blood refining! Xing Tian finally took this step and made this crazy choice!

Blood is constantly pouring out of Xingtian’s palm, but Xiantian Stonewall is not as fast as Xingtian thought. It is like a deep well, frantically devouring the blood in Xingtian’s body. And there is only a faint blood light on the stone wall, and that faint blood light forms a faint blood line. If you want to use blood refining to completely refine the stone wall, it is also impossible to succeed, even if it is. No matter how powerful Xing Tian's own hematopoietic function is, there is no possibility of success in the face of such a terrible Xiantian stone wall. Unless Xing Tian really needs his own life and abandons his body, otherwise the path of blood refining will not work, and Xing Tian's wish will not be fulfilled!


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