God of Destruction

Chapter 3673: Humanity (Happy New Year, everyone)

Chapter 3673: Human Nature (Happy New Year, everyone)

Perhaps it was the shelter of heaven and earth. After five years, Xing Tian really had to survive. Although Xing Tian was weak in his body, he also knew some basic information from the people around him. This realm battlefield is indeed unusual. A weird world, an existence attached to the supreme chaotic world, in this battlefield almost all forces exist, such as humans, monsters, dragons, etc.! Today Xing Tian’s battlefield is a world headed by human civilization. Humans have the power of heaven and earth, but in this battlefield world, the brand of Yunxiao School has long been wiped out. All Taoists have their own support, Yunxiao The faction has become history. Perhaps this was done intentionally by those in power. Perhaps in those endless years, they had long forgotten how they got this world and how they could become the master of the battlefield world.

"Forcibly opening the avenue of chaos destruction, although it is only a trace of sword aura, if I can't achieve success in body refining within 50 years, I will definitely die. The destructive power of the avenue of chaos destruction is too strong!" Feeling the terrible power in my soul Xing Tian’s eyes flashed fiercely: "Cultivation is difficult and difficult, and the road to practice has never been smooth sailing. I still have innate consciousness. If I can’t even get this cruelty, there is no need to reincarnate. Reincarnation, come on, let me see if I soared into the sky in the battlefield of Xing Tian, ​​or fell directly, and fell directly into the eternal ground!"

Although Xing Tian can still wait for some more time, waiting for his body to grow again, but time is not waiting for others, Xing Tian does not want to wait any longer! It’s not that simple to enter the path of practice. Xing Tian has no sense of security in this world. In five years, Xing Tian has been paying attention to the changes in the astrology. It seems that in this world there are gods hanging in the sky for nine days, and there is a mighty world of law. Open, it seems to be similar to the Heavenly Court that he used to know, such a world, so Xing Tian had to choose this dangerous road!

Today’s realm battlefield world is not simple at all. It is not what Xing Tian can understand at all. It is precisely because of the invisible pressure that Xing Tian has to change his plan. Perhaps there are loyalists to Yunxiao in this world. Xingtian’s disciples exist, but Xingtian doesn’t want to gamble with his own life and put his life on the benevolence of others. This is not something Xingtian is willing to accept. So no matter how difficult his current situation is, Xingtian will still do this crazy Lift.

"The water is very deep. It is far from what the masters said. I don't know if the destruction of the world has made the battlefield more terrifying, beyond imagination, or the battlefield world where I am in has changed, no matter what. Circumstances, being strong is the right way. External forces are always external forces and cannot be relied upon!" Xing Tian thought, a trace of chaotic power to destroy the avenue worked in his body, and all the obstacles in his body were directly broken, and Xing Tian stepped on in an instant. On the way!

Guided by Chaos Destroy Avenue, this should not be done for Xing Tian. It will further affect the development of this body. But now Xing Tian has no choice but to make a **** way to protect himself, even if he does so. There will be a little back, but Xing Tian believes that he can deal with all crises. As long as his chaotic destruction avenue is successful, any power will be vulnerable in front of him, and anyone who attempts to become an enemy will be wiped out!

"Successful, stepping into the path again, this is a good start, I hope everything will go well in the future, no surprises, after all, my body is still too fragile!" As a mortal again, re-cultivation , It also had a huge impact on Xingtian's mood, even if Xingtian's will is firm, his mind is moved at this moment, this is human nature!


human nature! This is the human nature that has been hidden deep in Xing Tian’s consciousness. Since stepping into practice, Xing Tian has not felt human nature for a long, long time. This time of reincarnation has given Xing Tian a chance, allowing Xing Tian to experience everything as a mortal again. Being able to experience the difficulties and obstacles of the road to the Tao is also a journey of mental tempering.

Xing Tian closed his eyes, and countless distracting thoughts poured out of his mind, affecting Xing Tian’s mind. Although Xing Tian has experienced countless heart tribulations, this time Xing Tian attaches great importance to it, even though Xing Tian’s spiritual consciousness is not lost after Xing Tian’s reincarnation , But Xing Tian doesn’t want to use the power of the powerful divine consciousness to forcefully disperse all this, but to use this power to continue to sharpen his mind. Only through cruel tempering can his soul know the sea continuously. Metamorphosis.

After entering the Tao, Xing Tian continuously polished his soul and used external force to sharpen himself. Although entering the Tao, Xing Tian does not want to practice the chaotic destruction avenue he is most familiar with. Instead, he wants to arouse the innate chaotic aura in his body to inspire himself. Chaos body, as long as he can stimulate the power of the chaos body, his own foundation will become.

This time, Xingtian’s foundation is not the Supreme Dao foundation condensed by the three thousand avenues, but a new Dao foundation. This is very important to Xingtian. Xingtian does not want to make any mistakes in this step, and he is fully devoted to cultivation. Xingtianna The weak body is unable to withstand the erosion of the chaotic destructive power, even if it is only a trace, it is also a heavy burden for Xing Tian.

When Xing Tian’s body was hit by such a terrifying force, the innate chaotic aura condensed by Xing Tian’s cultivation base was stimulated. A chaotic light rose from Xing Tian’s bones. As soon as this aura appeared, it attacked with a strong force. The light removed the burden of the chaotic destruction avenue on the flesh, and when this light rose, Xing Tian felt the power of the three thousand Dao bones, and once again felt the power of the excited Dao bones.

"Ning!" Xing Tian yelled softly. This innate chaotic aura was condensed, and the chaotic real body was turned around by Xing Tian. A terrible foundation was condensing quickly, and when this foundation was condensed, Xing Tian's body was alive. Being drawn frantically, I have to say that Xing Tian still underestimated how terrifying the power needed after the transformation of the roots.

Condense the indestructible chaotic Dao seed with the innate chaotic aura, plant Dao into the physical world, and complete the first step of the god-given inheritance of the chaos real body. It’s just that Xing Tian’s current situation is different now. This time Xing Tian will completely change himself. Everything, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. If such an opportunity is given up, Xingtian would be too stupid!

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