God of Destruction

Chapter 3657: Embarrassed

Chapter 3659: Difficulty

This is the first time Xing Tian feels so helpless and so weak, even if he can’t even grasp his own situation. The practice is to improve his realm and combat power, and his own practice this time makes himself so weak, even though Xing Tian has not observed it yet. His own real situation, but based on Xingtian’s many experiences, he naturally understands that his body is so weak that his origin must have been severely damaged, and his fleshly blood has also endured huge consumption. This time, he has paid for the path of chaos and destruction and to get rid of his own crisis. The price is really too great, to the point that Xing Tian is somewhat unbearable!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian's heart moved and took out the resources he had prepared. When he decided to practice the Great Dao of Chaos Destruction, Xing Tian was fully prepared, knowing that he had to pay a lot this time. After quickly absorbing many resources, Xing Tian’s original source began to slowly recover. Unfortunately, the resources Xing Tian can get are still very limited, even if his master and head give him a lot of resources, compared to his own The consumption of these resources is still insufficient, unable to make up for the huge loss of himself before. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian feels huge pressure again.

If you only rely on the help of the sect, even if you increase the resources several times, it is not enough to support your own practice. You must know that after you have completed the mastery of the chaotic destruction avenue, the five divine births appear in your body After that, the resources needed by Xing Tian also increased exponentially, and only relying on his own strength was not enough to complete the cultivation of the five gods.

"Perhaps I should choose to leave the school and enter the trial in the highest chaos world. Otherwise, if I continue like this, the five divine fetuses will fall into nirvana bit by bit, without sufficient resources, just relying on chaos to destroy The power of the formation absorbs external forces to nourish it. There is no possibility of success. The most important thing is that the five divine fetuses require huge killings and all the essence of flesh and blood. This is something that the sect cannot give itself! After strength, it's time to leave the martial arts!"

As long as he restores his own combat power, with Xing Tian’s current strength, he can definitely leapfrog. Because now Xing Tian’s strength has made a qualitative leap, the Chaos Destruction Dao is enough for Xing Tian to master the powerful lethal power. With the ability to protect itself, the power of Chaos Destruction is sufficient to restrain all the power of the Great Dao, this is Xing Tian's reliance.

Just based on Xingtian's current situation, it is not easy to recover himself. This time his injury was so severe that it made Xingtian heartache! Seek help from the teacher, ask the head for help? Xing Tian shook his head and gave up the idea. If he went to ask for help at this time, the cover he had done before was in vain. His own situation was enough to arouse the suspicion of the master and the head, and then his secrets would be revealed. This is the result Xing Tian didn't want to see.

auzw.com"What should I do to gather and restore my own resources in the shortest time? If I only rely on my own strength, relying on the original treasure to absorb the power of the world from the void It takes too long to recover, and I don’t have so much time to waste. It’s hard to come true that I need to mobilize the power of the inner world again, with the help of the power of the world tree, but doing so is not worth the gain. It will affect the development of the inner world! It is more likely to leak the existence of the inner world. After all, to open up the power of the world will always leak a breath. This is the Yunxiao faction. If there is a slight mistake, your own secrets will be exposed!" Xing Tian felt extremely embarrassed and didn't know what he should do!

The lack of resources is deeply haunting Xingtian’s practice and progress. Xingtiansuo never thought of such a situation in the future. I originally thought that after giving up many clones, the resources he needed would be reduced a lot. , But now it seems that this is not the case, at least not right now. Xing Tian needs huge resources to recover himself.

"Exchange? Is it possible that I have to exchange magical powers with the sect? This time I still got some magical powers inheritance from the Xiantian stone wall. Although I did not cultivate, these yin and yang magical powers also have strong combat power. There is also no small temptation for the sect. It’s just that I will exchange again, I am afraid that it will be more valued by the head, and it will be more difficult for me to leave the sect to test. But if I don’t do this, I don’t get enough resources. This is really embarrassing!"

Just when Xing Tian felt embarrassed, a voice rang in his ears! "Master, there is information from the sect!" Zi Xing appeared in front of Xing Tian. Because Xing Tian was practicing in retreat, he had no knowledge of the terrible catastrophe. However, as the head of the master, Zi Ji Venerable did not forget Xing Tian. The news spread to Xingtian’s peaks, telling Xingtian all the pros and cons of the Great Tribulation of the Territory, and let Xingtian make his own choice. While delivering the news, Venerable Ziji also mobilized a large amount of resources to give to Xingtian. .

The general environment has changed. In order to cope with the territorial catastrophe, all disciples of the sect have been vigorously cultivated by the sect. As Xing Tian, ​​who is highly valued by the head, naturally there is no exception. The arrival of this resource makes Xing Tian relieved. In a tone, with this resource, Xing Tian finally didn't have to worry about his recovery, but when Xing Tian learned of the terrible disaster, the anxiety in his heart became more serious.

Is this the great world of the Supreme Chaos World? Is the Great Tribulation of the Realm the beginning of the great world? Should I participate in such a sinister battle? Can the so-called opportunity continue to act on me. Can I use this opportunity to transform my essence once again with the foundation of the Three Thousand Dao? What if this opportunity is useless to you?

Xing Tian is not afraid of fighting, but he is unwilling to participate in the tasteless battle without benefit, wasting his precious time, although this time the realm catastrophe is highly valued by the human civilization and has the opportunity to participate. In the system that the human civilization is vigorously cultivated by the high-level people, is it just that such an opportunity really suits you? Is there really a way to go in the human civilization? Does anyone follow the same path as themselves? If even the human civilization doesn't have this great road against the sky that one has walked, and doesn't have everything that one wants to get, then participating in this territorial catastrophe will not be worth the loss, which will greatly affect the time of one's own practice!


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