God of Destruction

Chapter 3665: Jie Ming Wu

Chapter 3665 Ming Wu

It’s easier said than done, but it’s extremely difficult to do it. With Xing Tian’s current ability, he can’t do this at all, neither in resources nor in his own practice. After all, now Xing Tian The situation is already very delicate, the rapid improvement of oneself has reached the limit, and if it continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"How can I be able to master the power of chaos destroying the avenue perfectly without being restricted by the physical body, maybe I should start from scratch and rebuild the avenue again, but the current environment does not give me such an opportunity at all!" Although Xing Tian treats his physical body The strength is very self-confident, and no self-confidence can not solve one’s current problems. What causes all of this is one’s own background and aptitude. After all, the chaos real body that oneself condenses is not congenital, it is acquired. There is a little defect, and to make up for all of this, another opportunity for transformation is needed, but the situation in Xingtian today simply does not allow it!

"Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, there must be a way to the mountain. At this time, it’s useless to think more. It will only annoy yourself. The problem of aptitude cannot be changed by ordinary power, unless you inherit it in the chaos. There is a bigger breakthrough above, but this is simply impossible. I don’t have so much time to practice more Dao Yuan Dao, open more acupuncture points and Dao bone power, so my own practice has been restricted. , The three avenues are advancing together, this in itself is a thing against the sky, not to mention that I still build the foundation perfectly with three thousand big heads, and it is against the sky! With the chaotic destruction avenue, no wonder the Supreme Chaos World From the very beginning, I will count as a little "ant" like myself. All of this is my choice. It is the path I chose. This path is so crazy that the Supreme Chaos World dare not despise it!"

After clarifying his own situation, Xing Tian also saw that the reason why he was in such a difficult situation was also because of his own problems. If he had not repeatedly embarked on a road against the sky, he would not have been so heavily suppressed by the Supreme Chaos World. .

After thinking about everything, Xing Tian's heart moved, and many chaotic destruction origins were gathered in him, and gathered in his five origin clones. Now his five origin clones have been suppressed and fell into a deep sleep. Use deep sleep to recuperate, and sleep to reduce the pressure you have to bear, so that your body will not collapse.

When Xingtian gathered all the aura of destruction of the origin, and then used the power of the origin of the avenue of stars to conceal his origin of the avenue, a trace of the origin of the stars was taken down, tempering his body, and repairing the damage suffered by the body. As soon as Xing Tian's Avenue of Stars moved, Zi Xing, the star yao spirit, also woke up, working with Xing Tian's power to repair the damage to his body.

Even with Xingtian’s full assistance, even if Zixing has recovered most of its power, but it will take a long time to completely restore Ziguang Xingyao to the sacred treasure. After all, this is a sacred treasure. , Even if it is just repairing, it will cost a heavy price, and it needs a huge source, and for Xing Tian, ​​the source is really tense.


"Well, Xing Tian finally stopped practicing in retreat, but what he evolved was the power of the Avenue of Stars. Could it be said that Xing Tian is based on the Avenue of Stars? Although the Avenue of Stars is powerful, it is not the real ultimate Tao, compared to destruction and good fortune. There is still a huge gap between the avenues of yin and yang, life and death, time and space, and the avenue of stars. Isn’t Xing Tian not aware of this? Or is Xing Tian’s breath change deliberately to confuse others?"

As the head of the Yunxiao Sect, Venerable Ziji had to have such thoughts in his heart, and in his opinion Xing Tian should not be so stupid. He obviously has a more powerful Yin-Yang Dao in his hands, so I must choose the Dao of Stars. , Even if the resistance of the Avenue of Stars is much smaller, it is still insufficient compared to the Avenue of Stars, and it is also easily affected by external forces!

"Forget it, don't think so much. No matter what road Xing Tian practices, and no matter what decision he makes, he can't help hiding in front of the terrible catastrophe. Unless Xing Tian can give up this opportunity, this is clearly impossible. The sect will not allow him to do this, and Lord Lieyang will not allow him to do so, this kind of opportunity will not tolerate any retreat!"

When thinking of this, there was a faint smile on the face of Venerable Ziji. If his head could not bear it in the past, he would need to take the initiative to understand, or even persuade Xing Tian, ​​but now everything is different, Venerable Ziji One can watch the changes quietly, maybe wait for the time to come, and don’t need to rush to see Xingtian, but understand the problem. The entire Yunxiao Sect is in his own control, even if Xingtian has more calculations, it will eventually be needed. Facing the territorial catastrophe.

In the great calamity of the realm, as long as Xing Tian has the heart to fight for luck and seize the supreme chance, then the road he will eventually practice will be completely exposed, and everything will be presented in front of his eyes at that time, but this time the great realm The catastrophe is as I wish, is everything really under my control? Venerable Ziji is also worried about this!

Xing Tian was so anxious to repair the Purple Stars, not just to cover up his own avenue, but more to quickly restore the Purple Stars, emerge from the Yunxiao faction, and then collect the many resources behind the Purple Stars , To speed up your own practice speed, so that you can become stronger before the coming of the great world, so that you have the power to protect yourself.

Although Xing Tian’s plan is also very good, it’s just that the general situation cannot be controlled by him. Xing Tian still doesn’t know that the Great Tribulation of the Realm has completely affected the entire Supreme Chaos World, affecting the Yunxiao Sect, and transformed the entire Yunxiao Sect. The door has further mastered the power of the entire sect. The Yunxiao Sect has become his own word. The resources Xing Tian needs can be obtained from the Yunxiao Sect. There is no need to continue to take risks to collect ethereal resources.

As long as Xing Tian is willing to participate in the Great Tribulation of the Realm and fight for the Yunxiao Sect, Venerable Ziji will not be stingy enough to restrict Xingtian's cultivation resources. Such stupid things are not what Venerable Ziji is willing to do, and Only when Xing Tian becomes stronger will it be the most beneficial to Venerable Zi Ji, and the most beneficial to the entire Yunxiao Sect. It will give the Yunxiao Sect more chances to win the final victory and get rid of the impact of the territorial catastrophe on the sect!

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