God of Destruction

Chapter 3651: Section

Chapter 3651

Chapter 3651

When Xing Tian is fully awake, he reconsiders his own problems and reconsiders his own practice plan. The chaotic body is the foundation of everything he wants to make. Everything depends on his own understanding and mastery of the Three Thousand Dao. , And to re-master the three thousand avenues, even if it is only a primary mastery, it is also extremely difficult for Xingtian. After all, every avenue is not so easy to succeed, and each avenue needs a corresponding original treasure. , This is not something Xing Tian can do. At least now, the weak Xing Tian can’t do this. As for the Yunxiao Sect, Xing Tian didn’t rely on the help of the sect, even if he had a superior elder. Master.

"Now the World Avenue in my inner world is almost perfect. It only takes time and resources to upgrade and evolve step by step. It can be said that there is almost no bottleneck in the evolution of the World Avenue, and the tree of the world is enough to eliminate everything!" Xing Tian soon gave up on the inner world. Attention, the inner world dominated by the tree of the world, there is no need to waste time and put energy into it.

What is the tree of the world? That is the root of a world, and this tree of the world has already become Xingtian's clone. Although this clone is trapped in the inner world, it is precisely because of this that Xingtian can truly fully control the inner world. Everything in the world can be comprehended by the power of the tree of the world for more three thousand avenues and for the powerful avenue of chaos.

You don’t need to waste energy to watch the inner world, but Chaos Destruction Avenue is not. If you only rely on the evolution and transformation of the five-divided Chaos Destruction Array in the Sea of ​​Soul Knowledge, the time required is really too much. It's been a long time, so Xing Tian can hardly see any hope of success. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally has to invest more energy!

"Now I am in the supreme chaotic world, and the previous methods can no longer be my own support. If I cannot change my original concept, even if I have the best talent and the support of the sect, There will be great achievements, the future future determined by the horizon, for the present self, the most important thing is not to enhance the inner world, not to enhance the power of the chaos body, but should be placed on the road of chaos destruction. After all, this is one's own way of protecting the way. Only with strong combat power can you have the ability to protect yourself in the future! Although the original clone has an extraordinary foundation and can have unlimited potential, I have forgotten the most important and fundamental point, resources! I don’t have enough resources for my own practice, not to mention the development of clones. The deity is the root. Even the deity can’t develop. No matter how many clones there are It’s time to make a new decision. Instead of wasting your time and energy, it’s better to integrate the power of the clone into the deity, to completely expand the power of the deity, and let the deity have more heritage!"

In many worlds in the past, Xing Tian was able to successfully survive the catastrophe again and again, and the strong help provided by his clone is the key to his success. Now that the environment is different and his identity is different, Xing Tian also needs to make a choice. . Integrating the origin of the clone into the deity will give you a qualitative transformation. After all, every clone of Xingtian has a kind of origin of the great path, which can save Xingtian's practice time and unlock the three thousand bones of Xingtian, but Is this really the best choice? Is it really possible to maximize the benefits? Xing Tian was secretly thinking!


"No, this is not the choice I should make. The strengthening of the Chaos Body may give me a stronger foundation and potential, but it will not change my current situation. For me, combat power is Most importantly, if I inject the power of the clone into the avenue of chaos destruction, not only will I be able to perfect my avenue of chaos destruction, but also be able to take over the chaos destruction array with the primordial **** of the clone, and even transform it into myself The clone is like the tree of the world. If you really can do this, the flaw of destroying the avenue in chaos will no longer be a flaw!"

madman! I have to say that Xing Tian is really a big lunatic, and he came up with such a crazy decision! What is the Chaos Destroy Array? It is the source of Xingtian Chaos Destroy Avenue, and it is also the ultimate treasure of his own Dao. It is not a avatar, but a full five avatars. It was really a crazy decision, and it was also an unprecedented crazy move. No one, no creature dared to do this!

It’s really incredible to use the clone to master the Chaos Destruction Avenue and perfect the Chaos Destruction Avenue. You must know that this is almost a risk of your own life. Once it fails, Xing Tian’s clone will be directly swallowed by the Chaos Destruction Avenue. Even if Xing Tian succeeds, the power of the clone will be completely absorbed by the Great Dao of Chaos Destruction. The most important thing is that as the sword of destruction of the Great Dao of Chaos, it is not tolerated in the world. Once the clone is refined, it will be trapped. It is also very disadvantageous in itself.

Of course, everything has two sides, and there are advantages and disadvantages. Although the clone is trapped in the Chaos Destruction Avenue, the existence of the clone can also speed up Xing Tian's grasp of the Chaos Destruction Avenue. It can be said that once Xing Tian succeeds, it is equivalent to direct control. A part of the power of Chaos Destroy Avenue can make Xing Tian's combat power a qualitative leap, which is of great benefit to Xing Tian. It can give Xing Tian a powerful assassin and can protect his own safety.

"There is something to offer and gain. In today's situation, I have no choice. I have to pay to reap. The great world is about to come, and the time left for me is running out. Even with the help of the sect, I can’t use my background. There is a huge breakthrough before the coming of the great world, so if you want to grow up in the great world, you have to take risks, and this is my chance!"

There is no hindrance between the clone and the deity. When Xing Tian had this idea in his mind, the clone who had been hidden in the inner world immediately felt. They were not surprised by the deity’s crazy decision, nor did they feel it. Anger, although the deity is sacrificing their freedom and even their future, the clones don’t think there is anything wrong with it. They only have something to do. If the deity falls, they will not feel good, and they will even be together. Destroy, so they are willing to accept this result, willing to bear this pressure, willing to take up this challenge.

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