God of Destruction

Chapter 3675: Humanity Return

Chapter 3675: Return of Human Nature

Xing Tian knows his own family affairs. Xing Tian is very clear about his current physical condition. Long-term malnutrition has restricted Xing Tian’s practice and his own transformation. This time Xing Tian took a risk and wiped out the three thousand bones. My own chaotic bones, I have to say that they are very risky and crazy, but fortunately they succeeded in the end at the cost of weaker body!

However, it is a good thing to have no shortage of innate nature, and the deficiencies of the acquired nature can be made up. Such a thing is nothing to Xingtian. As long as there are enough resources, it can be recovered in a short time, but it is not easy to do this, who Let Xing Tian be only a five-year-old child, even if it is to enter the Tao, he has huge limitations.

After completing everything in his chaotic thunder and robbery avenue, Xing Tian can be said to have passed the most important hurdle in his practice. As long as he understands his avenue, insufficient resources are no big deal. As long as you keep going on the path of practice, this is the number one hurdle of the path of practice.

Being able to understand one's own avenues in a mortal realm, I have to say that this is crazy. This is the great opportunity given by reincarnation. It is obvious that Xing Tian has completely seized this opportunity and mastered himself, even if it is to pay a great price. , It's all worth it!

Plundering, I need to plunder endless resources to nurture myself. If I don’t have enough resources, it’s not easy to grow myself quickly with my bones. Without the Three Thousand Way, I don’t have all kinds of confusion, it doesn’t mean I am. All the resistance of the person has disappeared. If one cannot escape from the ordinary one step earlier, over a long period of time, one's own innate chaotic body will also be affected by the post-weather breath!

"You child, it's freezing cold now. What have you been doing this day?" Xing Tian's mother peeked out of the room when she heard the voice, looking at Xing Tian, ​​who was running back with the cage in her hand. , His complexion changed instantly, "Why are you so pale and so weak? Have you met something unclean in the mountains?"

Xing Tian’s mother swallowed back instantly, looking at Xing Tian’s weak body with a pair of eyes full of worry, and looked up and down, and said, “How could this be? How could this be? In just one day, your bones are so weak? Seriously injured, what happened to you in the mountains and what danger happened?"

"Mother, it's okay, I just got a little bit of wind and cold, it doesn't matter, just sleep!" Xing Tian mentioned the cage in his hand and said flatly. For him, the physical weakness is entirely his own. It was made out, but all of this cannot be said. After all, this is related to her own practice. Even if it is her own mother in this life, Xing Tian cannot be careless, afraid to reveal her true situation, let alone let her know her. The reason.

auzw.com "Really?" Xingtian's mother touched Xingtian's cheek, and then whispered, "It's really hot, maybe it's a cold, I thought you met dirty in the mountains Something, the monster stolen its vitality."

Although Xing Tian has almost no combat power at the moment, no one can attack Xing Tian, ​​let alone say, just a little bit of aura leaked by the killing sword contained in Xing Tian's soul is enough to make everyone do it. Crazy. Now Xing Tian needs to cultivate his own sword intent. It is almost impossible for a mortal to shake the four swords of killing and cutting. Unless Xing Tian faces the threat of death, he will inspire the power of the four swords of killing and cutting.

Xing Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said, "Mother, that absurd legend is unbelievable. There are so many ghosts and monsters in this world, and this is the scope of the human race. No ghosts, gods and monsters dare to act rashly, otherwise wait. Theirs will be the suppression and destruction of humanitarian luck. In the face of the general humanitarian situation, everything is vulnerable."

Do not believe in ghosts? No, Xing Tian is not unbelieving, but just an excuse to comfort his mother. No one knows better than him how terrible battles will be in this realm battlefield, and how many creatures will be affected by this terrible battle. The catastrophe of "was involved, and ended up in a dead end. After all, such power is hidden in Xing Tian’s body. I don’t know how many people will die because of this catastrophe. This is the general trend of heaven and earth. The general trend of resistance.

Speaking of it, Xing Tian is also looking forward to having ghosts, gods and monsters attacking him to inspire the sword of killing in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, so as to consume the other party’s origin and strengthen himself, just by recuperating and wanting to recover his consumption. The vitality of Xing Tian is not an easy task, after all, Xing Tian is now different, and his roots have undergone qualitative changes.

"You child, don't talk nonsense. If you provoke ghosts and gods, what should you do? Even under the protection of humanity and luck, there are still endless dangers. You are a child and don't run around!" Xing Tian’s mother complained about Xing Tian, ​​turned around and went to the kitchen hall to busy with everything, preparing meals for him. Such a mortal life gave Xing Tian a new feeling in his heart.

Seeing his mother go to the outhouse, Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief. This level is considered to be deceived. The next thing he has to do is to regain his vitality as soon as possible and restore the essence of his body. He is so weak at a young age. Not a good thing, a weak body can't bear Xing Tian's domineering chaotic destruction avenue, even if it's just a trace of sword energy.

After eating an ordinary meal, Xing Tian's popularity increased by a point. Xing Tian himself did not know whether this change was good or bad. After all, the return of human nature was never thought of by Xing Tian, ​​and the return of human nature. , So that Xingtian’s heart inevitably has many emotions, from a high **** to an ordinary mortal, this is a great tempering of his state of mind, the return of human nature is good or bad, everything depends on Xingtian himself s Choice.

The return of human nature is also a shackle to Xingtian, a chain of cause and effect. The grace of fertility must be repaid, and the grace of nurturing must be repaid. This cause and effect cannot be ended, and the practice of Xingtian will be controlled everywhere. It is precisely because of this cause and effect. The existence of Xing Tian made it difficult for Xing Tian to give up everything, and entangled Xing Tian in a network of friendship. For five years, despite the hardship in life, Xing Tian still felt the maternal love, the boundless maternal love. The ruthless way was never what Xing Tian wanted to leave. Perhaps there would be some difficulties in his own life here, which would affect his practice, but Xing Tian still couldn't give up all this and let himself go!


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