God of Destruction

Chapter 3682: Section counterattack

Chapter 3682: Counterattack Page 1/1

Chapter 3682 Counterattack

It's a pity that Tiehan was powerless and could not stop all of this from happening. He could only watch Nangong Ba's sneak attack hit Xing Tian's weak body. Such a sneak attack, without any preparation. , Xing Tian is in danger, even if he can escape this terrible attack, he must pay a heavy price.

Faced with such a sudden attack, Xing Tian couldn’t think about other things. The sword intent of Chaos Destruction Avenue moved quickly. A trace of terrible chaotic destruction sword aura carried the sword intent of Devouring Heaven, instantly poured into his fingers. Then, at this time when there is no room for hair, it hits Nangongba's wrist and gives the opponent a fatal blow.

In the face of a life and death crisis, Xing Tian would not keep his hand. Under one finger, the sword intent of the Chaos Destruction Avenue rushed directly into the enemy's body. However, at the same time as the fight, Xing Tian's ears roared and turned back. Trying to make his internal organs turn the river and the sea, if it weren't for Xing Tian's physical body had been tempered, I'm afraid that Xing Tian would be killed by this blow.

"Stop!" Tiehan finally reacted, and quickly rushed to Xing Tian's body, staring at Nangong Ba fiercely, his eyes full of endless anger, if it weren't for the restriction of his identity, he had the heart to swallow the opponent.

At this moment, Nangongba's wrists were hanging down, still motionless, his eyes were staring at Xing Tian firmly, and he said solemnly: "What a powerful magical power, what a pure sword intent! What a domineering murderous spirit!" Shang Che missed, which made Nangongba's heart feel endless anger and unwillingness, but this is the fact, after a missed blow, he has no chance to shoot again. This time, not only did he fail to kill the opponent, but instead provoke an enemy of life and death for himself.

It's not that Nangongba didn't want to kill Xing Tian, ​​but he didn't have the ability. Under Xing Tian's finger, a trace of Chaos Destruction Dao Sword Energy penetrated into his body, forcing him to stop, and that trace of Sword Qi broke. His attack.

"Nangong Ba, this incident can't be forgotten like that. For everything you do, I will tell the general to see how you explain to the general!" In order to deter Nangong Ba, Tiehan had to take out General Moreau. Come crush this bastard.

The chance of a bad guy is like killing his parents. Nangong Ba’s move really angered Tie Han, and there was an indelible cause and effect between the two, but because of their identity, Tie Han had to keep this hatred in his heart and had to compromise. .

"General Tie, you are wrong. I just made a joke with the little real man. I can't take it seriously!" Nangong Ba said with a smile, and wanted to use this ridiculous language to cover up his mistake, but this Totally impossible. The cause and effect is certain, not what he can change if he wants to change, even if he has the help of a family behind him, it will not be able to resolve the cause and effect!


Xing Tian glanced at Nangong Ba, with a sneer in his heart. He was hit by his own chaotic destruction sword aura. Nangong Ba was absolutely uncomfortable. Although the sword intent was weak, it was indelible and extremely pure. It would continue to swallow Nangong. The vitality in the Ba's body strengthened himself, and finally penetrated into the heart, calling Nangong Ba's life and death. This is the terrifying point of Xing Tian's killing four swords.

"Such a scourge, if it can be eliminated at will, it is considered a merit, but it is a pity that my sword aura is too weak. If it happens, it will not be difficult to kill this man for more than ten or twenty years. Once his cultivation is making a breakthrough, The heaven-devouring sword intent I just condensed may not be excreted by him, but the chaotic destruction avenue is not so easy to clear!" Xing Tian sneered in his heart, Nangong Ba dared to act without mercy, and he would naturally not keep his hands. , But also a killer.

At this time, with Nangong Ba’s cultivation base and strength, if the two sides are fighting for life and death, they will only have death. After all, his physical body is too weak to withstand too much chaotic destruction power, the previous chaotic destruction Sword Qi was already a few days' hard work, and if he continued to fight, he would not have the strength to fight against it.

"Damn it, if you give yourself a few months, you won't have only one blow, but you can kill this **** directly!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head secretly. The reason why he gambled with Tiehan the day before This is the reason for the fight. Xing Tian did not accumulate just after entering the Tao, and it is difficult to fight for a long time. It is also a fluke that he can block Nangong Ba’s sneak attack. If the opponent's strength is stronger, I am afraid that his body will be left behind. .

"General Nangong, you can go back!" Tiehan didn't want the chaos of Nangong Ba here to get in the way of his own affairs. He directly expelled the opponent without leaving any face. For Tiehan, it was enough for Nangong Ba without direct attack. Face up.

Hearing this, Nangongba’s expression instantly turned gloomy. Although he had endless anger in his heart, he could only endure. Even if he had a family behind him and a direct person, he did not dare to turn his face with Tiehan at this time. Directly broke the general's arrangement, if he really had to do so, the military regulations are not a display, and the general would not sit idly by!

"Humph!" Nangongba snorted coldly, turned and left, hiding endless anger in his eyes.

When he saw this, Xing Tian's thoughts moved, that trace of chaotic destruction sword energy instantly disappeared in Nangong Ba's body, and directly lurked down. At this time, Xing Tian didn't want to directly confront Nangong Ba, let alone put himself. In danger, if oneself detonates that trace of chaotic destruction sword energy, it may be able to damage the origin of Nangong Ba and cut off the other's path of cultivation, but at the same time it will offend the general Moro and put himself in death. Threatened.

When there is not enough strong power, Xing Tian still needs to be patient and lurking, even if he knows that he has forged a feud with the other party, he must be patient, and he can't put himself in a dangerous place due to a momentary impulse, not to mention. Now Xing Tian is not alone. The most important thing is that Xing Tian doesn't want to expose his true killer, or attract more people's attention.

As soon as the boundary battlefield was opened, Xing Tian didn’t know how many strong men would reincarnate in the battlefield world to fight for that gleam of life. He didn’t know how many enemies would be watching in the dark. At this time, he would be exposed. It is not a good thing, it will lead to endless pursuits. After all, there is no concession in the Great Dao. In order to win the final victory, it is not impossible to clean up the enemy at the first time. I don’t know how many Tianjiao is dead. Under the arrogance.

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