God of Destruction

Chapter 3655: Section warning

Chapter 3655 Warning

caveat! Venerable Ziji is issuing a warning to the elders, telling them not to make excessive actions. Although his move is a bit excessive, the elders dare not refute, let alone have any evil thoughts. This is not only The suppression of identity is even more a righteous suppression. In the face of sects and righteousness, they dare not resist, and in the face of racial civilization, they dare not resist. This is a general suppression. Anyone who dares to resist will be devastated in the face of the general situation. Strike, as long as you have a little head and don't lose your mind, you know what you should and should not do!

Under the warning of Venerable Ziji, the elders retreated silently. In the face of the general situation, no matter how unwilling they were, no matter how unwilling they were, they had to obey them. With their silence, Soon the entire Yunxiao faction knew about the realm battlefield, and all knew the great opportunity of the realm battlefield. Although this opportunity was accompanied by the danger of horror, no one was unmoved by it, just as Venerable Ziji said, Under such an astonishing temptation, as long as there is ambition, it will be tempted.

In order to be able to cope with the battle of the realm after a thousand years, and to ensure that the fortune and benefits of the martial arts are not affected by the catastrophe, Venerable Ziji made a crazy decision to give the best to all the disciples who actively participated in the battle of the realm. Supported by the resources to help them improve their combat power and allow them to exert greater power in the field of battle.

People die for money, and birds die for food. Under the temptation of such interests, many Tianjiao evildoers have made the decision to participate in this battle of death, although they all know that countless people will perish in such a war, even if they don’t. There will also be many people who fall into the realm battlefield and cannot escape, but for these arrogant evildoers, they think in their hearts that they will not fail, and they are confident that they will be able to make a **** path among the people and walk out. Your own Tongtian Avenue!

This is the human heart, this is the general trend, this is also the arrogant plan of Venerable Ziji, and even the arrogant plan of the entire human civilization. Under the temptation of absolute interests, no one will not do everything and no one will have reservations. As long as you have ambitions, you will fight with all your strength in this battle of the realm, try your best to fight for the human civilization.

This is not only the case of the human civilization, but also the fact that all the forces in the entire Supreme Chaos World are like this, because no one can afford to lose. This is a battle about ethnic civilization and luck, even if this war occurs on the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World. It will not affect the true core interests of racial civilization, but no one party has underestimated this war. For racial civilization, any luck is very important, and there can be no carelessness, otherwise it will accumulate. With so many successes, the loss of racial civilization will be astonishingly large, making it hard for any force to accept it.


Under the temptation of interest, the Tianjiao evildoers of the major forces are tempted, and the many casual cultivators are not to mention, the only ones who are really not tempted are those who have lost their minds by the interests, and only those who cannot see the general trend. , Because they have already lost their bloodliness, their aggressiveness, and without a strong heart, it can be said that they have already fallen!

The millennium is neither long nor short. For any force, there is enough time to make final preparations. It is also after this amazing upheaval that the entire Supreme Chaos world is in turmoil. With the ups and downs, all major civilizations have begun to absorb casual repairs with all their strength, absorbing the fighting power that can participate in this territorial catastrophe.

Although the entire supreme chaotic world is turbulent, the major forces have maintained a tacit understanding, and no conflicts broke out at this time and under such circumstances. No one is willing to waste energy, time, or even resources in such conflicts. At this time, even if there is any deep hatred, everyone has a tacit understanding and put it aside for the time being. All grievances and grievances will remain in the battlefield of the realm to resolve. Then everyone can let go of their hands and feet, and let go of all their strengths. Fight life and death, don't worry about any hidden dangers, let alone worry about other risks, you can make everyone fight!

It is precisely all forces, most of the creatures have such thoughts, and there is a scene of peace in the periphery of the entire Supreme Chaos World. Everyone is fully preparing for war, even if there are disputes or conflicts, they will try their best. Endure it, no one wants to waste their time and energy at this time, and doesn't want to lose their chances in vain.

What is Xing Tian doing at this time? He is still cultivating, still mastering his own chaotic destruction avenue, and refining the four killing swords. When the entire human civilization and the entire Yunxiao Sect are caught in crazy cultivation, many people have forgotten by this time. With the existence of Xing Tian, ​​in such a crazy situation, the martial luck of the martial arts is growing wildly, and the four yin and yang supernatural powers that Xing Tian handed over to the martial arts also have many fellow practitioners, especially the terrible killing of the "yin-yang mirror". Not to mention supernatural powers, as long as people who practice Yin-Yang Dao will choose this supernatural power as their major path!

It is precisely because of this change, it is precisely because the sect that the sect has let go of these many supernatural powers, it has brought great luck to Xing Tian. With this powerful blessing of gas, Xing Tian suppressed the will of the four beasts, The speed of obliteration has accelerated, and Xing Tian’s advantage has become greater and greater under the repeated fights. Even if the four big beasts want to pull Xingtian to death, under the blessing of this air, Xing Tian can still be able to survive again and again. Retreat in danger.

At this time, Xing Tian also felt the changes in his own Qi Luck and felt the blessing of his own by external forces. With Xing Tian’s wisdom, he naturally understood that such a sudden external force originated from the martial art, and that he could get such a powerful Qi Luck. Only the four supernatural powers that I have handed over to the sect, and more importantly, the “Yin-Yang Treasure Mirror” that I handed over to the sect. It seems that my plan has really succeeded, and behind this success, Xing Tian is more vigilant and can make The sect has let go of the cultivation of the four great supernatural powers, which shows that the great world is approaching, and the danger is coming step by step. There is really not much time left for me. If I can't finish the training of the four swords quickly. Transformation and mastery, I really have to fall into the crisis of death, once I fall into the crisis, with the heavy pressure on my back, I am almost dead and I can't see any hope of getting out!

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