God of Destruction

Chapter 3649: The Truth of Destruction

Chapter 3649 The Essence of Destruction

The journey of the Great Dao is the main comprehension. I didn’t even understand the nature of the Great Dao. It’s just a ridiculous illusion that I want to improve on this Dao practice. Although Xing Tian has experience in previous practice, he entered the Supreme Chaos World. , Xing Tian encountered almost no difficulties and obstacles along the way, so he no longer had the urge to give up his life in the past.

When he understood his problem again, a faint smile appeared on Xing Tian's face. Although no one wants to face death or danger, this is his own path of cultivation, and this is the path of his pursuit. Road, on this road against the sky, I have no choice at all. Three thousand avenues are built together. When the foundation of the three thousand avenues is condensed, they are already doomed to face all the dangers and are destined to go. Go on this road of no return.

What is the World Avenue? That is chaotic good fortune, endless ways of good fortune! What is the true body of Chaos that is formed by the condensed three thousand avenues? That is the Dao, creating heaven and earth, creating the world, and mastering the supreme path of heaven and earth! What is the avenue of chaos destruction? It is endless destruction and death. I dare not even face death, so what about the foundation of the avenue!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I understand, I finally understand, this is my way, my avenue of chaos destruction, is to face all dangers, all deaths! Come on, let this storm come more violently! Open it to me, the power of the bloodline is fully opened, will the power of the bloodline burn for me, let me tear all barriers with the supreme divine power, and destroy everything for me!" Xing Tian burned his blood frantically under a violent roar. The power of the chaotic bloodline that he had condensed was ignited frantically, and the powerful force rushed out of Xing Tian’s body, directly into the Xiantian stone wall, what Yin-Yang Dao, what Yin-Yang supernatural powers, in front of this powerful force It is vulnerable to a single blow and is directly destroyed, directly evolving into the origin of chaotic destruction.

Although the origin of destruction produced by the collision of two extreme forces is also the Great Dao of Chaos, it is not on the same level as the Great Dao of Destruction, which is caused by directly destroying everything. The power of destruction obtained by destroying everything is truly pure and incomparable. The chaos destroys the origin, and only this origin is the power Xing Tian wants to obtain.

The origin of endless destruction was condensed frantically. Under Xing Tian’s frantic attack, all the yin and yang supernatural powers in the Xingtian stone wall were destroyed. At this moment, Xing Tian didn’t think about the avenue of Yin and Yang at all. There was nothing but destruction in his heart, and could not tolerate anything except destruction, and at this moment Xing Tian also truly stepped into the avenue of chaos destruction, truly comprehending the essence of the avenue of chaos destruction, and understood the foundation of the avenue.

"Alas! It's a pity that the difference in previous thoughts left one's own avenue with a flaw. Even if you have now understood the true meaning of chaos destroying the avenue, it is very difficult to make up for this flaw. Is it God's will? God's will is blocking it. My avenue is complete. I don’t want me to condense the true chaos to destroy the avenue. The foundation of the avenue? The chaotic origin evolved from the magical powers in the congenital stone wall seems to be perfect and pure. In fact, there is a slight difference. Cut off your path!"


When fully comprehending the true meaning of Chaos Destroy Avenue, Xing Tian felt lost in his heart and understood his own shortcomings. He still overestimated his own power. He underestimated the Chaos Destroy Avenue and used the Yin-Yang supernatural power to condense the origin of the Destruction Avenue. , Is not as pure as one's own imagination, and destroying a large array of chaos with such original evolution also has huge defects.

Even if there is only one flaw in Dao practice, it will kill oneself at a critical moment. It can be said that this gap is the killer who cuts off his own vitality. Xing Tian, ​​who has too much practice experience, is the first one when he perceives his own hidden dangers. The thought was that he was secretly calculated, by the power of the Supreme Chaos World, and led to Qilu.

"Damn it, really **** it! The Avenue of Chaos Destruction is the ultimate method of my protection. If I can't perfect the consequences, it will be unimaginable. However, I have used the source of chaos destruction to outline the Avenue of Chaos Destroy, and opened the destruction of Dao bones and destruction points. Well, there is almost no opportunity to re-improve it!"

anger! At this time Xing Tian’s heart has endless anger and killing intent, but what is the use of anger, everything has already happened, unless Xing Tian is willing to abandon this physical body and the path of destruction he practiced, but when the great world comes, he is so I am afraid that it will be dead and no life if done, and it will fall into the calculations of the Supreme Chaos World.

How to do? Xing Tian is thinking about countermeasures, but no matter what Xing Tian deduces, he can’t find a way to resolve it. Time doesn’t wait for anyone. If Xing Tian doesn’t hurry to refine the Xiantian stone wall, his last chance will be lost and the avenue of chaos destruction will be cut off. Now Xing Tian has been driven to a ruin by the Supreme Chaos World, and has to condense the incomplete chaos to destroy the foundation of the Great Avenue!

"What a supreme chaotic world, what a terrifying power of the Great Dao, I am afraid that it has already fallen into the other party's calculations when I just stepped into it. If I did not choose the chaotic destruction Dao, then everything will stop, there will be nothing. When I chose this avenue, I was already targeted and calculated. This is the power of the avenue. The chaotic destruction of the avenue is not tolerated in the world, not in any world, and the complete chaotic destruction avenue will be affected. Blocking the avenue!"

In just a short time, Xing Tian had already understood the sinister environment he was in, and understood that his avenue of chaos destruction was not tolerable in the world, and now he was forced to walk on this avenue of chaos destruction with major flaws, once he did so. , It’s difficult for oneself to consummate, because one’s own chaotic destruction avenue is lacking and cannot be balanced with the chaotic good fortune avenue of the world avenue, so it’s even more difficult for one’s chaos real body to be consummated, and one’s own path against the sky will never go. Before the end, he still fell into the calculations of the Supreme Chaos World, still at the mercy of the Supreme Chaos World, and would still become a chess piece.

Abandon the chaotic destruction of the avenue, abandon this opportunity, abandon the treasure of Xiantian stone wall, wait for the opportunity again, and condense other avenues? Such a thought appeared in Xing Tian's mind, but he was soon given up by Xing Tian. Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn't have so much time to waste. This Tiandi will not give himself such an opportunity again!

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